Crytek vs CIG - Settlement Conference date set


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
settlement talks are usually confidential. If there was not a resolution, there probably won't be anything but a "we could not reach resolution at this time but are looking forward to continuing negotiations." If they are too far apart, they might hint at that...otherwise, expect crickets until a settlement is reached and the settlement will probably be "confidential" with neither side allowed to say anything about it except that there was one.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
+1 for naturals!
Fakes just don't bounce right
Wait, what are we talking about?
I fully support the addition of anime / hentai jiggle physics being included into the human avatar animations in SC as best as possible. (Even if it must be added on an individual local client basis with an add-on program.)

Just to get our bouncy part fix I suggest a bobble-head of our glorious Leader.
If we can get an in game @Montoya bobble-head for the dashboards, I'd also like to find a way to add a TEST Squadron "antenna ball" to my ships as well to further show that my my balls are happy to TESTify as well. I'll probably find a way to mount those TEST balls under my ship close to my main thrusters, just to get my point across. lols (LoL Made you look, now you owe me a drink. Cheers!)
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