Where's the gun thread?

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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Not quite,

Australians now own more guns than before the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, according to new research that shows firearm imports hit a record high in 2014-15.
Gun control =/= gun ban.

The laws restricting guns and gun control are pretty strict here in Sweden.
But the Swedish Hunters association is the biggest out-door activity association (not counting regular sports). With about 150 000 members, out of 300 000, hunters on a population of 10 millions.

Although when you start to look into our laws, they are not as strict as they appear.
Anyone that was hunting before 1985 could just continue to do so without a hunting license.
And if you're out in the rural/forest areas, no one cares. As long as the neighbors don't have to do anything because of your stupidity, go nuts.
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Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
But this was a appreciation thread, right?

Here is on I fancy.

Found it in my... grandfather or great grandfather, can't remember...'s barn.

Can't remember the name of the gun, but it's a front loaded one. From about 1820s-ich.
I looked it up a few years ago, but never found anything definitive about it and could only speculate, so the info didn't stick for long.
The trigger is missing a spring, so it can't fire even if we had black powder...

Something we found in the barn of my grandfather on the other side of the family.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Not quite,

Australians now own more guns than before the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, according to new research that shows firearm imports hit a record high in 2014-15.
That’s incomplete data. You’re quoting a snippet and ignoring 20 years of population increase. BBC covers this - per capita numbers are down.


But gun ownership per capita has dropped by 23% during the same time, said Associate Prof Philip Alpers from the University of Sydney.

"Far fewer people now have a gun in their home but some people have a lot more guns," Associate Prof Philip Alpers told the BBC.
In the past 30 years, the number of households with at least one gun has declined by 75%.

However, Associate Prof Alpers said that those who already own guns are buying more and registering them at a higher rate.
So the gun people are getting more crazy while the rest of the country wonders why.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Guns... Did I hear guns?
My Desert tech MDR (.308) with a 16-inch barrel and 26 inches overall set up for my lefthanded ass with a 3.5x trijicon ACOG with .308 ballistic chevron scope. Bring it Canada, Vera will be waiting.
View attachment 10908

Been waiting on your review of this gun once you've but a few thousand rounds in it.
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