
May 8, 2018
RSI Handle
I've read this is the only org one should join because it is the GREATEST org in the Universe!

I joined the verse and became a backer in Feb of this year. I was picked up by a small org who helped me get up to speed, however they were not very active and frowned upon the way I played and had fun in the verse, which is why I am here. I play to have fun, whether it's exploring, destroying drug traffickers, running missions or running in a group. I play to have fun and seeing as how this game has been in development for many, many, many years with no commitment dates for final release. Many orgs have structure and over complicated crap defined for things that aren't even in the current live alpha to do/play which remains a mystery to me why they are so structured. I'm simply another backer like everyone else, looking to have fun in the verse and be a part of an active community.

- Aquilla, URSA, P72
- Greycat
- Cyclone (base)
- Cutlass Black

Where you from stranger?
Eastern PA

What drew you to Star Citizen?
Fellow gamer

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Exploration (being able to play for more than 40min without a CTD)

What was the first game you remember playing?
Space Harrier on Atari

What other games do you play?
Too many to list.. I primarily will be found in SC, DCS World, Arma and iRacing

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
I have been tuning into some of this orgs youtube vids and believe it is among the more active in the community

Picard or Kirk?
Old Kirk

Thanks for considering me and I trust I will not be the FNG for long ;)
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