Clive Johnson CIG dispel some myths that get repeated quite a lot...

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
For those who don't roam around the spectrum forum might have missed this one... :beers:


Link to the post is here:

So there we have it B&W in writing... (yellow on blue)

So now we can stop spreading BS about why performance are different on two identical computers when playing star citizen the clients hardware is not part of the problem.

And they know about what is causing it and are working hard on it :beers:

I have full confidence that they will solve it and make it work,

so why don't we just relax load up the Freelancer with beer and have a party in the verse...

CHEERS! :beer: :beers: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beers: :beers:
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Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
So now we can stop spreading BS about why performance are different on two identical computers when playing star citizen the clients hardware is not part of the problem.
I guess maybe I'm stupid but... I don't understand how Clive Johnson CIG's post says anything about why some systems appear to perform better than others. I don't doubt what he says at all, but I do believe that there is more involved than what he has stated in this post. If what he has revealed in this post was/is the complete story then everyone should be getting about the same performance.
Perhaps what he says IS the complete story as far as CIG is concerned ( by this I mean it is the only variables that they can control), but CPU/GPU horsepower must still have some effect on performance and in addition I personally suspect that network (your network connection) latency and throughput also has an effect on the performance that you experience (all of which CIG can not control).


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Great update. Thanks for sharing it with us when you found it. I haven't been doing any griping about the FPS issue because I figure that this is still early to mid Alpha where they are working hard on finding & fixing bugs as they introduce new content, all while players do what they can to help test things out & while my PC isn't all that old it is by no means state of the art. Also, given how bad of a pilot I am in game, better FPS would probably only let me watch my TEST landings in higher resolution. LoL Either way, I've waited this long & I'm loving how things are developing, so I've got plenty of patience with CIG.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Well I DID find a miracle fix for my shitty framerate. I removed the hockey puck of compacted dust off of my CPU fan and now its running ~20fps at sub 100 C (Still WAY hotter than is desirable, but hey, it works). Heat stress is the Fun and slow death that every PC dreams of. Lesson of the day; Check your CPU heat, yall.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I guess maybe I'm stupid but... I don't understand how Clive Johnson CIG's post says anything about why some systems appear to perform better than others.
Well he's not addressing that issue. What he's saying is what doesn't and what does affect the performance in general, not why one computer would be slow and one fast. That has more to do with the system itself. CIG can't control the number of things that can impact your system's performance. It's a very long list, and includes processor kind, operating temperature, motherboard bus speed, hard disk speed, amount and speed of the RAM, what drivers you use, what services are running, whether or not your router is optimized or having to do DNS lookups, or whether or not your ISP's service is throttled or if there are bottlenecks ... Those are all your end of the bargain, not CIG's.

Get this. I got a 300% speed bump, and eliminated almost all of the bugs I had encountered, simply by reviewing the services that were running in my system, the game configuration, and my video drivers. The biggest culprit was that I was using the latest video driver from nVidea. It's broken.

When I rolled it back, I went from a very annoying and buggy experience at 5-12 FPS, to now I generally get between 15 and 30 FPS - and almost no bugs. My GPU usage is far lower now too. Yes sometimes I get 1 or 2 FPS, but I've also seen 40 FPS on occasion. The low fps lasts a few seconds, then it passes for a while. That is the effect of ram paging in a system that has 16 Gb RAM, and an SATA disk drive. What's more, I get 15 to 25 FPS in servers with 50 players.

I also found that you can use BoredgamerUK's configuration steps, but be advised it will not work in all circumstances - his logic is for HIS particular configuration, not all. So just be aware, having Boredgamer's configuration file, or even Montoya's may or may not help your system.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
[QUOTE="StdDev, post: 235175, member: 4801"Perhaps what he says IS the complete story as far as CIG is concerned ( by this I mean it is the only variables that they can control), but CPU/GPU horsepower must still have some effect on performance and in addition I personally suspect that network (your network connection) latency and throughput also has an effect on the performance that you experience (all of which CIG can not control).[/QUOTE]

Yes, I'm wondering about more fundamental stuff, like quality & bandwidth of my internet providers pipelines to the "internet superhighway" and that sort of stuff. I live in a podunk little town in the middle of nowhere, I usually get between 12-15 fps. From benchmarking my system and looking at others benchmarks, etc., I estimate I'd be lucky together twice that, i.e., 24-30 fps...there has got to be some other issue(s) impacting frame rates.
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