Cryptocurrency world - Selling hashpower, mining, and making money


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
my payout's a lot better mining VTC directly. If that fails, there's also MiningPoolHub which is more consistent.
AMEN! I've made $298.93 in coin in 25 days through mining pool hub. I'm averaging $22.63 a day (before power cost) there now for the last 5 days.
That beats the crap out of the rate I made at nicehash before. January 1st I made a massive $39.89 in one day, that's huge for my setup. lol

for coins these are the coins I'm diversifying into

Just don't like that ADA is proof of stake.. You make ADA by owning ADA... THAT worries me as no work is actually done but rather you get paid based on what you have made available. But it's a good candidate to diversify some holdings in.

I have never used Nicehash and I've been mining for over 4 years. Make of that what you will.
What's your setup? ASIC? GPU? a mix? how many?
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
What's your setup? ASIC? GPU? a mix? how many?
Mixture. Tend to stick with GPU more as low entry cost, much lower risk, high resale value.

ASIC are risky, only a few so far out of the many released have ever really make you enough back before they become obsolete. Antminer S9 is one of them but now that priced have tripled, and difficulty is increasing 25% a month, not so much fun or profit in those.

If I was recommending testies I would say go GPU only for least risk in highest chance of breaking even.

Glad to see your happy and earning Directorgunner. Try not to get too caught up in hype. Surprised to see your buying doge! - I mined millions of dogecoin back in the day and cashed into BTC before it crashed. It's a dead coin IMHO.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Surprised to see your buying doge! - I mined millions of dogecoin back in the day and cashed into BTC before it crashed. It's a dead coin IMHO.
No no, I'm not mining doge because I'm not in a merged pool with my own ASIC miners.
I intend to trade for some through an exchange later and monitor its performance.

I'd rather hold some doge then no doge, there's name recognition due to media coverage (the story fits an internet of things notion) and it can still fluctuate in value enough to make it worth while having some holdings. Right now Doge is 27th ranked altcoin on coinbase and it's is heavily affected by BTC and possibly LTC value, but it is showing movement

When evaluating coins so far, I usually don't give two shits about opinion articles. Because opinions are what sway confidence levels in people and people typically act on fear or greed... overvaluing or undervaluing assets. The problem then is determining true value as a baseline for decision making. For trying to come to that conclusion I look at numbers, data, and any facts I can find which can indicate an idea of true value. What are people trading it at, how many wallets hold the top amount in the currency (for example Electroneum IIRC has a SURPRISINGLY low number of decent amount wallet holders which imo could make the coin very weak), what is the potential for cryptocurrency and specifically for this altcoin, how difficult is it to use the altcoin and maintain/secure your wallet, is there big security risks in maintaining the altcoin's health, is it being undervalued or overvalued, etc etc.. lots of questions to look into.
I'm not an expert, I'll try to become an expert over the next 5 to 10 years if not sooner.

My point is... I think Dogecoin is worth having some holdings in based on the fact that's it's still trading and showing some movement.

Mining Doge however, I've been reading about some serious roadblocks due to what's called merged mining with LTC, with massive ASIC pools.

My thoughts about mining, when wanting to get diversified holdings like myself..
it's better to mine whatever produces you the most value/profit in any moment and trade for diversified holdings when you have an advantage as opposed to mining a bunch of coins just for diversified holdings sake.
I mine whatever is most profitable to mine every half hour unless I see something that Awesome Miner is missing.. which is often.
For example, there was a huge Zclassic exclusive mining potential where Zclassic was way up and BTC and BTG were down before the new year. So I mined the crap out of Zclassic and traded those coins into BTC and BTG until Zclassic profitability dropped.

That's how I made $39.89 on Jan1st after transactions cleared.
By the numbers.. I should only be making a max of $12 to $15 or so a day if I do what everyone else does (and some days I do)... which is let miners sit on one coin or just let algo profit switching do it's thing 24/7. The algo profit switching does help a ton.. but if you want to push it to the max, it takes monitoring what's happening in the market constantly.

Anyway.. that's my experience/thoughts so far.
Anyone feel free to chime in, share your experience.
If I'm wrong on some points, do share why you think so.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I do the complete opposite of what you do. I mine, and sit on my coins and wait for them to go up 1000+++%. It's never failed so far.

