Video: Innocent man gets shot in swatting prank


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Sad news, but a great commentary.

I think the gaming community has to ostracize folks who do swatting, encourage swatting, and/or don't denounce it. I mean, 99.99999999% of gamers do NOT dox or swat, so why should we be identified with the few idiots who do?

The next time I see a "serious" news site quote Derek Smart or mention his crap predicting SC will fail, I'm going to contact the article's author and point them to that MegaThread on reddit, that shows overtime he has been wrong before.

Re: his projecting his motives onto others, yeah, Dip Shit is just a narcissist who has been wounded by the achievements of others. Since on some level he recognizes he can never achieve what someone like CR has, he has to constantly try to drag it down in order to feel good about himself. He's been doing it for decades, nothing is going to change him now.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
This is just downright sick, he was so quick to use this as a weapon against Star Citizen. I am truly fucking disgusted at his remand this is one thing you should never use as ammo, a family lost, a son, a father gone and a huge figure torn from a family but noooo he jumps on it with glee and delight to use it to fuel vendetta.

I hate Derek Smart as a person now, not just as an opponent, he is way past that point and I truly hate his entire being for such a shallow vile response.

Words cannot explain. I hope he goes down, not that he was up very far though.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
I am physically shaking with rage after this.

Also he blocked my one day old twitter account already haha. He truly cannot accept critism.

I need to go before i make another twitter account and say something I regret.

Happy New Year guys all the best for you and your families!!


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
It appears that DS is unable to grasp what causes these kind of terrible actions. The same blind hatred he has for SC and all who may support it, it is this type of behavior that leads to what happened in Kansas.
There is a phenomenon in psychology known as "Transference", it is where a person believes that others will act in a horrible fashion, because that is what they themselves would do. It would seem that DS suffers from this type of affliction.

In other words, that boy ain't right.


Vice Admiral
Dec 11, 2017
RSI Handle
(Cyber)/Bullying has real world consequences. When someone incites (unstable) people to cross legal lines, you've become far worse than a "troll".

Those who sneak up to the red line of the First Amendment and spew hate, need to be called out for what they are trying to provoke. Hate isn't protest; it is a personal attack.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
There is a huge gaping lack of accountability in this nation. Cowards hide behind the First Amendment constantly. They incite, insult, bully, threaten, and berate everyone around them that they can. They are allowed to do this over and over again due to the vastness of the internet and the safety blanket of political correctness. Nothing is done. You can't say half these things in real life without assault charges, yet they are tolerated and even accepted. This absolutely needs to change.

But that's not the only thing that needs to change. This tragedy in Kansas highlights the issue. You CANNOT give this much power to an individual. It happens in so many different areas and it is sick. Someone I have never met can put me and my wife under CPS investigation WITHOUT EVIDENCE and without cause simply by making a phone call (this happened to my sister in law). I can turn down a co-worker's advances and be either fired for harassment or jailed for rape WITHOUT EVIDENCE (this happened to my cousin). I can look at someone wrong in the grocery store and be arrested for assault WITHOUT EVIDENCE because they "felt threatened"(this actually happened to me).

False accusations need to be lawfully criminalized and punishment enforced. Hundreds of thousands of people are imprisoned for smoking some weed, but the people that ruin other peoples lives with accusations are walking free of consequence. The same goes for those who incite illegal behavior and make threats against other people. There needs to be repercussions.

Specifically regarding the Kansas issue though, I think three things need to be addressed.
  1. The person who made the phone call should be charged with murder.
  2. If the call ID system is going to be used like it's foolproof, it needs to be foolproof. It needs to be revamped and secured if LE is going to use it like this.
  3. Law enforcement and the legal system is set up with checks and balances to preserve innocence until proven guilty. I have been involved with Law Enforcement in the past and I assure you, this Kansas shooting did not go down within policy. The officer that fired the fatal shot should be held accountable for literally jumping the gun.
For that matter, all law enforcement needs to be held accountable. I have gotten dragged out of my car before for absolutely no reason. And no, it's not a race, clothing choice, or politeness issue. I am a middle class, middle aged, hard working white dude. 99% of Law enforcement is cool. They do their job and are honestly trying to do that job as best they can.

That 1% that's left though, are a huge problem. They make up their own rules. They fire their weapon because they can and not as a last resort. They harass people when they feel like it, are authentically racist, and are generally more of a scumbag than those they are supposed to catch. The worst part is, their actions are covered up and swept under the rug because of the "good old boy" and "blue brotherhood" sentiments shared nation wide.

This is all chalked up to "they have a dangerous job" and "they keep us safe". But look at the statistics. At 7.3 "fellonious deaths" per 100,000 workers (according to the FBI), they don't even make the top 50 most dangerous jobs. They are safer on the job than roofers, maintenance workers, retail staff, cooks, and even professional sports employees. I'm not saying they don't do us a service. I'm not saying they don't do their job. What I'm saying is, there is NO REASON why they should be shooting and killing a random person, in their home, without evidence, when that person is unarmed.

I wrote way too much again... I can't help it though. This stuff pisses me off. Way too much is allowed to slide until it's too late and then people never feel the consequences for their actions.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I am physically shaking with rage after this.
Calm, my friend.

