Interdictor class ship?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
With the silhouette revealed, everybody seems to agree that an interdictor class ship will be revealed.

There is already some premature raging about how this will ruin the game ;)

The mechanics are simple enough, you find a popular trade route, you park your ship and turn on the interdiction bubble. If a ship is in quantum happens to travel within a certain distance of your bubble, it will get pulled out of quantum and now you can attack it.

To keep things balanced, we already know the transport ships like the Cat and Starfarer have pretty good shields. It is highly likely that the Mantis (?) will be lightly armored and have weak weapons. It is not a ship that is meant to be used on its own, but rather in a group.

What are your predictions?

Wow, people are already raging about interdiction? Have they not been following the game at all? Cause we have been told from the start that interdiction will be a thing and we have already seen some of it with NPC's interdicting us for both pirates and now police looking for illicit goods and it was made very clear that its something Players will be able to do as well. And I imagine it's going to work the same way not only knock you out of warp but make it so you can't wrap until you've either destroyed the ship making the bubble or gotten outside the range.

As for the range thing while it is true you can fly 10k + to remove yourself out of the range of the bubble near your point of origin it will not remove you from a bubble near your destination. So those putting down bubbles will not really be looking to pick up people leaving so much as arriving.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
As for the range thing while it is true you can fly 10k + to remove yourself out of the range of the bubble near your point of origin it will not remove you from a bubble near your destination. So those putting down bubbles will not really be looking to pick up people leaving so much as arriving.
Smart man you are. That being said, unless you know where a specific target is coming from, how do you know where to wait? Guess that'll play into the intelligence side of the house. Ohhhhh, I like it.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Space is huge, that would have to be an enormous bubble you're generating in order to be effective. I mean even flying lets say 20k to starboard before engaging quantum will move that popular route by an ever increasing factor. Let's say it does generate something crazy in size, like 150k in diameter, if you clip something and drop it out of quantum, odds are they'll be able to power up and run for it before you can intercept.

Now I get this ship shouldn't be working alone, but potentially that's a large number of vessels you're going to have to have operating in a specific area to pin down targets. Also realistically, how long before generating a field like that would be detected on long range sensors in a even "half assed" patrolled system? How long do you have parked there fishing before the game wardens start showing up?
How about this for a thought - The Quantum Drive compresses the space in front of your ship and uncompresses it behind, so you travel at speed 1 and you would go 1 in normal space, you travel at speed 1 in Quantum and you go 20 in normal space.

So an interdiction bubble doesn't have to do much to be able to grab ships from fairly far away who are using a quantum drive as the drive is doing a lot of the work for them... all they have to do is compress space around them into some form of funnle and once the victim is stuck in the funnle close enough deactivate their drive.

Done right it would be like one of those coin donation funnels at the fast-food joint:



Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
One of the things they noted when they talked about interdictions though is that you were not going to know where...or were going to pull out of quantum. Looking for a fat merchant, but end up pulling a UEE Hammerhead out instead? Stinks to be you.

Also, there was supposed to be a wide range of where you popped out of quantum. This was stated so that you could not just sit on top of a Quantum zone exit and wait for targets to come to you. They would come, but they might appear 20k away from you, or they might appear 50m away from you. Again, stuff that needs to be considered.

Finally, there is currently a stop on the system when you exit quantum. Everything is playing catch-up. Things need to be synched up so that when the player sees you, you have finished your quantum stutter and both players are free to act. It's not a good design if someone can kill you while you are waiting for the stutter to end.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Smart man you are. That being said, unless you know where a specific target is coming from, how do you know where to wait? Guess that'll play into the intelligence side of the house. Ohhhhh, I like it.

Trade routes will be critical. You know that a lot of gold is being hauled from Yela to Hurston Rest Stop 2. All an entrepreneur pirate needs to do is shut down the Comm Array near the point of their operation. Set up their trap and enjoy the spoils. Unless they are unfortunate and do pull a UEE hammerhead out then it's more like sacrifice the Mantis while the rest run for the Astro fields.

