Trailer video - Stargate: Origins


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
But fans would have at least followed the LORE!
They didn't even do that.
Nearly all bets were off with this and camera work sucked ass, direction sucked ass, writing... REALLY sucked ass.
*throws tables* .. moving on to be further disappointed by Sony's new Venom when it releases.
Bad reboots should result in blacklisted directors and producers and writers from the industry as punishment.
What a waste of effort, time, energy and money.


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
The only issue with SGU I think is sustainability for character development / plot. If you look at shows like TNGs, there's established dynamic relationships that people can related to and that make sense... and can be naturally stable for many many many episodes.
SG1 had that dynamic.. that show could have gone on for YEARS.
SG atlantis... eh... almost there.. just was missing something.. not sure what.
SGU.. didn't have that... it was all about Dr. Nicholas Rush which continued along the theme from SG Atlantis with Dr. Rodney McKay.
SGU, although Dr. Rush character was fantastic for that short lived plot.. had no direction to go there after in terms of character development of the main characters... characters lost through attrition/dying out. Only a few left... show was a fucking mess. I LOVED it! but it's not sustainable as is... as a long running TV show. No stability. Shit even Game of Thrones with so many being killed, still has massive sustainability because of a deeper overarching purpose... SGU... "exploring for exploring sake" doesn't have that same impact as a story telling mechanic.. for those shows.. it's more about the character relationships. Not survival and betrayal like Games of Thrones.

.. just my 2 cents.
SGU could have been made a lot more sustainable.
I always saw SGU as trying to survive well also trying to find a way home, even taking risks in hopes of finding something to help them. I know it seemed like it went away from that in the last season but I still felt it was going that way they just were focusing more on restoring the ship to further help them.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I always saw SGU as trying to survive well also trying to find a way home, even taking risks in hopes of finding something to help them. I know it seemed like it went away from that in the last season but I still felt it was going that way they just were focusing more on restoring the ship to further help them.
Yea but it was different, it's not entirely man vs nature or man vs man survival.. it's lets put everyone in a flying box in space that's falling apart and see if they live kind of survival imo, which works great for films.. not so much for a long running TV show right?
I can't think of any other TV shows along this line.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed SGU, but....ratings plummeted....
That partially comes to the consumer perception and ultimately sustainability of the plot, characters, etc.

SG1 had that magic but SyFy channel fucked it up royally
A victim of the old ratings system.
Now there's more tracking involved to know how many people watch on demand or online and maybe even when you playback recordings, etc.

You know.. back when cable first started, it was a PROMISE of watching paid programming without commercials. Unlike over the air TV. Where ratings would be more dependant about what you want to watch and not about advertisement revenue.
That didn't last. Thank goodness for the internet.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Thanks for the in-depth analysis ! I won't even bother getting it then. Maybe when the whole show is out it will be worth a shot.
If this idea for the show does get picked up by a larger studio with a budget and better writers, then it will be good.

In the current form, its not up to the standards of the previous series.
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