Ship for dangerous traderoutes

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So, I like tough ships to run more dangerous trade routes. Maybe with escort, maybe without, would actually need to test to see how much firepower is required.

There are few ships that I have had my eye on:
Starfarer Gemini,
Hercules (I'd go for M2 because the other models just cost way more, transport less, and have barely any additional armaments)
And Carrack.

Also considered Connie at one point, but wanted something with bit more cargo space, and Connie has kinda poor turret coverage anyhow (Or alternatively, less cargo space)

So, I was trying to figure out how to compare the ships, one part of it certainly is the weapons. Rather than just going to draw turret coverages and detailed dps maps, I wanted to simplify it into a single comparable number.
Simply put it would be the sum of all weapons, their size times their number, however, size 2 isn't quite twice as good as size 1, so I took a look at Laser Autocannons and divided and multiplied their DPS with each other until a pattern emerged. Doing (DPS_COMPARED_SIZE / DPS_SIZE_01) / COMPARED_SIZE consistently gave around 0.8, +/- 0.05, so I decided that 0.8 was good enough magic number.

So I got a simple comparative firepower formula: SUM(Size * amount) * 0.8. Now, Needed something for the missiles as well, mainly I was concerned that if I would choose between ship with one size 1 laser or ship with one size 1 missile, I'd much rather want the ship with size 1 laser. Missiles are powerful, but they're single use, vastly reducing their DPS output. But they must count for something, so I figured that 0.2 will do, as it's neat.

Anyhow, here are the results:
Starfarer, Gemini = 49.2
Hercules M2 = 16
Merchantman = 27.2
Carrack = 12.8

As you can see, the reason I like Starfarer Gemini is, it has guns. On closer inspection, it also has nice coverage on turrets. Now, since Hercules, Merchantman and Carrack aren't out yet, it's entirely possible their weapons will get upgraded, though I don't think their positions or number will change. Maybe some missiles will be added.

Now, Starfarer has the smallest amount of cargo, for now. However, when those 6 large tanks come into play, it'll be able to carry much more of certain types of commodities. Also, it can generate fuel, which can be sold. So, money for nothing. Nice.

Hercules, on the other hand, has a very large ramp for the cargospace, meaning that, while Starfarer can fit some snubs and even racing ships inside it, they need to be rammed inside and can't be deployed fast. So Hercules might be a viable pocket carrier, you certainly could fit 40 angry space bikers inside. Also, it's plating is supposedly very sturdy, though so is Geminis. I'm bit meh on the turret placement tho.

Merchantmant... well, lots of cargo. Second best firepower score, although if you look at it more closely, those guns are mostly fixed. If you need to fight a moon, that'll work, but... No, just. No. Lots, and lots of cargo space tho, and perhaps some unique abilities when trading. No idea what the carrier capabilities of this ship are, but I would assume you can fit some ships in the cargo space, and you'll probably have a large enough door to fly them out of.

Carrack. Okey turret placement, but man, so small weapons. Barely any firepower. Supposedly very fast quantum times tho, and you can really do a lot more than just trade with this one. Second largest cargo space as well, and a dedicated hangar for a small ship. Though whether that is better than deploying snubs from the back of a hercules remains to be seen.

So, so far I'm kinda leaning in the direction of Starfarer Gemini. Just because, man, it has so much firepower compared to anything else. I mean, Size 6 double turret alone is just nuts! And then throw in couple more turrets, some gimbaled weapons and a bunch of missiles and you need to ask yourself if you'd really want to mess with an angry Gemini.

Anyhow, what do you guys think?
The Gemini or M2 are likely your best choices, as you envision it.

You appear to be missing something though.

As you have shown a single fighter, or even a couple of fighters should be no more than a nuisance.
A squadron of Vanguards, with a mix of Wardens Harbingers a single Sentinel and a Hoplite or two, if they are coordinated, are a definite problem, but unlikely.