I don't want a full time job doing what you are going to do - it's overly stressful and arguably no more profitable than just holding.

Most people who try and play the markets end up making as much losses as profits. Mostly the market plays us. I got out of that a long time ago.

I admire you for trying though and wish you much success!
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I do the complete opposite of what you do. I mine, and sit on my coins and wait for them to go up 1000+++%. It's never failed so far.

I don't want a full time job doing what you are going to do - it's overly stressful and arguably no more profitable than just holding.

Most people who try and play the markets end up making as much losses as profits. Mostly the market plays us. I got out of that a long time ago.

I admire you for trying though and wish you much success!
Thank you :beer:

I think I'm making things confusing though with how I'm explaining or my lack thereof lol
The exchange I do is mostly automated through mining pool hub, paying their fee saves me considerable time instead of using coinbase.
For coins I can't attain through the deposit exchange at mining pool hub, I'll have to do manually which I haven't done yet.
Eg I haven't bought Dogecoins or Cardona yet, but it's on my to do list when they hit a big dip.

I'm partially sitting on coins like you do, however I'm taking advantage of semi-automated trading through mining pool hub.
I just pick what coins I want to trade instead of depositing into my wallet, depending on what's happening in the market.
I started keeping detailed records of performance every day,
with the excel workbook I made last week, it's pretty easy to do that now.

Do you keep track of your daily performance?
If you do and don't mind let's compare GPU mining performance after next month?
I'd like to know your total GPU based average monthly profit per watt.
And if there's any difference, to then dive in to see why.
Every bit of data will be a big help to me right now since I'm wanting to scale


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
The exchange I do is mostly automated through mining pool hub
I haven't looked into mining pool hub, and can't really get the webpage. Do they switch workers between different algoritms or do they switch what coin the algoritm is working on?

Are you still using awesome miner? Does it's predictions agree with what you make?
I had problem with it giving me completely wrong predictions and mining because of them (like saying I would gain over 1000kr per day and after 7h I only had 0.17kr in the pool it was mining on). I did not run benchmarks for AM on my new cards, but I had the same problem on my old card that was benchmarked.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I haven't looked into mining pool hub, and can't really get the webpage. Do they switch workers between different algoritms or do they switch what coin the algoritm is working on?
I copy only my workernames and password x to each currency and the main workers.
Then I set my rigs up with awesomeminer to use their designating workername when connecting to miningpoolhub and have awesomeminer auto algoswitch. So each worker is switching to whatever every 30 minutes unless some pump and dump magic happens where I need to override it.

Are you still using awesome miner? Does it's predictions agree with what you make?
Yep, got a Premium license for it. No it's predictions are usually way the fuck off. But it does a good job mining daily value that stays above my hashing baseline.

I had problem with it giving me completely wrong predictions and mining because of them (like saying I would gain over 1000kr per day and after 7h I only had 0.17kr in the pool it was mining on). I did not run benchmarks for AM on my new cards, but I had the same problem on my old card that was benchmarked.
Ah, yea. Here's what I typically do.
  • Every 4 or 8 hours, check
  • using your GPU count and hit calculate.
  • Then make educated decisions on which of those top suggested coins your rigs should be mining for the next 4 to 8 hours or more
  • Double check against to see if suggestion coin's growth is caused by something like a pump and dump or if it follows an increase in value trend longer than just 3 days.
  • Set your miners to mine the specific suggested coins for whatever pools you use, right now I'm using for Verge-lyra2REv2 because mining pool hub doesn't support that coin for that algo. Or just keep your miners auto algo switching via mining pool hub or whatever pools if nothing interesting is happening from the norm.
I'm on my toes like a ninja most of the time.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Do you keep track of your daily performance?
If you do and don't mind let's compare GPU mining performance after next month?
I'd like to know your total GPU based average monthly profit per watt.
And if there's any difference, to then dive in to see why.
Every bit of data will be a big help to me right now since I'm wanting to scale
Sorry aint got data like that if I wanted to get bogged down with spreadsheets I'd play Eve Online or something!! :D :D
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
I copy only my workernames and password x to each currency and the main workers.
Then I set my rigs up with awesomeminer to use their designating workername when connecting to miningpoolhub and have awesomeminer auto algoswitch. So each worker is switching to whatever every 30 minutes unless some pump and dump magic happens where I need to override it.

