What do you look for in SC spaceships these days?

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I've been pondering this question for a few days since the Nautilus came out but its been turning itself over and over in my head for a long time.

At first for me it was the exterior. Does the ship look badass? Most of the time the answer was 'yes'. Then came function. Does the ship work how I want according to my own interests?" Usually the answer was 'yes'. Those 2 factors for years were my guiding lights on if I wanted a spaceship. But over the last year and a half or so I'd say starting with the Vulcan this has changed. I'd add a 3rd guiding light and that is interior design. To me now its almost as important as function while exterior coolness has taken 3rd place.

I'm speaking mainly about multicrew ships however but the recent rework of the Vanguard also shows just how important and viable a good interior is for smaller craft. To me now after a ship does the role i want and I'm with friends I don't want a ship that's boring to look at inside. It needs to have variety, livability, and function all inside. Anyone that's been on Discord a while knows how I feel about the Constellation Andromeda. I call it a tube ship because its one corridor from end to end with different size rooms between. Its boring to me and I try to steer people toward the Mercury Star Runner which does have a much more varied interior layout.

Now I'll admit, The Constellation could be a victim of circumstance considering how it was one of the first 5 ever concepted and CIG at the time didn't know heads or tails about interiors nor really care if it wasn't a fighter cockpit. If it was done today for the first time it would probably look radically different. I freely admit this and it could also be that RSI's style is that the ship itself is a tube with the engines bolted on intead of integrated into the hull.. But I still see alot of potential in it if it got a chance to be reworked because it could end up like the Mercury with a few side rooms and other nooks to explore. Even the Corsair iirc had a couple side rooms, not big but still a couple.

With the Nautilus released it really brought back all of this. Why I value interior design now over outside look. It looks like a ship I could walk around in many many many times before getting bored of it. And it has 3 fully realized decks to explore. That's another bonus. Hammerhead only has 2 decks + cockpit below the main deck with its main feature being 2 long corridors on each side. And the Nautilus has stairs for going between the top deck and main deck. Stairs! And the stairs may also go to the sweep deck, its hard to tell.

To wrap this up, Function/role 1st, interior design(eye candy), liveability, function, variety 2nd, and exterior look 3rd. Thats what I look for now in SC spaceships. Just to add that they deliberately made the Nautilus roughly the same size lengthwise as the Carrack so they could fit on the same pad. With the advancements CIG has made in interior design I'm really hyped now for the Orion since not only has it grown super large but I can only imagine what kind of things they'll get to put inside it as far as rooms go. That's my hope anyway.

Thank you for reading. What do you look for nowadays in your SC ships when considering buying?


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
First, I look at the price. I have to watch my disposable income as I don't do credit. Second, I look at whether the ship function appeals to me. If it's a medical ship, I'll pawn stuff to get one. Sell blood, whatever it takes. Last, does it look cool or will CI need to redesign it. Case in point, the 600i is so atrociously designed that it made me physically ill to look at for the first 6 months. The interior and function of the ship was always awesome, but every time I'd see the exterior in an ad or video, i'd throw up a little in my mouth.

With regards to the Nautilus, it's too rich for my blood. I don't really care about mines as I plan to focus on freight and medical. It is a beautiful design, I wish the 600i had kept the lines like the 300 series had rather than going full retard/modern art.
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Space Marshal
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Usefulness and cool factor come into play. Yes I like the mercury star runner, it has sleek designs and a very nice looking interior, but as a cargo/data runner I think it's icing on the cake. Other ships I really appreciate the heavy industry look of the Drake line, cutty is still one of my favourite ships and I have all three, pile on the corsair and I think they make a nice addition to my fleet workhorse style.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I really want almost all my playtime on one ship. I’ll never have the time I want to do all the things I’d like to in SC, so I look for broad utility in the martial space. Right now that means the Polaris.

Design also turns my head and the Carrack was a close runner until they took the holoviewer out.

Inside martial utility, I always look for some niche advantage. Still loving the Razor EX for stealth recon, which really can’t be done with a big ship like the Polaris.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Price of course is a matter, as i intend only to spend a certain amount of money for the project.
(I said it several times i set myself milestones which i want to see before pledging a lot more)

I probably also would prefer a flight ready ship over "a soon™, when we have time, maybe later"-ship
*cough* redeemer *cough*

For me functionality over everything.
To me functionality also includes a nice and easy to read interiour.
I don't want to get lost regularly inside my ship.
One of the issues i had with the Starfarer and some other ships is that i got lost several times in it. Also why don't they just put maps on the ship walls?