But the main threat to you, which is why you need escorts in dangerous space, are the dedicated commerce raiders.
A Retaliator or Eclipse will ruin your whole day, unless your escorts can buy you the time to escape.
Either can turn you, quickly, into a loot pinata. But more dangerous is if they bring friends to board after stopping you.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The Starfarer is also supposed to be capable of replacing the tanks with cargo modules.
Thanks for this. I was not aware. It will be interesting to see if you can carry just one big fuel tank, or perhaps two if you're gathering both kinds of fuel, and have the rest available for cargo. Then you can refuel your fighter escorts as needed, refine more fuel as needed, etc.

I have actually wondered about the NPC pilot limitations for along time. Need to wait and see, but it is possible the only big ship that could do single player exploration is the StarG with both Tana's and Sen's flying off it. So long as you keep fuel aboard, seems you could just venture out as long and as deep as you like.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Thanks for this. I was not aware. It will be interesting to see if you can carry just one big fuel tank, or perhaps two if you're gathering both kinds of fuel, and have the rest available for cargo. Then you can refuel your fighter escorts as needed, refine more fuel as needed, etc.

I have actually wondered about the NPC pilot limitations for along time. Need to wait and see, but it is possible the only big ship that could do single player exploration is the StarG with both Tana's and Sen's flying off it. So long as you keep fuel aboard, seems you could just venture out as long and as deep as you like.
Since they are cargo pods, or fuel pods I don't see why a mix wouldn't be allowed.

I seriously considered a Starfarer Gemini until the second time I went aboard. I figured the first time I just didn't know what I was doing, then I realized that whoever designed the interior was just an idiot. :)


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
I read all of page one and skipped to the end... Doesn't the Carrak have 4-5 turrets and aren't they rated at size 3-4? That should be enough to fend off fighters. As long as you have 4 gunners, if memory serves you have a turret on the port and starboard wing, and a turret on the dorsal and ventral sides of the hull, each with a 180 degree arc and 350 degree view.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Thanks for this. I was not aware. It will be interesting to see if you can carry just one big fuel tank, or perhaps two if you're gathering both kinds of fuel, and have the rest available for cargo. Then you can refuel your fighter escorts as needed, refine more fuel as needed, etc.

I have actually wondered about the NPC pilot limitations for along time. Need to wait and see, but it is possible the only big ship that could do single player exploration is the StarG with both Tana's and Sen's flying off it. So long as you keep fuel aboard, seems you could just venture out as long and as deep as you like.
Oh, wow! Thanks for this, I am now thinking the Starfarer it might be a better option than my Endeavor may end up being...
It is also the last line of the ship description.
The listed Cargo Capacity is only for the dedicated Cargo Room and does not account for the extra space available from the bulk cargo pods.
The image is from


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I read all of page one and skipped to the end... Doesn't the Carrak have 4-5 turrets and aren't they rated at size 3-4? That should be enough to fend off fighters. As long as you have 4 gunners, if memory serves you have a turret on the port and starboard wing, and a turret on the dorsal and ventral sides of the hull, each with a 180 degree arc and 350 degree view.
Hmmmm. I'm thinking of following in your footprints here. It depends what comes out during the sale, but I can also buy the package. It has two ships I would like, the rest would just become upgrade fodder (I already have them)
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Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmmmm. I'm thinking of following in your footprints here. It depends what comes out during the sale, but I can also buy the package. It has two ships I would like, the rest would just become upgrade fodder (I already have them)
Yeah I did that yesterday. Basically the day before I consolidated a lot of stuff by melting a few things then using LTI tokens to reacquire what I knew I wanted to keep that was available now. Before going with the Explorer Pack, I melted my original 2014 pledge (Origin 325a) since the Explorer Pack gives both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 access. For me I have a Carrak and 4 LTI tokens now, 3 if the Super Hornet is available during the sale, planning to melt my old SH so I can have one with LTI which will leave me with an LTI only fleet.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Oh man... trying to not think about the Carrack and how close it is to being flyable. After that, the only other ship I am really eagerly anticipating is the Polaris.
I'm waiting for the Polaris too, but I'm not likely to buy it... just want to be someone's navigator on one, because I never get lost. Sniff... sniff.. does anyone else smell something burning?


