Cryptocurrency world - Selling hashpower, mining, and making money


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
I may be overclocking them a lot...
I'll test a bit more in MSI Afterburner, but it looks like you may be onto something. It's the same hashrate no matter the OC-settings on the secondary card... So maybe not a problem of overclocking it till unstable, but not overclocking it at all for some reason...?
Nah, you usually have to stop and restart the miner before you can overclock the card, again.

Like I said, I saw that a lot until I just pushed the card far enough to be profitable, but not unstable.
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Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
Here's my estimated earnings with three GPUs: 1x R9 390, and 2x RX 570s (one XFX and one Asus)

Current 6hr avg hashrate is 78.8MH/s on ETH. I'll be getting GTX 970 from a coworker, so that should add about 18-22MH/s to that, and at least $80/mo.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Nice! Go thom!
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
So far my fun in crypto has not been doing well this past couple weeks. I mostly trade and sell to increase my values most of the time things go well until i hit the ones that suddenly start to tank and dont recover. last week my initial investment went from 800 usd to 1200 usd then back down to 800 because i got greedy and didnt sell. Then i held because i thought it would continue to go up... lol was wrong about that it went down again another 150 usd and i was at 650 so i changed(luckily i did) i got back to 800 then suddenly market shifted when i slept and i lost 300 usd overnight(man was i pissed) i was down to 500 usd at that point swapped to another currency which looked promising juggled it for a day got up 100 usd while juggling it then didnt pay attention for a minute price tanked in minutes. from there it kept happening for the last 2 days and now im down to 175 usd from my initial investment. Ive put myself back into TRX as i beleive it may surge again(fingers crossed) very unlucky we will see where i go from here i'm really hopping things start to readjust and get where they were for all of these coins id be happy with at least getting my initial investment back at this point haha. At least this has been a good learning curve for me.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeh be careful Sirus most people that try their hand at day trading just lose money.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
You are looking at it from a gambling perspective, not an investment perspective - seems to me. Tell us where you are 3 months from now.
If it was gambling i would say they are pretty fantastic odds as if you are active enough you can increase your coin content very easily.(i try to avoid looking at how much the coin costs at the time as it changes to rapidly.) The time when i actually lose money is usually when i decide to hold in an alt coin.(goto work and don't look at it and actively buy sell, sleeping, or even just cooking) Also you can't get to greedy if you do it will cost you big time ive had so many opportunities to sell at great profit but because i question myself to sell or buy at that moment it screws me or i see a rally in progress and jump in thinking it's not near its max just to realize i bought at the tip of the rally.....(those are where some of my biggest losses have been) Honestly the best ways ive found to do it is pick something that is faily stable that is not near it's highest point which is very active in movement(up 10 down 10) then juggle in that range if you catch a rally during that time ride it out a bit then sell. more risk means more gains but as we all know more risks can also mean more losses. one major learning curve for me was the whole leaving it in an alt and walking away. unless it's near ground zero don't do it for the love of god once a downward rally starts you never know how far down its going to go most of mine was because i was in "Neblio" it was going around 4800-5200 very rapidly sometimes hitting up to 5700 i bought during a rally at 5300 and immediately it went back to 4800 and started to do its normal thing i said ok i'll just set a sell price at 5400 and wait it out. I went to bed woke up it was all the way down to 2900. lost about 50% of my money right there haha i definately will not be doing that again lost my faith in that coin for sure. TRX has been good to me so it may be my alt coin o choice for a while it's definately due for a rally soon its gone from .27 cents during its peak last week to .11 this week. don't think it can go much lower so i'm just waiting and playing the up and down game till then to try to recover some of my funds. I'll keep you posted and we will see where this takes me.
Yeh be careful Sirus most people that try their hand at day trading just lose money.
Don't worry im very careful when it comes to money i don't invest anything that i cant afford to lose. This 800 was mostly to learn how this market really works and to see if i wanted to do trading vice mining. So far i feel comfortable with trading but i wont put any more money in until i feel that the market has stabilized. I put in litterally 1 week before that big drop from bitcoin which crashed alot of the market.

I'll keep you guys posted on how i do and if things improve it's funny how fast you can lose your gains from silly things.
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm having a problem with my second GPU in my mining rig. It isn't giving me the same hashrate as the other card, 27.9 Mh/s compared to 21.4Mh/s, even though it is the same card, same settings, (as far as I can tell) same type of PCIe slot ect.
It's also at about 20 deg C loser than the "hard working one", which in turn is 5 deg C under the temp. limit, so it shouldn't be temp. related...

Haven't found much useful information when looking around the web, so anything is appreciated.
Different cards, even the same models, will actually have different hashrates because silicone lottery.
I have 3 1080tis exactly the same models...they each have a slightly different hashrate with no bottlenecking.

I'll share a performance comparison with you guys for what's happened while I've been on vacation for the last 5 days.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Been mm-ing and rr-ing thinking of expanding my mini farm but decided to leave it for now. This current bubble has tripled prices on ASIC, doubled prices on Cloudmining and added +50% tp GFX Cards and PSUs. Not a good time to buy anything really. I think I will leave it until things calm down and maybe next gen hardware arrives (later in the year?)

