Video: Innocent man gets shot in swatting prank


Jan 20, 2017
RSI Handle
I hope people pay attention to this including any who want to start threads over him.

These types of people will literally say anything they can to rile up people and get whatever eyes on them they can.
They have something so deeply flawed in their psyches and are so damaged that anything they can do to get you riled up and talking about them is what they are looking for.

This is exactly why i don't post, pass on or even bother going to read any posts from the likes of say Milo/Kate Hopkins/Alex jones or any other of their ilk.
These posts usually start with "you won't believe what xxxx said"......

Well let me stop you right there....i will believe it.....these people literally make a living out of outrage and will do whatever they can to remain relevant.

All you are doing is spreading their message.

The only power these people have are the power you give them. They need your eyes, they need your anger and they need you to spread the word.

Stop helping them, because at some stage they will have to go so far over the line they will end up damaging themselves.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I wrote way too much again
Maybe too much. Maybe too little. But often is the key. I feel these kinds of actions based out of immaturity and insecurity need to discussed more often. Not to give credence to the initiators of these acts, as the attention is what they are after. But rather to find real solutions to deal and try to prevent more of the same from occurring. How often does society just express itself until the storm of outrage dies down until another act happens?

Perhaps I've rambled on a bit too much.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Those are all real guns in the hands of those police officers. Those are all people who could have been shot dead in a similar incident as Andrew Finch.
That's the thing though. This is the first time a swatting has led to a death. There have been some injuries, but this is the first fatality. I don't say this to downplay the situation. I don't say this to make the action of swatting seem any less illegal. I merely point this out because in all those other swattings, the officers on-site kept their cool.

Looking at some of those videos of previous swattings, the officers immediately assessed the situation and either determined that there was no threat or that they could handle it in a non-lethal manner. That's what they are trained to do. Law Enforcement policy reinforces that. They are not supposed to discharge their weapon unless they feel that their life or the life of another is threatened AND there is no other option than lethal force. That is drilled into their head from the very first day of training whether it be police, sheriff, trooper, or prison guard. They have entire classes dedicated to the use of lethal force.

Officers have lost their jobs due to mistaking a TV remote for a weapon and firing. Simply moving your hand to your waistline IS NOT a valid reason for lethal force. I suspect the officer that fired the first shot is looking at the end of his career in law enforcement. He might even be looking at facing charges.

Please don't misunderstand. I place the entire blame of the incident on that shitbag caller. Who, by the way has done time in jail for calling in a fake bomb threat to CBS and was just released in august (?) for violating a protection order. However, I am merely pointing out that the officer shouldn't have fired either.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2016
RSI Handle
This is the first time a swatting has led to a death. There have been some injuries, but this is the first fatality. I don't say this to downplay the situation.
Personally, my line is not drawn at fatalities.

Sending mislead officer-squads on a payroll, with the intent of causing fatalities, into the home of someone who pissed you off or ows you money on the internet seems evil enough to me to condemn publicly.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Personally, my line is not drawn at fatalities.

Sending mislead officer-squads on a payroll, with the intent of causing fatalities, into the home of someone who pissed you off or ows you money on the internet seems evil enough to me to condemn publicly.
Absolutely. There's no arguing that. The guy that made the phone call should be going away for a very, very long time. Especially since he has done this shit before with the bomb threat. People like that don't deserve to be a part of society.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Calm, my friend.

A Rage reaction is exactly what Schmutt and the others who engage in this kind of online provocation want.

When you rage, you loose control. When you loose control, you may make threats or publicly express what you'd do if they were in the room with you. If you do that, they have something to hold over you and will use it against you in the fullness of time.

I have little doubt every time Derrik makes an inflammatory comment he copies URLs and makes Screenshots, building a database which he could and likely would later leverage against you or the wider community... This is premeditated and intentional.

Your rage at their use of this tragic incident is a natural human response - who would not be appalled? And they know that, thats why they did it.

Thank you for walking away from the keyboard when you did. It's one of the stronger tools an individual has against this kind of manipulation - without your reaction their efforts are wasted.

Happy new year!
Haha yeah I know what he is like, great post by the way everyone should read it as it really does give an insight into Derek Shart thinks and I just know he will keep records to use against me and the community as a whole.

I love how he has now shifted his focus to the community instead of the project and the teams behind it.

The best part is all we have on him is that he is a crap developer who thinks he's the all knowing prophet of technology, and that he doxxed kids and posts crap on twitter.

