The Fall of Babylon 6: A Tale of Disaster and Mismanagement


Sep 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Hello my friends, it has been a while since my last posting here, mainly due to the lack of anything truly interesting, but today I bring you the story of Babylon 6. This has been 3 years in the making, so I hope you enjoy this monument to salt and fury.

BE WARNED: This is a LOT to read through and has been streamlined to fit into *just* 3 posts. If you want any further information, feel free to ask and I can provide it.

TL;DR Doxxing is bad, make sure everyone knows english, and people don't understand neutrality.


Babylon 6 was a project that first caught my eye when they started 3 years ago. The goal was to create a player run station based on the fantastic Babylon 5 show, but the lore wasn't the thing that was truly interesting, it was the promise. The promise of a truly neutral entity where orgs can come together and exist in mutual truce. This was intriguing to me as it would help me establish contacts across the community and even if it fails, I would have met some interesting people, which is unfortunately what happened. I originally joined the group to establish an Nexus for my org, the Bounty Hunters Guild, and the point of a Nexus is similar in function to the Continental in John Wick. The goal is to provide a safe place for bounty hunters and mercenaries that function in the guild, a meeting place for clients, and a seat of influence in the region. From my point of view, if the project was successful or not, there was very little risk in getting involved.

Oh how wrong I was.

Before I continue, I should quickly describe how people would get involved in the project.

Member - An org that joins as a member is promising a reasonable percentage of their org members as support for the project. A member has voting rights and is a part of the Council, who are the ones that vote and put forward motions on new ideas, changes to the charter, or whatever else needed to be decided.
Ally - An org that joins as an ally will support the project but is promising far less support than a member. Their voice can be heard during a vote, but they have no other power.
Freelancer - An org that just wants to do business with B6.

The founder of the project would invite people by talking to them through Spectrum PM or in the Spectrum Recruitment Chat. Out of thousands of orgs he contacted, he had an exceptionally small amount that showed interest. I can definitely credit him for having the most insanely detailed documentation for a theoretical video game thing ever and I was surprised at his inability to get new people. I do need to address the founder briefly, who went by the name of Antarius-Angel, or @windows7 on Spectrum, because he is critical to this story. Antarius is interesting in how he communicated with people because he had an insanely poor grasp on the English language as a German. Every time anyone said anything, he always had to copy paste it into Google Translate, figure out what it meant, write his response in German, translate that to English, and post that response.

Of course that only worked with text. When it came to images, he had to either rewrite the words into Google Translate itself or have another German member help translate it for him. It was insanity, but it worked for a time.


Upon joining, I met the insane individual that has been chronicled in these forums before by the name of GhostSquadron. GhostSquadron, henceforth called GS, had a problem. He HATED everyone that wasn't strictly for the UEE and government compliance. I don't know what set him on this path, but the further he dug, the more insane he became. He saw spies everywhere. He wanted to root them out of everywhere he was a part of and attempted to sway Antarius to remove people. Unfortunately for him, he started saying everyone in B6 was a spy for The ORG and everyone had enough and removed him. His craziness is documented in more detail elsewhere and it's an enjoyable read, but this is where his story in this ends.


After GS was removed, B6 went quiet, and for almost a year and a half, nothing of note happened until an individual from CORP joined name Stesig. I never cared much about B6 up until this point because I had no reason to be involved. It was moving along at it's own pace and nothing of note was really happening. That is, until I received a message from Stesig:


This raised a couple of flags for me, but the main one is the clear breach of the entire point of having neutrality as the core principle in B6. Had I not seen this messaged, I wouldn't have cared, but thankfully it did, because this is where the journey begins.

I went into the voting area and voted in favor of The ORG because I think they do provide a valuable service that will be greatly needed and sought after once SC releases, and also to spite Stesig. I read briefly what he had to say and what the response from The ORG was.

The ORG responded to this, as was their right.



My first thought was that Stesig was making things up without providing proof of his claims. If anyone can say anything without proving its true, how is that fair and neutral. I also called into question why it was seen as acceptable for people to sway the opinions of others in a neutral alliance. He didn't like that.



Essentially, he was unhappy that someone he didn't like was there and wanted them gone immediately. It didn't matter if someone had a valid right to stay or not, he was demanding they be removed regardless if The ORG wanted to keep a representative in the public area to apply to be an ally or member at a later time. I believe the following video is good enough to outline what happened.

Why is The ORG important? You will find out shortly. Soon after, 6 orgs applied to B6 to be in various capacities. About half were for membership and half were to be allies. In addition to this, my questioning of Stesig led to him trying to vote me out of the project. That failed. However, one of the orgs that applied was the MATADORS. THAT made some people pretty mad.

This next section involves two people. The first continues with Stesig. Stesig decided to bring in another person in his org to be another ambassador, which was a violation of the rules. One ambassador per org. He got called out on it and quickly switched him to be a minor attache to his thing.

Why did he bring this person on? To bash the MATADORS of course!



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Sep 14, 2017
RSI Handle

This was, of course, a lie and I verified it with the MATADORS as a lie. He brought this person in specifically to try and trash them so their application could be denied.

It is at this point that we introduce the second interesting person, Kronos.

This supreme gentleman did not like MATADORS at all. In fact, he was quite clear in his distaste of them.


