how would this happen?


Space Marshal
Feb 26, 2015
RSI Handle
i went afk for 4 or 5 min on some guys 600i(on the bridge) that i was partied with and came back in some other guys vanguard(not partied)

had a scuffle with a vanguard and a cutlass. one of the guys previously got on the 600i and was trying to move it out of the safe zone. when i came back i shot him. i probably afk too much in this game :/ but, i thought i locked the ship and parked it in the safe zone. hopped out of the pilot seat and had to go afk for what i think was 4 or 5 min. when i came back i was on the aggressors vanguard? how does that even happen when i was all the way up on the bridge afk?

when i came back he was dancing inside and out of the safe zone trying to mess with the 600i. so i just shot him when he went out of the zone and took his ship :D

it is pretty confusing afk'ing from one ship then coming back to a totally different looking ship is all i have to say.


Space Marshal
Feb 26, 2015
RSI Handle

Honestly I am not sure. As far as I am aware its not even possible to push NPC's or PC's around. It might have been possible that the vanguard crashed into the bridge of the 600 and you clipped into the vanguard space.

i wish i had video rolling to go back and understand how it was even possible. when i came back to my computer i ran around his ship like a headless chicken for a minute trying to understand where i even was. the pilot seat is pretty deep in the 600i so i dunno if the clipping could be possible but i guess if server lagged and put me somewhere it thought i was? which would be random as shit to end up on that ship.

after all this happened i go back to PO and watch some random Cat pick up the 315p i used to get on the 600i after like an hour of it just sitting there. then i try to spawn a new ship that gave me an error so i try another and the server spawns 2 different ships right on top of each other. just a weird day in the verse. i'm pretty sure i'm not on drugs atm but these events have me questioning....

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
315p + Avenger Titan =Aurora

Wow we can breed Auroras....we can make a fortune

Yeah we been breading ships for a wile in TEST, here is how the 300,315,325 and 350 is made.
( what comes out can vary, sometime you get lucky and get twins. )

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