Mistakes will be made


Space Marshal
Dec 20, 2014
RSI Handle
You guys I'm really working up some anxiety about all the shitposting I did on these forums 3 years ago.


Guess i'll repost my icebreaker...
I'll run through these quickly:

Where you from Brisbane AU

What drew you Internet Spaceships

What do you look forward Internet Spaceships

What was the first game you remember playing? Super Mario 64

What other games do you play? I've got a carrier capable pilot in Eve but I never got good at that game so fuck that noise. I picked up Classic wow recently, got to level 23 and got bored of running around the Barrens. I used to play Destiny but that's cancer now. Elite Dangerous is fun but I already have a job. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is amazing but honestly I find it to be skin deep, I'm super hard for the soundtrack though. Apex Legends is fun, but I feel like its dying; I suck at that game too. Yep, that about covers it. I'm looking forward to Cyberpunk and Doom Eternal.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? Apparently I was already here so I guess I got drunk and took care of that myself.

Picard or Kirk? Is this a loaded question?

LFC Carrack & Merchantman



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Space Marshal
Dec 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Classic? It was released in '96! Man, I must be old ... I remember playing Super Mario Brothers with my oldest two kids before they were 5. They're now both 35
Not sure about the math on this but if your kids are 35 then I think perhaps maybe you might possibly not be a young man any more. 😂 Despite how old we all feel (I’ve got some city miles on me) I think it’s fair to call SM64 a classic. It was a huge step forward for the industry at the time and I think in the true sense of the word it is a ‘classic’.
Who knows maybe the kids will be tweeting in VR about SC 20 years from now.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Classic? It was released in '96! Man, I must be old ... I remember playing Super Mario Brothers with my oldest two kids before they were 5. They're now both 35
We are never old, those of us "young at heart" lol.

Honestly, the thing I never understood about aging was how, even as your body starts (& continues) crapping out, your mind still stays "young"...

And for the record, I was [REDACTED] when Super Mario 64 was released, but it really is a classic!


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Great video 😸
Ty for that. Think I might go buy a 64.
You probably either want to play the ROM on a PC emulator, or get a 3DS or 2DS and get a copy of SM64 DS...sadly, the N64 is pretty low resolution, and doesn't look well on modern TV's. (but if you need a new hobby to funnel another $1000 or so into, go ahead!).
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