It can also be used on those pesky mining operations. Orions always jumping away before you can loot their ore? Well jump in your fleet with a few Mantis and lock them down.

Bounty always skip jumping after he ID's you at the local bar? Well, bring along your friendly Mantis to look him down so you can collect that reward.

It can even be used to act as a fighter/bomber screen to prevent the enemy from warping in their bombers on top of your capital ships or warping into your capital ship (Kylo Ren should have been smart and had one of these).


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
While I enjoy fishing, the idea of interdicting other players & NPC's sounds like it will be super boring at times while super sketchy at others.

If I was planning on doing this though, I'd have some EMP & E-war ships with the group. The interdiction ship drops them out of quantum, then the EMP's nerf their systems for the e-war to hack & keep down as the bandits move in to take over the caught ships.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
While I enjoy fishing, the idea of interdicting other players & NPC's sounds like it will be super boring at times while super sketchy at others.

If I was planning on doing this though, I'd have some EMP & E-war ships with the group. The interdiction ship drops them out of quantum, then the EMP's nerf their systems for the e-war to hack & keep down as the bandits move in to take over the caught ships.

You'll make a mighty fine pirate with a mind like that.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
You'll make a mighty fine pirate with a mind like that.
If I was to become a pirate, I'd like to be similar to Captain Flynn from the show Black Sails. Those that like pirate shows & movies will probably like this show. Unfortunately it was cancelled a couple years ago. It can still be watched online at various places though.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
While I enjoy fishing, the idea of interdicting other players & NPC's sounds like it will be super boring at times while super sketchy at others.

If I was planning on doing this though, I'd have some EMP & E-war ships with the group. The interdiction ship drops them out of quantum, then the EMP's nerf their systems for the e-war to hack & keep down as the bandits move in to take over the caught ships.
I think you may need to join us in our endeavours to free rich baddies of their sweet sweet loots.
You'll make a mighty fine pirate with a mind like that.
He would indeed
Trade routes will be critical. You know that a lot of gold is being hauled from Yela to Hurston Rest Stop 2. All an entrepreneur pirate needs to do is shut down the Comm Array near the point of their operation. Set up their trap and enjoy the spoils. Unless they are unfortunate and do pull a UEE hammerhead out then it's more like sacrifice the Mantis while the rest run for the Astro fields.

It can also be used on those pesky mining operations. Orions always jumping away before you can loot their ore? Well jump in your fleet with a few Mantis and lock them down.

Bounty always skip jumping after he ID's you at the local bar? Well, bring along your friendly Mantis to look him down so you can collect that reward.

It can even be used to act as a fighter/bomber screen to prevent the enemy from warping in their bombers on top of your capital ships or warping into your capital ship (Kylo Ren should have been smart and had one of these).
This, this I can get behind. I do love the concept (if that's even what it is), as I intend to live the Pirates Privateers life, so this would fit in nicely.
If I was to become a pirate, I'd like to be similar to Captain Flynn from the show Black Sails. Those that like pirate shows & movies will probably like this show. Unfortunately it was cancelled a couple years ago. It can still be watched online at various places though.
Great show. And yes, a Privateer, a freedom fighter! Haha


