I can see a way to incorporate dog-fighting into the mix.
Team A is on a base where they have...whatever...a "prototype ship" (Phoenix/Aquila/Starfarer/Hammerhead/Reclaimer/Montoya's 890/whatever). It should have lights to help guide in the assault crew to the fight. Once the shooting starts, the lights can be doused.
Team B wants to steal the ship. They can come in with a dropship(s) and fighter/bomber/gunship escort.
Team A has a few fighters they can either send up to meet the attack, or have the people stay on the ground to defend. They might also have a Ballista.
Team B needs to decide how close they want to get in their ship, knowing a ballista might be waiting for them. They can then walk or ride the rest of the way in ground vehicles.
Team B can chose to fly over the base trying to strafe and kill the Ballista or any fighters there might be on the ground. If a "no defender air cover" is declared as part of the rules, the assault force can only try to find/kill any Ballista's there might be and take out the turrets on the target ship...without destroying it in the process.
Target ship can have a guns crewed, but can't take off, have shields up, engines on, or the doors locked. Any assault ships or ground personnel are fair game with the ship turrets. There may be a need to have one or more elevators down. so the assault team can use them easily.
Team B must successfully steal the ship..but if someone remains on the ship from Team A, they can hide and try to retake the ship and return it. If they can't recapture it by the time it reaches some approved destination, then they lose (maybe edge of space, maybe a R&R station, maybe Port O.
Obviously, the more people you have, the more roles you can assign.
Do you bring in your crew in individual ships? Do you bring them in on a single valkyrie? How about bringing 2-3 valkyries, with the major assault force on one, or split between them. Maybe a Cat with a bunch of dragonflys in it.
Do you buzz the base looking for a ballista, or do you try and sneak in on foot?
Maybe have rail guns allowed for anti-ship/vehicle purposes.