Actually thinking about it he isn't really much of anything at all, that's pretty sad.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
However, I am merely pointing out that the officer shouldn't have fired either.
I agree with everything you have posted. But since certain media outlets, no names are necessary they all do it for ratings, need to feed "If it bleeds, it leads" cycle, perhaps the officer was on edge (a bit scared) as anyone would be. If that was the case, the officer should've stepped down from his role in this.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
That's the thing though. This is the first time a swatting has led to a death. There have been some injuries, but this is the first fatality. I don't say this to downplay the situation. I don't say this to make the action of swatting seem any less illegal. I merely point this out because in all those other swattings, the officers on-site kept their cool.

Looking at some of those videos of previous swattings, the officers immediately assessed the situation and either determined that there was no threat or that they could handle it in a non-lethal manner. That's what they are trained to do. Law Enforcement policy reinforces that. They are not supposed to discharge their weapon unless they feel that their life or the life of another is threatened AND there is no other option than lethal force. That is drilled into their head from the very first day of training whether it be police, sheriff, trooper, or prison guard. They have entire classes dedicated to the use of lethal force.

Officers have lost their jobs due to mistaking a TV remote for a weapon and firing. Simply moving your hand to your waistline IS NOT a valid reason for lethal force. I suspect the officer that fired the first shot is looking at the end of his career in law enforcement. He might even be looking at facing charges.

Please don't misunderstand. I place the entire blame of the incident on that shitbag caller. Who, by the way has done time in jail for calling in a fake bomb threat to CBS and was just released in august (?) for violating a protection order. However, I am merely pointing out that the officer shouldn't have fired either.
Thank you for your response - I was not aware innnocent people had also been injured in swatting. With this information I suppose a fatality was only a matter of time.

We have no way of controlling or affecting what officers do. That is the police forces problem and while it is a point in this particular instance it is not one we as gamers have any control over. For all we know the officer who fired may have been under fire himself earlier in the day or week and was hyper alert. We don't know, we have no control over that or what training individuals get or what particular stresses they have been under. Thats impossible for us to know and it is highly unlikely we'd have any sway over that.

But what is possible is that as a community and as gamers is say "No" and not allow any police officer to be put in the position of pointing a gun at an innocent and confused man, believing him to be on the verge of murdering his whole family having already killed someone, because that is what they had been told and what they thought.

Lets not distract ourselves with things we have no control over and concentrate on the things we do have control over.

As gamers, as a community, yes we do have the power to stop putting officers in this position by making it clear to anyone who thinks that this is a viable option no it's not. We can keep alert and make people aware no, we as a group don't, won't and will never tolerate others doing such heinous actions. If we discover it is being planned, we will report it. If we discover it is being joked about, we will discourage it and educate why. No one jokes about Drink Driving anymore, and if they do they are told to shut up as that 'aint funny.

Like Drink Driving used to be frowned upon but generally tolerated, it isn't anymore, because it hurt innocents and killed innocents. Sending armed police because you are pissy about a computer game shouldn't be either, because it has hurt innocents and now it has killed innocents. It isn't to be tolerated.
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Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Lets not distract ourselves with things we have no control over and concentrate on the things we do have control over.

As gamers, as a community, yes we do have the power to stop putting officers in this position by making it clear to anyone who thinks that this is a viable option no it's not. We can keep alert and make people aware no, we as a group don't, won't and will never tolerate others doing such heinous actions. If we discover it is being planned, we will report it. If we discover it is being joked about, we will discourage it and educate why.
Absolutely. You're right. Talking about what the police did isn't the point. The heart of the matter is the phone call and that is the main point that needs to be addressed. I agree we need to take action where possible, report when applicable, and ostracize when necessary. There are many steps that can be taken to ensure the secrecy of the phone call to begin with, but when they are casually chatting about these things on the message boards and chat rooms, they leave a trail that can be followed by law enforcement. They just need to know where to look.

That's how this guy was caught from my understanding. He started talking about it online and they were able to track him down. He had priors as well which I'm sure helped. From what I understand, he had called in a bomb threat a couple years earlier to a CBS studio. He got felony charges on that one. Despite that, he still facilitated this incident. So I guess he didn't learn the first time.

We can only do what we can do as a community though. I'm all for zero tolerance in that. As soon as I heard about this, the first thought in my mind was "what if this happened to my house"... We cannot allow this to become commonplace or sit idly by when people threaten this. Screenshot threats and send them to forum moderators. If they're real bad, send them to LE. We have to do whatever we can to help squash this.
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