Anthem game as a service abandons roadmap.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
According to a video I saw in another thread Anthem has abandoned the roadmap that they introduced to make it a game as a service...

Games as a service seems to be a bit of a hit-or-more-often-miss.

So, who's still playing Anthem and hows the service from where you're standing? Would you leave them a tip and if so how many %?


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
I preordered anthem, I didn’t play it after the first week because it became old fast, they haven’t brought anything in it to bring me back, a colleague of mine plays it from time to time but he says it still has some of the issues that were present on day 1. Shame as the mechanics of this game were fantastic, just the development team had their own vision that wasn’t shared by the community


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I preordered anthem, I didn’t play it after the first week because it became old fast, they haven’t brought anything in it to bring me back, a colleague of mine plays it from time to time but he says it still has some of the issues that were present on day 1. Shame as the mechanics of this game were fantastic, just the development team had their own vision that wasn’t shared by the community

Same, and I got 250hrs of play, really stretched it out, but the game fell short on what it could have been.

I logged back in last week to see that Cataclysm, its ok, but I kinda lost my interest and emotional investment in that game.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
According to a video I saw in another thread Anthem has abandoned the roadmap that they introduced to make it a game as a service...

Games as a service seems to be a bit of a hit-or-more-often-miss.

So, who's still playing Anthem and hows the service from where you're standing? Would you leave them a tip and if so how many %?
According to the rumors swirling around this, they appear to be pulling Bioware resources now to devote them to Dragon Age 4, which will borrow Anthem's code base, as well as the game-as-a-service model.

Buh-bye to another great studio & IP!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
how is 'Games as a Service' different from a subscription?
I've never bought a GAAS game or a Subscription game.

Apart from SC the games I play are at least 5 years old and well into their dotage with all the development done to them.

From the surface it appears a GAAS is a game released as a minimal viable product and if it takes off it becomes the game it should have been in the first place and if it doesn't it dies off before the publisher has sunk a bunch more moulah into it.

Seems like the people the GAAS model services are not the players...?


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
how is 'Games as a Service' different from a subscription?
With a sub based game of old, like WoW, you get most of the stuff they promised in the first place, at launch or not far after.

A GAaS game will promise everything, and deliver only the most basic ( minimal viable product as @NaffNaffBobFace said) gameplay, with a working cash shop to monetize the product as soon as possible.

So with a sub based game, you should end up with a better product in a shorter time as you get a more complete game out of the box and the sub required to play ensures constant income to build more of the game.
With GAaS it's only about greed: money as fast as possible for as little investment as possible, without concern for long term viability, and zero concern whether the game is good, as long as the shop is working and printing money, even if for a short time, as they can just keep bullshiting the players with promises and roadmaps. Sounds familiar? Lol


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
how is 'Games as a Service' different from a subscription?
I totally agree with @Lorddarthvik ...

Jim Sterling had a great analogy his video about Anthem (with more explanation in his video about Microsoft):

Basically, way back in 2010 and earlier, when you bought a video game, you got the whole thing. Now, when you buy a "game as a service", you are basically paying $60 (or more) for something that has all the fun carved out, just so you have the privilege to buy back the fun bits, one piece at a time. Also, since the thing is released as an incomplete piece of shit, with "promises" of "more exciting content" "coming soon" you in essence are getting just this:
Screen Shot 2019-09-19 at 1.47.29 PM.png

when what you really thought you were getting was a full, complete product.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Games as a service are a scam. Charge me $100, if that's the price of an actual game nowadays. Don't do this nickel and dime s***.
I think Games as a service might work for small game studios who struggle to have a proper funding and who are fully dedicated towards their product.

Games as a service from big publishers should be considered very critically, as its most likely is a just considered as a way to optimize profit and ROI.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Games as a service are a scam. Charge me $100, if that's the price of an actual game nowadays. Don't do this nickel and dime s***.
This is the problem: to some players they will only spend the ticket price - $60, $100, whatever they end up charging for the box on the shelf, this player isn't going to get the paid for DLC, the paid for flair, $2 loot boxes or $2 card packs. This player is not who they made the game for.

Other players will treat this game like their own personal hobby, as it is, the initial $60, $100, whatever they charge for the box on the shelf is only the beginning with their leisure spend not going into things like trips to the cinema etc but into this game. Look at Fortnight, free to play but making multiple millions for the company that made it. Look at Fifa 20XX, coming out every year with the previous years investment by players not only in buying the game but also those randomized player card packs being reduced to absolutely nothing as they upgrade endlessly over and over and over...

They don't want you to just own the game. They want you to make it your hobby and start pouring your leasure spend into their accounts. When done right it can litterally build a company. A one off $60 for a copy of the game is nothing compared to a regular $10 a week from 50,000 players.


Space Marshal
Aug 8, 2014
RSI Handle
According to a video I saw in another thread Anthem has abandoned the roadmap that they introduced to make it a game as a service...

Games as a service seems to be a bit of a hit-or-more-often-miss.

So, who's still playing Anthem and hows the service from where you're standing? Would you leave them a tip and if so how many %?
Not 100% accurate. They are suspending plans to fix what they currently have.

That game is dead.


Space Marshal
Feb 10, 2015
RSI Handle
Yeah I played hardcore for the first week or so, then never really returned.
Beautiful game though.

Looking forward to the next Dragon Age.
Inquisition was big.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I agree with Montoya in part, the initial gameplay and graphics were great I had tons of fun for the first 2-3 weeks but it quickly went downhill from there, 4-6 weeks in I stopped logging on as did many others. Anyways Anthem had tons of potential I was sold from day 1 I just never realized how quickly a game could go from awesome during the open beta test to flat out garbage 1 month in and now I know its possible lol.
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