Yep, got a Premium license for it. No it's predictions are usually way the fuck off. But it does a good job mining daily value that stays above my hashing baseline.

Ah, yea. Here's what I typically do.
  • Every 4 or 8 hours, check
  • using your GPU count and hit calculate.
  • Then make educated decisions on which of those top suggested coins your rigs should be mining for the next 4 to 8 hours or more
  • Double check against to see if suggestion coin's growth is caused by something like a pump and dump or if it follows an increase in value trend longer than just 3 days.
  • Set your miners to mine the specific suggested coins for whatever pools you use, right now I'm using for Verge-lyra2REv2 because mining pool hub doesn't support that coin for that algo. Or just keep your miners auto algo switching via mining pool hub or whatever pools if nothing interesting is happening from the norm.
I'm on my toes like a ninja most of the time.
Thanks for the look into your set-up!

Damn that's a lot of work. I just let mine sit on Etherium (and sell all I had before it jumped 20%, oh well. Wasn't that big a stash anyway) and Decreed, which was the only other coin my wallet and Claymore could agree on using :S

I'll probably never get up to the level of detective-investment work that you do, but I'll keep looking at coinmarketcap and try to diversify more when I start to build a dedicated miner. I have my exam next Monday, so I should be able to get some serious research done after that. I just hope the market continues to climb, as I realized that I really underestimated the cost of some parts I need and want to stick to my original time-plan :money_mouth:
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Zclassic (ZCL) 0.84994687 $ 169.90
Even if it drops down to being only worth $20, That's still more than the norm for the hashrate.
Plus free bitcoin private when it forks.
Don't get left out
The other coins you're mining will be just fine when you go back to mining them.
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Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Zclassic (ZCL) 0.84994687 $ 169.90
Even if it drops down to being only worth $20, That's still more than the norm for the hashrate.
Plus free bitcoin private when it forks.
Don't get left out
The other coins you're mining will be just fine when you go back to mining them.
Never really thought about mining due to our german energy Cost. But this does sound Promiding. (Currently we are at 0.25-0.30 € per KWh if i remember right)
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Zclassic (ZCL) 0.84994687 $ 169.90
Even if it drops down to being only worth $20, That's still more than the norm for the hashrate.
Plus free bitcoin private when it forks.
Don't get left out
The other coins you're mining will be just fine when you go back to mining them.
My Awesome miner doesn't want to mine Zclassic. The CG miner it launches can't find my GFX cards :(
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm having a problem with my second GPU in my mining rig. It isn't giving me the same hashrate as the other card, 27.9 Mh/s compared to 21.4Mh/s, even though it is the same card, same settings, (as far as I can tell) same type of PCIe slot ect.
It's also at about 20 deg C loser than the "hard working one", which in turn is 5 deg C under the temp. limit, so it shouldn't be temp. related...

Haven't found much useful information when looking around the web, so anything is appreciated.
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Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm having a problem with my second GPU in my mining rig. It isn't giving me the same hashrate as the other card, 27.9 Mh/s compared to 21.4Mh/s, even though it is the same card, same settings, (as far as I can tell) same type of PCIe slot ect.
It's also at about 20 deg C loser than the "hard working one", which in turn is 5 deg C under the temp. limit, so it shouldn't be temp. related...

Haven't found much useful information when looking around the web, so anything is appreciated.
Are you overclocking your cards?

If so, that card sounds like it went unstable and the BIOS defaulted back to the non-OC'd state. I saw this a lot before on my PC before hitting the "MAX OC before unstable" and then backing off a bit from there to ensure I'd never hit that point.


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Are you overclocking your cards?

If so, that card sounds like it went unstable and the BIOS defaulted back to the non-OC'd state. I saw this a lot before on my PC before hitting the "MAX OC before unstable" and then backing off a bit from there to ensure I'd never hit that point.
I may be overclocking them a lot...
I'll test a bit more in MSI Afterburner, but it looks like you may be onto something. It's the same hashrate no matter the OC-settings on the secondary card... So maybe not a problem of overclocking it till unstable, but not overclocking it at all for some reason...?
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