Nov 28, 2019
RSI Handle
Sup Test. I registered on the forum today, hoping to find a group of like- (and differently-) minded people in order to chart the verse and have fun in the appetizing sandbox that Chris Roberts and CIG are currently making. Hopefully I will be able to play the released version without too much arthritis in my bones...

Anyhoo. What is there to say about me.

I'm a fourtysomething from Germany, working as a sysadmin, happily married with two kids. I follow SC for a long time, but haven't really played much, but that changed since 3.7 sucked me in its wake.. now I try to get a grip on where we stand, watch a yearslong backlog of entertaining (but slightly confusing) SC videos and hang in the verse in the EU evening timeframe. I find myself reading way to long, years old arguments on reddit about how LTI will ruin the game and how trying to fly a capital ship without some massive form of cummunity support is facepalmingly stupid, and I am tired at work. Because I sleep to little. Because I actually read those speculative arguments about a speculative universe that might look this or that way some far of day.

Let's just say I'm intrigued.

I can't really explain what I expect from Star Citizen. I played EVE for a while, mostly as a LowSec pirate aggressively jumping on everything that came to our little corner in the universe, I have extensive MMORPG experience and I do like to RP / PVP. That said, I think that I am pretty shit at dogfighting atm. Halp please?

I carebear too. Sometimes I just like to watch the pretty sights and relax by hauling stuff from A to B, chatting in global until the dreaded "Comm-Link lost", or by killing those mostly harmless 10k bounties around Delamar.

Other Games I am currently playing with more than a superficial interest:
- World of Tanks
- Grim Dawn

I am also old enough to have my own original Wing Commander II Box on a shelf, and smoked a lot of illegal stuff while had a lot of fun playing Freelancer back in the day. I have a degree in philosophy with minors in computer science and biological anthropology and I get agitated easily if you have the wrong (read: conservative) political opinion. Only half a joke. You know how good we Germans are with zhose, ja? Okay? Okay.

Last but not least, I come to tell you that the "Your hangar" (required) section on the registration application form is sorely outdated. I currently have 3 ships in my hangar, only one of them is checkboxable.

The checkboxable one was a Sabre. Now guess the other two :)

See you around,-



Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Welcome aboard!
I am also old enough to have my own original Wing Commander II Box on a shelf, and smoked a lot of illegal stuff while had a lot of fun playing Freelancer back in the day. I have a degree in philosophy
degree in philosophy....smoking stuff? Mind....Blown!
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