Of course, he provided no proof.

Things went back and forth for a while and I stepped in with the intention of explaining that we can't just make up accusations. We need to prove that someone did something in order for a claim. Opinions are fine, but those shouldn't be considered when making a fact based vote for a neutral station. He.......kinda detonated.



After this, he was livid. Angry. Salty. I left things for a bit to play more of the PTU and came back to see the following message by Antarius.


Did he respond appropriately? Let's see....

Doesn't look like it. There's a TON more stuff on this by the way.

Kronos leaves and we move on thinking "All the drama stopped right?". Wrong. One of the new member orgs, BJORN, dissolved. The leader wanted to go on other priorities and different directions. Cool. Good for them. B6 didn't think so. They were in meltdown mode. Here is where we get to the REAL cancer of Babylon 6.

RogoRogo. He started his public image off poorly by saying pedophilia is okay to talk about in B6.

Besides this, what did this exceptional individual do? He attempted to dox The ORG, he posted it on Spectrum, and the leadership of B6 said it was okay because they didn't like The ORG. The following images are of the dox, however because it was a failed attempt due to WHOIS protection, there is no personal information at all.


It wasn't redacted for privacy, it wasn't there to begin with. What's important is the intent behind it.

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Sep 14, 2017
RSI Handle

I saw this and immediately messaged the owner of the project.

He boiled things down to "that it's all in a video game, a website in your RSI profile is fair game" and was overall unhelpful. I attempted to get this on Spectrum, but he removed the messages.


After waiting for 12 hours to see if any action would be taken, it was clear that he didn't have a problem with it, along with the rest of the people in B6. The attempted dox on The ORG was allowed because they didn't care, it was against someone they didn't like, and many of them didn't know what doxxing means. They were trying to say things like "It's already public information, it isn't private", but that isn't the point of a dox. If someone provides information on someone else like that, its doxxing. Just because your Facebook profile is "public" doesn't mean that you should share it. I attempted to explain this to him, but he brushed it off as "praise about the ORG".



Bottom line: Babylon 6 is allowing members to dox individuals to find out who they are. They are using that to see who is allowed into their project now. If you don't like it, don't apply. The project is no longer neutral and they have just nuked their reputation. I have already reported the dox to CIG, but since it was a failure, they haven't removed it. All of this has been archived and information can be supplied to anyone that desires it.

It doesn't matter who they doxxed. As soon as a group does that and doesn't handle it immediately, they are blacklisted. Stesig has been creating his own versions of what doxxing is so that it can be allowed in the future and most of the German orgs are in favor of it so they can know who is who.


Let this tale be a lesson to anyone out there running an alliance. Doxxing is bad. When you dox people, you lose the support of others. A reasonable amount of orgs have already left and I would hope that others will too. A shame that such a promising project could be nuked so completely by its members and owner.

RIP Babylon 6
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Make Babylon 7. A neutral sanctuary station organization with blackjack and hookers, and no corruption, judgement, or bullying. All should only act in a positive manner, and any negative, hostile, or discriminatory actions are grounds for expulsion.
You forgot the beer! Beer, blow, hookers and blackjack where do I sign up?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Cool pic bro. Haha. You gotta beer pill? Also, dude needs to chill the fuck out.

(Caveat: I skim-read your posts, so if I say anything fucked, that's my defense, lol)
@Leodigarius, sorry this shit happened man. That's balls. On the plus side, at the end of the day, it IS just a video game. People who are taking it this seriously apparently have need of over things to fill their time. Like fuck me running, if someone is Kronos'ing all over the place because of a game, they need to get a fucking life.

Kudos for keeping you cool, dude!


Sep 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Cool pic bro. Haha. You gotta beer pill? Also, dude needs to chill the fuck out.

(Caveat: I skim-read your posts, so if I say anything fucked, that's my defense, lol)
@Leodigarius, sorry this shit happened man. That's balls. On the plus side, at the end of the day, it IS just a video game. People who are taking it this seriously apparently have need of over things to fill their time. Like fuck me running, if someone is Kronos'ing all over the place because of a game, they need to get a fucking life. I also don't know how someone would address him formally. Would it be Supreme Commander Fleet Admiral Fleet Commander Kronos?

Kudos for keeping you cool, dude!
lol Yeah, it is just a game. I wish these other dudes realized that as well. I don't mind arguing shit on the internet, but as soon as people take it to that next level, that's when I GTFO. His org page is hilarious. He says that his org is "like Jabba the Hutt & The Godfather but on a much larger scale". My favorite thing about it is he is completely serious about it too.

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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
He says that his org is "like Jabba the Hutt & The Godfather but on a much larger scale". My favorite thing about it is he is completely serious about it too.
lol I don't even know what that means. I liked The Godfather, and Jabba the Hutt is like my last landlord. Almost as heavy as she was too.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Hoy Bonanza!

And a mention of GoatHardon (as known on a previous Drama Thread about him here) too, I thought GS had faded away like VirtualAss... Unless Ass is still active too... *heh* it's all going on.


As the B6b leader is German he is in the euro zone where GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is in force. Whois doesn't work in this area any more, the fact that he was able to see Whois data posted by a member of his B6 group suggests he's unwittingly breeched the GDPR regulations where he lives.

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