Mod for Software Developer of Chevereto copies SC screenshot sharing website from a paying client


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
What do you mean? He's in a position of authority at Chevereto and owns their discord channel, and Rodolfo has not touched this yet.
If I had an employee (or even an intern) pull some shit like this, they'd face discipline or be fired.
You don't ever take advantage of the client relationship for your own gain, there's a ton of court cases where employees got fired for stuff like this, and they lost their case. I'd have to dig for them but it's in my employment law book. Employees have a duty of loyalty to their employer in the USA. Abusing a client relationship for your own gain outside of the company is breaking that duty. As far as I understand it so far
I'm sorry it was meant in jest, referencing things like dirty girls and dirty jobs not as a reference to the individuals who stole the idea, thus the part about not tarnishing the name of dirty with the actions of these individuals.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
How do we leverage TEST's 18,000 members here?

I'm happy to write a letter to Chevereto outlining that I think this is abhorrent and that we would appreciate their assistance to resolve this

inbox (at) ?
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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Because he was in a position of authority for Chevereto in a Developer - Client relationship.
I don't believe he is being sincere that he "forgot" about what I wrote earlier or who the screenshot community leader is (Hasgaha).
No he is supposedly an expert in image sharing websites / Chevereto and an avid Star Citizen backer... but didn't think to make one for the Star Citizen community for years before this?
No I call bullshit on that one.
They guy knows exactly what he did, probably thinking no one would notice, and now is trying to do damage control.

I am open to seeing both sides, but this is not something that I can justify... he'd have to have a serious memory disability or be outright lying. And... I'm willing to bet money that he's lying.
If you look into him, he's not active in the SC community in terms of sharing content often. In fact, I couldn't find much of anything... maybe you could?
What would you have done? You want him to dismantle his website just because you said you had the idea to do it first? I respect what you do when it comes to content creation, but calling dibs on something on a public forum isn't how you protect your IP. Don't take this as me taking his side, but more of an outside perspective.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
What would you have done? You want him to dismantle his website just because you said you had the idea to do it first? I respect what you do when it comes to content creation, but calling dibs on something on a public forum isn't how you protect your IP. Don't take this as me taking his side, but more of an outside perspective.
I can't rewind time. On the chevereto thread I wrote that if I were him I would have simply contacted me and/or contact the community leaders in the related areas first.If I've learned anything about being a backer of SC and watching CIG's PR nightmares... it's that you should always discuss things with the community and community leaders first before you go rushing in with something new.

That's what I would have done in his shoes.. and it's what I've been doing.

Besides, this about a gross abuse of trust with the dev-client relationship.

Sure this would bother me if it was some other random person.. but I would have just let it go (good advise) and vented privately among friends.
But after I realized who he was.. that changed everything.

the actual issue. Which, quite simply.. is violating a loyalty between dev-client relationship.
It doesn't matter if he is truly pro bono... he presents Chevereto, he has a position of authority. A reasonable person could interpret that position as trustworthy concerning information on why you purchased a license for their product.

He only added that disclaimer in his signature I think after posting the website... what do you think that tells you about his mens rea? that's the incorrect word to use but it illustrates my point well enough so I'm using it :P

Fuck this dude. Normally, I doubt there's anything you could do about it...but you're a paying customer here. At least get your money back.
I would if there was a better platform... I have not found one in all my research.

How do we leverage TEST's 18,000 members here?

I'm happy to write a letter to Chevereto outlining that I think this is abhorrent and that we would appreciate their assistance to resolve this

inbox (at) ?
No no I think the reddit backlash proves the point that it wasn't ethical.
I'm not gonna reply on the reddit post anymore unless he says or does something really f'd up which proves this was all in malice.
EG banning me from Chevereto forum in a few weeks when the smoke clears.

I'm sorry it was meant in jest, referencing things like dirty girls and dirty jobs not as a reference to the individuals who stole the idea, thus the part about not tarnishing the name of dirty with the actions of these individuals.
Lol sorry, it's nearly 4am for me and it went over my head.. I need to get to sleep :P
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Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2016
RSI Handle
Whelp, we can confirm we have a spai in our midst. Someone on reddit is posting screenshots from here telling the other guy to get ready to be brigaded by Test.

On a serious note be careful if you are going to comment on this, we don't want to brigade anyone as that will get the post locked since this is something that should stay active. Read the comments, if you have something to contribute do it, but let's not overwhelm this with Test Squadron specific posts, just useful comments or support.


Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Yeah, unfortunately there's no legal ground to stand on here. All you can do is bring it to Chevereto's attention, which you have already done hopefully they will care, if only because of damage to their image, but I can just picture an official, detached, canned response that will make you not want to use their service at all. That said, I hope you get a favorable response, and just because there's no legal claim here doesn't mean I don't want to roast his ships on a Tarantula spit.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Holy crap... thank you for that... now I can see the backer handle related to the name and I was hoping I'd develop respect for him and find something to backup his claims....

then I see this shit


I'm selling my account. It's an 2013 concierge account with rear admiral package (giftable), orion standalone lti (not giftable) and superhornet lti (not giftable) and a bunch of other backer perks. Account still got one handle change token. $20 in store credits.

Lost interest in my account. Going to start fresh when the game releases. I'm the original owner.

$650 or highest bidder

I don't understand why someone who would "lose interest" in SC would then turn around and make a community website for it.. and then find out he also makes websites to sell them.
I wanted to believe his claims.. but.... I don't respect wishy washy people... this is really fing wishy washy at the very least.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Have you contacted the Chevereto devs on this matter?

What is their take on it?

How many other paying clients has he done this to?
Yep... see Roldofo's responses

He's defending the immoral behavior. I changed my thread title to be more specific by adding "mod" because he had a problem with it.

I pointed out the situation is still a conflict of interest and immoral. Not sure how he'll respond.

Yea the thing about Drizzt, we had a falling out because I #1 discovered he was buying ships at cost (from TESTies) and selling them on eBay for profit, as well as my 48m glaive he got for at cost.
I'm not sure where the thread is but it's on the forum somewhere.... I find it hilarious that he may have bought his account back then.... which then confuses me because Tom was saying he still had his rear admirable package. Maybe he bought another one.. or... maybe this is all BS?... I dunno.. but it's much harder to believe his claims now.

I was hoping at least to see a bunch of Nordic screenshots over the years... but no.. .not much of anything like that.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Ah yes, that is fair enough.

The issue they face at Chevereto is that they do not feel responsible for the actions of their volunteer moderators.

If one of their mods does something bad, no biggie, they are not employees, there is no legal conflict of interest.

Like a few people said here before, its an ethical issue.

While the final decision of what to do (probably nothing) is up to them. Let it be known that if you have an idea and you want to licence Chevereto, one of their mods will steal your idea, claim it as his own and then sell the site for profit as he seems to have done in the past.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
I hate to say it but I doubt there is anything you can do.

You posted to a public forum with an idea for a product you thought would be interesting.

Some other dude sees it, copies the idea, releases before you do.

Hopefully lesson learned.

If you have an idea you think is valuable, don't give it away. Especially don't put it on the internet for any other jackass to steal.

If you were both in the same country and he started making a ton of money on the idea, the best you could hope for would be to sue him and then settle out of court for some small amount, since after all you can't really prove anything.

As it stands now, the best way to fight him is to release yours, make sure it's better than his, then troll him everywhere he tries to advertise with a well thought out and EASY/FAST for others to understand story about how he copied yours, with a link to yours.
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