Southwest Ohio, USA.Where you from stranger?
I love space sims, and growing up the Wing Commander series was my favorite. Once I heard about the game and learned that Chris Roberts was involved, I was sold. From there it's only gotten better. I've played every Wing Commander and Descent game, so after those franchises died off and X left me unsatisfied, I have been waiting for a game like this to come out.What drew you to Star Citizen?
I'm probably going to play Elite: Dangerous while waiting on the TBD release of Star Citizen, since even "2015" seems optimistic at this point. I'm also planning on picking up a HOTAS setup, most likely a Saitek X-55 or the SC branded HOTAS if it come to fruition.
Exploration, PVP, combat in general.What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Pong, on my dad's old Atari.What was the first game you remember playing?
Really just about anything. The only genres of games that I don't enjoy are fighting games (button mashing is dumb) and sports games (if I want to play sports I'll go outside). That said, my favorite genres are RPG, Sims (space/racing), and Shooters. Here's a short list of what I have played recently:What other games do you play?
- Eve Online (in a large low/null-sec PvP corp/alliance)
- Star Conflict
- Battlestar Galactica Online
- Battlefield 4
- Arma III
- GRID 2
- Next Car Game
- Sins of a Solar Empire
- Skyrim
- Neverwinter
- Warframe
Picard or Kirk?
Tough, but Picard.
I'm currently in the Redd Faction org in the RSI portal, so I'm not sure how to transition over. I want to make sure that I'm "accepted" before I leave that one and end up org-less.
Anything else you want to know - just ask.