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm waiting for the Polaris too, but I'm not likely to buy it... just want to be someone's navigator on one, because I never get lost. Sniff... sniff.. does anyone else smell something burning?
If the A2 Hercules isn't everything I hoped and dreamed it would be, I'll be melting it and more than likely get a Polaris.

So Navigator's Job Description is as follows.
- Navigate the Ship
- Maintain stock of Beer and Scotch
- Provide coffee and Aspirin to the Captain to help combat hangover due to above mentioned stock of Beer and Scotch
- May be required to assume command of the ship due to Captain's hangover


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
So Navigator's Job Description is as follows.
- Navigate the Ship
- Maintain stock of Beer and Scotch
- Provide coffee and Aspirin to the Captain to help combat hangover due to above mentioned stock of Beer and Scotch
- May be required to assume command of the ship due to Captain's hangover
  • Navigate: I can do that... You have options. You can say things like, "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning" when the helmsman wants to know how to get there, that kind of thing. It's very important that you stay that explicit about the route, or have magic fairy dust in your pocket.
  • Beer and Scotch: Unfortunately for me but fortunately for the captain and crew I can drink neither for a looong time, so your stash would be perfectly safe.
  • Provide coffee and Aspirin: I can make coffee, including Turkish coffee but it's a little easier to make filtered coffee from the beans I buy. Arabica beans from Ethiopia are my favorite. When I travel there's usually a bottle of 200 aspirins in my suitcase. It's been there for, I think only 2 or 3 years, certainly no more than 5 years. Aged perfectly though.
  • Assume command: Yes of course. I'm a great ship commander. I am always aware of my location in 2d space, and sometimes in 3d space too! What's important is that you can say "Engage" and "That-a-way" with conviction and purpose. You also have to nebulously gesture in some random generally forward direction, and never get caught going to the can while on duty. It helps if you wait until your ship is turned away from that moon before saying "That-a-way".
It might help to know that I can swear better than a French Canadian Navy Petty Officer, which is an actual feat. (But they think that "Tabernac" and "Calice" are profanities)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
You're always welcome on mine. Just no sitting in the captain's chair or hitting on the comm's officer.
Why can't they hit on me? 😘
It might help to know that I can swear better than a French Canadian Navy Petty Officer, which is an actual feat. (But they think that "Tabernac" and "Calice" are profanities)
Crisse de tabarnak de Esti de sacrament!


Crisse de câlisse de sacrament de tabarnak d'osti de ciboire!


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
  • Navigate: I can do that... You have options. You can say things like, "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning" when the helmsman wants to know how to get there, that kind of thing. It's very important that you stay that explicit about the route, or have magic fairy dust in your pocket.
  • Beer and Scotch: Unfortunately for me but fortunately for the captain and crew I can drink neither for a looong time, so your stash would be perfectly safe.
  • Provide coffee and Aspirin: I can make coffee, including Turkish coffee but it's a little easier to make filtered coffee from the beans I buy. Arabica beans from Ethiopia are my favorite. When I travel there's usually a bottle of 200 aspirins in my suitcase. It's been there for, I think only 2 or 3 years, certainly no more than 5 years. Aged perfectly though.
  • Assume command: Yes of course. I'm a great ship commander. I am always aware of my location in 2d space, and sometimes in 3d space too! What's important is that you can say "Engage" and "That-a-way" with conviction and purpose. You also have to nebulously gesture in some random generally forward direction, and never get caught going to the can while on duty. It helps if you wait until your ship is turned away from that moon before saying "That-a-way".
It might help to know that I can swear better than a French Canadian Navy Petty Officer, which is an actual feat. (But they think that "Tabernac" and "Calice" are profanities)
You're Hired!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Because you are way too easily distracted and last time we failed to heed the aggressive cop's commands and spent a week in isolation. Which was terrible because they refused to provide us our daily ration of beer.
Wait, they didn't give you any beer that week? Huh, guess that explains why I kept getting two at a time.
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