Technically, no he's not got ahead of himself: If you watch the video, around 1.07 it clearly states in the legal document that "Having considered the parties written submissions the court grants the motion to dismiss"French says "the issues are getting whittled down to the main meritorious issues"
Is that backtracking from his video title? What about the other outstanding issues did he get ahead of himself?
The case, it has been dismissed.
The court has, however, also given Crytech the opportunity to revise their complaint for a third and final time to make some of their complaints cognitively resonant in the court of law: The words "Conclusiory" "Theory/Theories" "Claims" are used throughout the text, with with court saying, basically, "We can kinda see what you meant. some of your claims may have merit, but you jumped to a lot of conclusions that we can't take at face value at the pleading stage, so substantiate that claim with some proof and we'll take a look-see if CIG did do something contradictory to the GLA you both agreed to."
Watch the video, it has a lot of info
From our other favorite Youtube law dude, Leonard French:
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