As a member of the escort team i had a blast
The job wasnt trilling but a bunch of little events happend like:
-engaging combat with an hostile player until we realised midway it was a Test member who came to us to join the fun. we even lost a scyth in the process who crashed behind the landed caterpillar.
- The scream of marcsand on next to olisar when the cutlass nearly ramed it from under him.
- getting everyone in the caterpillar
I love this pics because i m the guy who play the light projector.
If you look closely you can see the sabre above them.
i also laughed alot when i was escorting the caterpillar out of daymar atmosphere and someone cut off the power i saw the ship fell right at me i only had the time to roll and evade on my right to avoid the worst.
To bad i disconnected during the trip to the javelin wreck.