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
If I was planning on doing this though, I'd have some EMP & E-war ships with the group. The interdiction ship drops them out of quantum, then the EMP's nerf their systems for the e-war to hack & keep down as the bandits move in to take over the caught ships.
Don't forget a Valkyrie or 2 for the boarding party! I would think you would want to take the ship you want, and then rapidly quantum away, while your rear party kept interdicting the escorts until you were all safely away.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Don't forget a Valkyrie or 2 for the boarding party! I would think you would want to take the ship you want, and then rapidly quantum away, while your rear party kept interdicting the escorts until you were all safely away.
Using a Valkyrie in space? I think using a pair of Hoplites would work better to be honest. As a Vanguard variant it can help take down any potential security ships while also then letting the assault crew out to do their thing once the space is secure for the moment.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Using a Valkyrie in space? I think using a pair of Hoplites would work better to be honest. As a Vanguard variant it can help take down any potential security ships while also then letting the assault crew out to do their thing once the space is secure for the moment.
Ya hoplites or Prowler. Heck even a MPUV would work wonders. The issue with the Valkyrie is its a tad too big as its geared more in atmosphere ground drops.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Ya hoplites or Prowler. Heck even a MPUV would work wonders. The issue with the Valkyrie is its a tad too big as its geared more in atmosphere ground drops.
That in addition to that there are no airlocks to protect the flight crew from all of the air being vented into space the moment somebody opens any of its outer doors.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
That in addition to that there are no airlocks to protect the flight crew from all of the air being vented into space the moment somebody opens any of its outer doors.

This is why I plan to always wear a spacesuit around fellow testies. We are not known for showing restraint with pushing buttons, opening doors and landing ships.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'm wondering how likely it is the Mantis sports a pair of S6 mounts and room for a boarding party. Yeah, CIG always wants to see cooperative gameplay, but if I were designing an interdictor, I'd want those elements along. A pair of S6 Condemnation Distortion Scatterguns are still listed as 20k dps distortion each, so 40k dps all to shields and computer would seem adequate to take down most ships in seconds, regardless of their shields. And do shields operate in quantum or do you have to turn them on after you emerge?

If the Mantis has room for 12 boarders, could be something to love more than the Prowler or the Polaris. . .and you know the Vanduul all deserve to die. They do!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm wondering how likely it is the Mantis sports a pair of S6 mounts and room for a boarding party. Yeah, CIG always wants to see cooperative gameplay, but if I were designing an interdictor, I'd want those elements along. A pair of S6 Condemnation Distortion Scatterguns are still listed as 20k dps distortion each, so 40k dps all to shields and computer would seem adequate to take down most ships in seconds, regardless of their shields. And do shields operate in quantum or do you have to turn them on after you emerge?

If the Mantis has room for 12 boarders, could be something to love more than the Prowler or the Polaris. . .and you know the Vanduul all deserve to die. They do!
I like your dream but I have a feeling it's a bit far fetched. Especially with their tendency of recently to have their ships be very much single role focus to the point where logically it might be able to do more like carrying cargo but can't because of reasons. I have a feeling this ship is going to be around a Vanguard to Freelancer in size and undersized weapons with its role to be tackle and hold while other members of your party do the fighting/disabling.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
interdiction will kill trade outside of UEE controlled space

I don't think CIG realizes they're driving players away from interacting with other players and toward an all-PVE play style

Eve Online has taught us how risk-averse players are
My guess is CIG is fully aware of how things have gone in Eve. I'd bet many of them have played. If the risk is high, then few will bite, and fewer pirates will wait, and it may all turn into a nice dynamic. If only the rare player will haul outside UEE space, and only the rare pirates will wait for them, then it becomes a real gamble rather than something to expect to work out. I think that's what I'd want--huge rewards if you can manage the huge risks. They just need to give players something worth the risk that can be had outside UEE space that cannot be had inside, and I'm sure that will be easy to figure out. Some quantum fuel source outside UEE space would be reason enough I should think.

If only the most daring pilots and crews will even consider hauling outside UEE, that would seem to me to make good sense. Just give them adequate reward.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I like your dream but I have a feeling it's a bit far fetched. Especially with their tendency of recently to have their ships be very much single role focus to the point where logically it might be able to do more like carrying cargo but can't because of reasons. I have a feeling this ship is going to be around a Vanguard to Freelancer in size and undersized weapons with its role to be tackle and hold while other members of your party do the fighting/disabling.
I hate that you're probably right. Ugh
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