For all my Canadian friends...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It's ok @Blind Owl here's a beer.
Thank God. It's almost noon and I hadn't had one yet, haha.
I'm sorry but if it doesn't have maple, its not worth having.
True story. There's a reason most bedrooms in Canada have protective wrap over the matressess:like. And you thought sex was sticky before maple syrup was added...
What about the beer pancakes? Are they to go un-Maple Syrup-ed?
I think you underestimate how much maple syrup and beer we have.
I live in Calgary, Alberta. Can confirm that we all get our weekly bottle of Maple Syrup on our doorstep like they used to deliver milk.

Its good shit.
Mmmmmmm, the maple man. Or in the case of my neighbourhood, the maple woman.

She sometimes comes in to sample the products with you.

Also, Cowtown eh Gucci? How's the smoke there? I flew into Regina last week and could believe how brown the sky is from it all. Air quality warnings all across the prairies from BC burning.
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