As many of you guys have probably heard by now, there's a bunch of stuff in the game files for a mission to kill a pirate Idris coming in 3.8. The missions leading up to it are implemented in the PTU, and the mission itself is in, just not enabled yet.
SC leaks has posted some stats for the Idris extracted from PTU game files (the PTU is out in the open now, so it's no longer under NDA), and they're insane. The Idris's shield generators have 2,168,656 health and regenerate at 15,891 hp/s, and the Idris's hull has 1,100,000 hp, compared to the 890 jump's 100,000 hp.
This is going to require a whole ton of ships working together to destroy, so what kind of strategies in 3.8 do you guys think will work to kill it most efficiently?
SC leaks has posted some stats for the Idris extracted from PTU game files (the PTU is out in the open now, so it's no longer under NDA), and they're insane. The Idris's shield generators have 2,168,656 health and regenerate at 15,891 hp/s, and the Idris's hull has 1,100,000 hp, compared to the 890 jump's 100,000 hp.
This is going to require a whole ton of ships working together to destroy, so what kind of strategies in 3.8 do you guys think will work to kill it most efficiently?