Thanks To Montoya - The Leader That Keeps on Giving

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Montoya does not know this but he has been giving us all great presents throughout the whole year of 2014. Now hold on a second, how could he not know what he has been giving us presents all year? Because he has been doing these things without knowning(blame the fleeting moments of sobriety).

As Leader of TEST Squadron, Montoya has carefully shepherded this flock of sharks throughout 2014 to become the 2nd largest org in the Star Citizen Community. We may not have the most main members(yet!) but we're still growing and converting This growth will continue in 2015 and accelerate as more people hear the good news about TEST Squadron. This is all due to our branding and promise of drunk fun in all lines of work in Star Citizen. He has helped grow a culture within the Squadron that is uniquely our own and one that we all have a part of and have contributed to.

Montoya has helped promote the most popular Star Citizen twitch streamer and brought in other populars who now call TEST their home. This alone has brougnt in untold numbers of people to the Squadron. The giveaways we and they ahve done haven't hurt either. Be sure to enter Baron's Carrack giveaway btw guys.

Montoya's unique leadership style certainly didn't hurt. Quite possibly the most laid back but hard working leaders I have come across. Ever. His delegation of all important things to Seung has helped keep our costs down. Montoya has managed to raise money for several org ships to be used when the PU launches that will certainly help us all. LEADERSHIP! We all threw money at him and he rubs it over his chest at night cackling madly how awesome he is. Then he bought the ships.

Montoya has produced many videos documenting our progress from. Despite all the [CONCERN] he has pushed forward, taken time out of his day, and made them. For that alone man, you're awesome. I don't know of another org that makes so many videos just to say they are great.

In closing, Montoya is one awesome dude. His bald head reflects the light of the future that we all see going forward. 2015 for the org promises to be equally awesome with him at the helm. He has given us so much and continues to do so. So Thank You for the presents all year, we look forward to working with you in the next.


Digital Janitor
Staff member
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
when i looked for the stupidest org one year ago i found TEST.

thanks montoya (and seung) for that.

TEST has become a huge active community, rather than being a dead org in the list of SC orgs.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Wow! Thanks for that Sunder!

I sometimes forget how far this has all come, but reading your post makes me realize that I have actually made a small difference in the lives of more people than I thought I would!

In my head, we are still a small 200 man org, but one quick look at our numbers and its pretty clear we have moved way beyond that!

I am still surprised when I talk to a new member for the first time, and they say that they know all about TEST just from our great reputation and amazing media presence.

I always imagined great things for TEST, but last year this time I would never has expected us to be at this point so quickly!

Being an active member of a gaming community was never anything I ever aspired to do. I never bothered being social in previous games, but I seemed to have fallen into this position and now that I am here I can't imagine ever going back!

TEST Squadron has taken over my life!

I wake up in the morning, computer turns on, pidgin client is up, mumble window opens:

"Good morning TESTies!"

The greeting is returned, many familiar names, a few I do not recognize, it is new and exciting every day!

As most of you know, I moved to NC two years ago after living in Toronto for many years. Leaving all your friends behind is always tough, I have never had a problem making new friends, but never on this scale!

I love the fact that I can log into comms and jump into conversations with familiar voices, catch up on recent events, make fun of Seung while he is not around...

I will confess, this org is taking more and more of my time, it has taken a chunk of time that I put into actual real work, but I enjoy every second of it!

While I will humbly take credit for the opening kick, it's the active members here on this forum, the live chat and in mumble that have carried the ball this point!

I could never had done this without the support of all the original founding members, and many of the new comers that have jumped right in and made us their new home!

I have learned a lot from all of you and we will continue to dedicate ourselves to bring you the best damn Star Citizen experience you could ever imagine!




Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Who is Montoya.. and what is test? And why am I wearing a Chirstmas stocking... and just a Christmas stocking.....

NC... also known as Virginia's ass. But since you were living in America's hat I guess its a little better ;) We expect NC style BBQ to be sent out to all "active members here on the forum, the live chat and in mumble..." ;)

Keep up the good work that is not work; but probably feels like work..... without all the satisfaction at the end of the day of being able to pay bills or provide diapers to baby Montoya... we appreciate everything you do or that "certain" people expect of you.


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I found TEST because it was on top of the list. I then read the org poster thingy, spent 5 minutes laughing, and joined. I can honestly say that this is the only gaming community I've stayed in longer than a month. Thanks for all your hard work, Montoya! I love it here! :D
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm honestly not entirely sure how I found TEST, to be honest. I just woke up here one morning, curled up underneath a tree in the park wearing nothing but a lime green thong, my Aurora filled with beer bottles and parked on its side a few meters away. Needless to say, I felt right at home. Thanks Montoya, and all you other glorious drunks for being such a great squadron!


Lame Title
Nov 16, 2013
RSI Handle
The very first time our eyes met, I knew...

Okay that never happened. I found TEST while trudging through the RSI forums. The introductory thread was hilarious and I was told to sign up here, and ever the peon, I did. I don't think I could have chosen, or been chosen for, a better org. Thanks Oba-er Montoya!
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I will confess, this org is taking more and more of my time, it has taken a chunk of time that I put into actual real work, but I enjoy every second of it!
This one quote. Soon you'll be able to be like Mittani and live as a leader of an internet spaceship organization. Put some ads on the webspace here and there ya go.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Soon you'll be able to be like Mittani and live as a leader of an internet spaceship organization.
So I become that which I hate?


Excuse me, need to go write click bait articles on how stupid Star Citizen is and why it will suck as a game!

Hmm, actually this is not so bad, I can see the appeal! :D

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
So I become that which I hate?


Excuse me, need to go write click bait articles on how stupid Star Citizen is and why it will suck as a game!

Hmm, actually this is not so bad, I can see the appeal! :D
I do have a serious question though, if this is taking up so much time and taking up more time as it goes on, can you not delegate some of the things you do? And no I don't mean delegate the videos you make.
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