Next is what does it sacrifice to stand out on another subject. If it is a combat ship do i like the weapons and/or turret placement? etc.

Design: I don't care too much also most ships look great to me (except *heresy* Origin)

Currently i think i'm happy with most ships i own. I'm just missing the one mid sized (connie size) ship i like.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Speed, in both SCM and Quantum. I'm no racer, but i'm no slouch either and I only have limited play time a week. 20mins wasted in Quantum? Erm, no thanks make that 7mins and you've got a deal.

350R for SCM, Starfarer for Quantum. The Vanguard is winning for a "best of both worlds" right now.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
1. Price. Unless it's starter-ship cheap, I don't have the money for it. On the other hand if it's cool and expensive (like an 890j), I consider it to be an in-game goal to aquire.
2. Utility. Is it good at something I intend to use it for? Can I fly it effectively when solo? If it requires 5 other ppl just to move it around and do some pew-pew, then it drops down my priority list considerably.
3. Exterior. I like almost all the ship designes so far with a few exceptions, so I look if if it really really catches my eye, or if it's just okay.
4. Last, the interior. I don't care much for the insides, unless it's very relevant like on touring / luxury ships. I can learn to live the unnecessary maze like interiors (starfarer) , but I'm more likely to enjoy something simple like a "tube ship" design or a nice middle ground. The fewer corridors and staircases and lifts leading into mostly useless rooms just there for flavour, the better.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I have to agree with you @Black Sunder, the ships reported function needs to be something I'm interested in even before I evaluate the other aspects. (Well besides bikes I seem to just like to buy them because of the rule of cool).

Can I enter the cockpit without having to go through 3 elevators and walk for 15 minutes
For the ships I plan to fly solo this is indeed a valid concern and some of them seem to take longer to go from the hanger entrance to flight-ready. Or even worse trying to do a carrier mission and having to hike for half a km from where the ship landed to the package because the ship was just too big to land anywhere closer.

As for the Constellation, I think the reason I keep it and the Constellation Phoenix is mostly due to nostalgia given I jumped on both of them from the start and have stuck with them since. They function fine, being relatively easy to fly carry cargo/vehicle and if they manage to keep their engines are sort of useful in combat.

I picked up the 600i Touring and I have to say its the only ship I've ever regretted purchasing and thats due to the interior. This is a shame as I like the outside shape and the view from the cockpit is spectacular. I have thought about upgrading to the explorer but was hoping the touring would better use the space and give more functionality to being a touring ship with role-playing elements. On the same token its how I view the 890 jump.

This year I have not really been buying any ships and I think that's mostly due to the roles these ships are intended for is not really gameplay elements I am interested in even if they do look great.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I look for this....
Do I want it?
Do I need it to accomplish something I want to accomplish in-game?
Is it worth the cash?
Will I buy it, melt it, and use the RSI credit to get an older buyback and eventually buy this one back.... or is it flyable right now?
Do I have the money right now?

Is it useful?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
. . .I look for broad utility in the martial space. Right now that means the Polaris.

. . .I always look for some niche advantage.
I should also have noted that inside the martial roles, I most often look for speed and stealth. This game appears it takes the entire stealth dynamic very seriously and lifelike. Almost every ship I see I ask myself what can be done to trick it out for stealth play.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I am looking for budget and functionality. I don't need a military ship myself, i have a saber comet. any bigger military ship is something i would prefer to crew up on. there are many ships in test along with lots of testies to fit that bill and supply the camaraderie that needs to go with it to make it fun. I would prefer a few more freighter variants to go live as of now and is more the market i am looking for atm.


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
I really want almost all my playtime on one ship. I’ll never have the time I want to do all the things I’d like to in SC, so I look for broad utility in the martial space. Right now that means the Polaris.

Design also turns my head and the Carrack was a close runner until they took the holoviewer out.

Inside martial utility, I always look for some niche advantage. Still loving the Razor EX for stealth recon, which really can’t be done with a big ship like the Polaris.
I see the Nautilus being more martial than the Polaris just because Nautilus have more solo and staying power and because half of Polaris roles (repair, support, forward base...) means it to stay out of combat.

Function over form.
So you like Orion form or not? 🤣

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I look for ship that give me variation in occupation and function so that I can change every now and then, that way I doubt I risk of being bored doing same thing.
And if price is to step I gradually upgrade until I get to where I want, then design does matter to me, like I like the Freelancer MAX exterior but vomit on the interior front design..
So if there is another ship that does the same as one other I go for the more logical and complete interior and exterior design, even if it can take less I go for the more logical and smart designs.

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