My kit is already well paid for and I use it to heat my entire house so the electricity cost is 80% offset by savings in my gas bill.

So it's 0.05BTC/week pure profit at the moment.

I think I've made the right choice, it's easy to get caught up in hype and excitement and go crazy.

Also guys - DO NOT buy mining hardware in BTC unless you have no other choice - it's much more profitable to buy it in USD. You'll thank me in a year or two's time!!
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Here's detailed performance for last 14 days (for me)

So in the last 14 days, all cryptos I've been watching have averaged a negative in performance. -0.3109% but it's not that bad all things considered.
In 34 days I've not withdrawn/converted to fiat
Daily max is $159.04
Daily min is -$29.84 (value drop)
Electrical cost (I've used slightly less than this) $144.55
Today's current value ~$549.50
Minus electrical $404.95
Minus cost for 3 1080ti cards -$2,535.05 left to pay
Approximately 6.3 Months left to break even at current rate.
That changes depending on market performance for my holdings

For more in depth look at that overview above

Daily totals performance snapshot

Daily currency performance snapshot

Daily holdings growth snapshot

Zcash I've been trading into BTG.
Zclassic I stopped trading and took a few days to figure out the most secure way to open a functioning wallet considering the upcoming fork.

Goal is to get holdings in bitcoin dark, BT private when it releases (will get free currency from Zclassic after fork), Cardano, Dash, Decred, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, and Viacoin. These holding goals will likely expand over 6 months. But for now I think this is a pretty good diversification goal I've set for myself.

So... even being away on vacation.... performance was still, all things considered, good enough.

P.S. My spreadsheets are boss! I get better every week at adding useful automated features.
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Different cards, even the same models, will actually have different hashrates because silicone lottery.
I have 3 1080tis exactly the same models...they each have a slightly different hashrate with no bottlenecking.

I'll share a performance comparison with you guys for what's happened while I've been on vacation for the last 5 days.
I talked to a friend over the phone who has been into PC performance longer than me and he thought that the difference between them was to big to just be down to the Si-lottery. Right now the rates are about 28 Mh/s and 21.4 Mh/s respectively.
Can almost 24% difference in hashrate be just because of luck?

Just to make it even more entertaining, my slower card also refuses to be used as the main card, even when it's the only one in the computer. So I can't even switch the cards PCI ports to check if it's a card or port problem. Guess I have to wait for the PCIe raisers I ordered to see if/how performance changes.
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I talked to a friend over the phone who has been into PC performance longer than me and he thought that the difference between them was to big to just be down to the Si-lottery. Right now the rates are about 28 Mh/s and 21.4 Mh/s respectively.
Can almost 24% difference in hashrate be just because of luck?

Just to make it even more entertaining, my slower card also refuses to be used as the main card, even when it's the only one in the computer. So I can't even switch the cards PCI ports to check if it's a card or port problem. Guess I have to wait for the PCIe raisers I ordered to see if/how performance changes.
Can you use warranty to get it replaced? And you confirmed it's not the particular slot you use on your MOBO?

P.S. Also my currencies are up an average 6.27% today, and my holdings value difference between today and yesterday jumped up $ 154.88, now might be a good time to liquidate some assets, imo don't liquidate though if you see the currency is dropping by the time you're ready to liquidate a percentage of your holdings.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I talked to a friend over the phone who has been into PC performance longer than me and he thought that the difference between them was to big to just be down to the Si-lottery. Right now the rates are about 28 Mh/s and 21.4 Mh/s respectively.
Can almost 24% difference in hashrate be just because of luck?

Just to make it even more entertaining, my slower card also refuses to be used as the main card, even when it's the only one in the computer. So I can't even switch the cards PCI ports to check if it's a card or port problem. Guess I have to wait for the PCIe raisers I ordered to see if/how performance changes.
No there's something wrong there, 28-22 is very abnormal. Normally same type of card will be + or - 1mh.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
A little market recession this morning...

Seems to happen between every other day to every few days so far this month
Yesterday though was up and would have been great to sell a small percentage.
I'm guessing the market dip this morning is due to people putting in sell orders yesterday to cash in on that small bump.


P.S. my ridiculously complex formula isn't perfect, hence why NA shows sell, lol.
Here's the formula I use to decide my suggestions, starting row 4.
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Can you use warranty to get it replaced? And you confirmed it's not the particular slot you use on your MOBO?
I think I can replace it if I need to, but since I haven't been able to check if it's the MOBO (the card doesn't want to be the main or even single card and work properly) I will keep it around until I can do a real check on it.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle

11k bitcoin could be the cheapest you ever get to buy it again!
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm freaking out a bit here.
As I only have a ETH miner actually working correctly I really wanted it to stay over $1000.
I make money no matter how high the price is, but making almost 500 SEK in about 10 days is a enough for me to see it as an actual income-source and feel secure about making my money back on the graphics cards in a short amount of time. (And getting my gaming PC back to being-able-to-play-games-on-it status).
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