

Aug 4, 2018
RSI Handle
Cheers everyone! I am Steve, Ryondus in Star Citizen.

Where you from stranger?
I hail from the beautiful country of Switzerland and love to play video games, when I am not drinking or playing D&D with my friends ;)

What drew you to Star Citizen?
I am an early bird backer from waaaaay back on Kickstarter. Have been doing a lot of reading and following, aaaand buying along the way.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Honestly. Everything. Freelancer has always been my definition of a space game. So naturally. SC will be judged by that as well. No worries there tho!

What was the first game you remember playing?
phuuu... Mario? Something like that... long time ago. Maybe even Legos before that ;)

What other games do you play?
Almost anything. But mostly Star Citizen and Destiny 2 right now. But I like to dabble in the dark arts of looking at every game I can find ;)

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
I found TEST through all those nice articles. I thought. Hey. I want to be part of such an awesome thing!

Picard or Kirk?
Picard, naturally. And some extent William T. Riker mustn't be cast aside, damn you!

Have a great day, and see you in the verse!
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