See, this is a very good question right there. sadly there are two answers that pop to mind:
1) They are in need of more money to complete the development, in other words, they didn't gather enough already to last until the game is finished -> not sure how much expenses they have, or the level of optimization they are making as a business, but I guess 186,545,376 (current funding) money units are not enough in this day and age -> This leads to another question, how much do they think is really needed? I'm sure someone crunched the numbers and made an estimate how much total money will be needed for SC to be finished...right?
2) They are just grabbing all they can because there is no guaranty when the funding will be over by the player community, which sounds greedy, but also desperate kinda... especially since there was no "real effort" in making this reskin and selling it for a lot of money... your thoughts?
Early on, I did some "back of the envelope calculations," and it appeared to me that CIG was running with about 9 months reserve of cash on hand. It seemed to be that they were going to make the best game they could, and when the "money ran out" or "stopped running in" they would have enough time to kind of wrap things up and put out a finished product.
The question is (& was), do we want them to stop now, or do we want them to keep going? Did we want a game with FPS or did we just want to fly spaceships? Did we want a game with planetary landings, or did we just want to dock at a space station in orbit and admire a pretty picture of a planet below? Do we want to land on a city, and go into almost any building or shop? And have them look reasonably different?
In all of the cases, the fans have said, "Yes!" So, development continues.
In any event, if you want the same game re-hashed and warmed over, with a couple of updates, people should play the latest EA game. If you want something innovative and new, *and* are **willing to wait for it** and ***help fund it*** then Star Citizen is the up-and-coming game.