Are we just Bullet Sponges


Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2018
RSI Handle
Might have found my answer in the Apollo Q&A
How do you envision the balance between medical gameplay and time to kill (TTK)? Turning players into the kind of bullet sponges that facilitate the different stages of injuries and healing doesn’t make for a fun FPS experience, while having a shorter TTK results in players dying too quickly to use anything other than tier 1 recovery.

TTK will be increased as we bring more features online. However, we’ll be constantly reviewing and amending the features that contribute to it to ensure all related gameplay feels as fun and immersive as possible. In previous releases, our TTK was quite high, but the UI gave very little feedback to the players about what was going on. This gave a poor feeling to both parties, but there are lots of systems due to be implemented that will prevent this from happening again.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I have not played SC in a long time, before the new flight model and I never did FPS. After watching the latest "Inside Star Citizen" I have to ask Is everyone a bullet sponge? I could not believe how many shots it took to drop an npc. It did not seem remotely realistic.
Standard answer: That was TOTALLY unrealistic. No part of the game as it is now is like that they didn't even need to reload the gun. Likely a set of Dev specifics to get the footage and test through the level without dying a lot.

Are we just bullet sponges?
Non-standard answer: No, we are TEST!


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2016
RSI Handle
I have not played SC in a long time, before the new flight model and I never did FPS. After watching the latest "Inside Star Citizen" I have to ask Is everyone a bullet sponge? I could not believe how many shots it took to drop an npc. It did not seem remotely realistic.
If you look at the player's ammo count you will see... They were in debug mode. Hence the invincibility and unlimited ammo.

As far as the PU goes read Death of a Spaceman. Right now we die pretty easily to NPCs. Later, expect to be disabled but not dead from a lot of injuries.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I have not played SC in a long time, before the new flight model and I never did FPS. After watching the latest "Inside Star Citizen" I have to ask Is everyone a bullet sponge? I could not believe how many shots it took to drop an npc. It did not seem remotely realistic.
Currently in game, depending on armor and weapon used, it takes anywhere between "No time flat" and "Wow I'm being shot at I'll jump behind this cover, med pen, phew I survived, now I'll just try to find where they were shooting me from... Ah there, back to cover and... oh there were two and the other flanked me and now I'm dead."


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I have not played SC in a long time, before the new flight model and I never did FPS. After watching the latest "Inside Star Citizen" I have to ask Is everyone a bullet sponge? I could not believe how many shots it took to drop an npc. It did not seem remotely realistic.
As already explained no, we are not bullet proof, qute the oppotie in fact, and same for the bad guys (taht means every one not wearing TEST color).
The TTK (Time-To-Kill) is really low, but vary depending on the wepon used and the armour protecting the meatbag inside, medium and heavy armors give you a reasonable protection and allow you to take cover and pach you with a medipen, light armour give you a good mobility, but you also go down really fast if cought by a rifle bulllet (or better wepaon).

The video of the mission was recorded in test eviroment with some "god mode" active both for player and NPC, dont' take that for an example of the actual stat of FPS missions.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
While we get killed just by standing too hard next to a ship spawning console, it's still up in the air how TTK will end up lol. Currently you can take a few hits, but not many, and with the NPC-s being as laggy as they are, it's hard to tell what goes down. All I know is that with the frag pistol or whatever it's called, you can take down an npc in 2-3 headshots. It's quiet convenient lol


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
While we get killed just by standing too hard next to a ship spawning console, it's still up in the air how TTK will end up lol. Currently you can take a few hits, but not many, and with the NPC-s being as laggy as they are, it's hard to tell what goes down. All I know is that with the frag pistol or whatever it's called, you can take down an npc in 2-3 headshots. It's quiet convenient lol
The Coda and the Salvo pistols are both .50 caliber pistols. The Coda is a six shot and the Salvo is an eight. Both are very capable handguns, with the salvo being able to fragment its bullets and be used as a small shotgun, for whatever reason....


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I have not played SC in a long time, before the new flight model and I never did FPS. After watching the latest "Inside Star Citizen" I have to ask Is everyone a bullet sponge? I could not believe how many shots it took to drop an npc. It did not seem remotely realistic.
They implemented a leveling system. That was obviously a level 80 soldier class character, able to equip the heaviest armors. They decided to follow SOE’s lead and implemented a New Game Experience because they felt it would extend the time the game was playable.

seriously, it’s just a god mode setting. Look at his ammo counter and you can tell that, he never changes clips and he absorbs a ton of damage.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Thanks guys,
Time to get back into it. I just dread having to learn all the buttons on my dual sticks again
I suggest you to do a complete re-map of all settings: a lot of command and dinamic has change and you better start as a fresh new config rater then re-check all the binding
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
To be honest the question we should be asking is why didn't he just lob a grenade into that pack of dudes in the second room?
A: it would have been too fast and easy
B: grenades are still broken and there's a good chance he would have blown himself up
C: he is a dev focused on testing the gunplay of the level, so he just forgot he had them

I'd go with B...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
A: it would have been too fast and easy
B: grenades are still broken and there's a good chance he would have blown himself up
C: he is a dev focused on testing the gunplay of the level, so he just forgot he had them

I'd go with B...
It might be a little from each...?

Let me check this spreadsheet I made.

*Prints off La hoja de cálculo del diablo*

*Spontaneously combusts on exiting the printer*

The results are inconclusive. We may never know.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'll just put this here:


Bulletspongebob Squarepants.
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