A Rage reaction is exactly what Schmutt and the others who engage in this kind of online provocation want.

When you rage, you loose control. When you loose control, you may make threats or publicly express what you'd do if they were in the room with you. If you do that, they have something to hold over you and will use it against you in the fullness of time.

I have little doubt every time Derrik makes an inflammatory comment he copies URLs and makes Screenshots, building a database which he could and likely would later leverage against you or the wider community... This is premeditated and intentional.

Your rage at their use of this tragic incident is a natural human response - who would not be appalled? And they know that, thats why they did it.

Thank you for walking away from the keyboard when you did. It's one of the stronger tools an individual has against this kind of manipulation - without your reaction their efforts are wasted.

Happy new year!
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Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
When you rage, you loose control. When you loose control, you may make threats or publicly express what you'd do if they were in the room with you. If you do that, they have something to hold over you and will use it against you in the fullness of time.

I have little doubt every time Derrik makes an inflammatory comment he copies URLs and makes Screenshots, building a database which he could and likely would later leverage against you or the wider community... This is premeditated and intentional.
100% this. I spent a few months as a bouncer. I dealt with quite a bit during those few months but one scenario in particular was stuck on repeat. I would have a customer who was freshly "removed" from the club. He could stand there, insult me, insult my wife, insinuate threats, spit on my shoes, get in my face, yell at me, even tell me he would be back with a whole group of friends to "take care of me". However, if I laid a finger on him, guess who would be going to jail. Yep, I would be.

People like that will never cross that legal line. They will instead spend a considerable amount of time and effort to lure YOU into crossing it. Once you do, they have you exactly where they want you. All you need to do is stick a toe across the line and the sheer permanence of the internet will take over. Never forget, in the online world every word you type will be visible decades from today.


Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
The next step for us I think, as I mentioned directly on the video is this:

What, as a community, is our next step?

We have to do something, but I'm not well versed enough in these things to know what. do we use this garbage from DS' twitter and report him to twitter in an effort to get him ip banned and his account deleted? do we sign a petition? (if so for what?) do we do a fundraiser for the victim's family?


Grand Admiral
Jul 12, 2016
RSI Handle
I put my immediate 2 cents in the youtube comments. This is the kind of stuff that makes me feel dead inside knowing that there are people out there like this, who support DS, and will continuously sink to new levels of low and depravity to accomplish whatever they think they're doing in the name of whatever the fuck they think it is.

[EDIT]: What is here are my further thoughts/opinion on the matter
I do however agree that we should stop "feeding the troll" as it's said. Don't get me wrong, I agree he's a complete piece of shit whom deserves, well, a lot of things, but we don't benefit from this. What it boils down to is opinions, and the actions taken to push those opinions onto others.

Over a video game.

DS moves against the SC community and we move for it, but this isn't some uphill battle to be won, it's a downhill battle that costs us more than we could possibly gain. Any move we make can and will be turned against us to make us out as the aggressors.

Montoya you're a fantastic individual and have my utmost respect, but I just feel that giving the parasite gratification is making it worse, as hard as it is to not defend yourself and others from this, it may be the pertinent choice here. You, and TEST as a whole, are avid supporters of SC, this is well known and from what I can tell DS means to drag you down to his level and tarnish your/our reputation by inviting hateful responses or actions against him, as hard as it is the only way I see to prevent that is to just not give him the satisfaction of a response.

However this is just my thinking on the matter, the choice is entirely yours, I just felt the need to vent this after sitting on it for a short while. If this bothers or upsets anyone I apologize, but to re-iterate, this is over A. Fucking. Video. Game. Zeroes and Ones. Is it really worth it to continue down the hill?
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Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Thank you for posting this @Montoya , I will definitely follow your advise concerning D.S. I know I myself posted something a previous post that was meant as a joke, but seeing how low D.S. has sank I will take the appropriate action for a internet troll. I will completely ignore anything he says or posts. its not like he is worth the read anyway He and his army of followers can sink into the depths of internet past as far as I am concerned.


Feb 7, 2016
RSI Handle
Watched the video....I agree with you Montoya. But I also feel a huge amount of frustration with this social issue. The purposeful building of drama and emotions over tragic events. A man is dead... a life is gone...because of a prank. Is that not enough tragedy to think about?
Forget the blame, forget the sick individuals garnering attention by using this tragedy to stand in the limelight.

A man is dead...a life is gone....


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Watched the video....I agree with you Montoya. But I also feel a huge amount of frustration with this social issue. The purposeful building of drama and emotions over tragic events. A man is dead... a life is gone...because of a prank. Is that not enough tragedy to think about?
Forget the blame, forget the sick individuals garnering attention by using this tragedy to stand in the limelight.

A man is dead...a life is gone....
I understand your frustration that noise has to be made and agree it is indeed a tragedy.

If it were enough for this one Swatting instance, where a totally unrelated third party was killed, to stop it now and forever I would totally agree with you. But as well as thinking about poor Andrew Finch I am thinking about the next innocent victim. And the next. And the next. And the next.

Those are all real guns in the hands of those police officers. Those are all people who could have been shot dead in a similar incident as Andrew Finch.

Montoya is in a position to actually do something about this. So is Derrick.
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