SPOILERS: Idris Mission Strategies

Jul 10, 2019
RSI Handle
As many of you guys have probably heard by now, there's a bunch of stuff in the game files for a mission to kill a pirate Idris coming in 3.8. The missions leading up to it are implemented in the PTU, and the mission itself is in, just not enabled yet.

SC leaks has posted some stats for the Idris extracted from PTU game files (the PTU is out in the open now, so it's no longer under NDA), and they're insane. The Idris's shield generators have 2,168,656 health and regenerate at 15,891 hp/s, and the Idris's hull has 1,100,000 hp, compared to the 890 jump's 100,000 hp.

This is going to require a whole ton of ships working together to destroy, so what kind of strategies in 3.8 do you guys think will work to kill it most efficiently?


Grand Admiral
Apr 8, 2017
RSI Handle
I was betting we wouldn't actually see it in 3.8. My guess was that we would start to see pirates from a new faction (different pirate color/logs) that we hadn't see before. Causing us to wonder who they were, where they came from, how they got to Stanton. We'd start getting missions to explore the system (opens up exploration gameplay) to figure out where they came from, missions to fight them off (military dog fighting gameplay), targeted hits on certain pirates (bounty hunting gameplay), and requests for materials to maintain the fight that is beginning in the system (mining and trading). Then they would use the new fight against these unknown pirates and tested persistence launch 3.9 and the entire Xeno Pirate fleet including Idris. Near the end of 3.9 we would see a damaged/destroyed Port Olisar, a finished Stanton system, and some anomalies in space. 4.0 would be the discovery of the Jump Point (the anomalies found in 3.9) and Pyro.

But, (***THIS IS WHERE MY SPECULATION/IMAGINATION TAKES OVER***) we also know that the Jump Point to Pyro is only a medium JP. So where did it come from if it could fit through through the JP from Pyro? Well, the only way to get from Pyro to Stanton with a Large ship is Pyro-Castra-Hadrian-Terra-Stanton. That leaves us 3 options. 1. They spawn the Idris in the system and we don't talk about how it got there. 2. CIG has reworked/changed/got rid of the Jump Point ship size limitations and it just popped through from Pyro. 3. When Pyro drops in-game, Castra, Hadria, and Terra will be ready to go. And will SQ42 beta, I bet we'll see Nyx (only way to Odin from Pyro) and Odin (already shown as flyable with a accessible planet via SQ42 gameplay demo) as well.

Super speculative? Oh hell yes. Fun to speculate once in a while instead of being grumpy and realistic 100% of the time? Hell yes lmao.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Hear me out boys

Drake Caterpillar has 576 SCU. Each SCU is roughly 1 cubic meter not accounting for the box itself, but we'll just say 1m^3 for ease of math

One cubic meter of pure gold, available from Aberdeen, weighs 19, 320 kilograms. Multiplying that by 576 gets us 11,128,320 kilograms (12,266.8 tons). Adding in the weight of the Caterpillar gets us an additional 1,608,205 kg for a grand total of 12,736,525 Kilograms

Caterpillar moves at 133,904,700 m/s in Quantum Drive.

That means a FULLY LOADED CATERPILLAR filled with (only) 528 billion dollars dollars worth of gold, moving at flat out Q-drive has a total kinetic energy of.........

1.70548E+15 N
, which is roughly equal to 407, 619.50 tons to TNT.

I volunteer as tribute.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Hear me out boys

Drake Caterpillar has 576 SCU. Each SCU is roughly 1 cubic meter not accounting for the box itself, but we'll just say 1m^3 for ease of math

One cubic meter of pure gold, available from Aberdeen, weighs 19, 320 kilograms. Multiplying that by 576 gets us 11,128,320 kilograms (12,266.8 tons). Adding in the weight of the Caterpillar gets us an additional 1,608,205 kg for a grand total of 12,736,525 Kilograms

Caterpillar moves at 133,904,700 m/s in Quantum Drive.

That means a FULLY LOADED CATERPILLAR filled with (only) 528 billion dollars dollars worth of gold, moving at flat out Q-drive has a total kinetic energy of.........

1.70548E+15 N
, which is roughly equal to 407, 619.50 tons to TNT.

I volunteer as tribute.
I love you. Hahahah
Or we could test out the mighty mining laser strategy!
Haha, like Sentinels, from the Matrix. Swarming the Idris.


Grand Admiral
Apr 8, 2017
RSI Handle
Now I see why they wanted to push the Ares
And that's why I don't think we'll actually see the Idris in-game until 3.9 or so. I feel like it would be a little bit of a misstep if they introduced the first Capital ship and the only thing that could take it down was a whole server together or a couple of Tali's teamed up.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
And that's why I don't think we'll actually see the Idris in-game until 3.9 or so. I feel like it would be a little bit of a misstep if they introduced the first Capital ship and the only thing that could take it down was a whole server together or a couple of Tali's teamed up.
Lol, unless there's some other surprises for 3.8. 😉

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
My first choice would certainly be some sort of EMP. If the Raven has a burst radius sufficient to knock out the computer, then have at. Maybe take it into the Idris hangar. I don't think I'd waste large numbers of fighters until I had exhausted the possible EMP options.

I certainly would not want to kill it. UEE ships do not have self destruct. You want to BOARD THAT PUPPY AND TAKE HER INTACT!

Make CIG pay for their lack of vision.

So for example, say you have a Kraken as the hook. . .and Idris Captain would find a Kraken a tempting kill. Pull the fighters away from the Idris, dance around just out of range of the railgun. Kraken has fighters to defend it. It's just bait. Asteroid field is always good if you have one.

Second wave, a squad of Vanguard all with Absolutions loaded. They launch all their missiles and take a run at the shields, as a second ruse.

Then maybe three Raven's take a run for the hangar, with perhaps a Sentinel and 8 guys standing ready to board. If a Raven or the Sentinel gets through, use small gattlings to clear the hangar bay of defenders. If when an EMP pops from inside the lights go out on the Idris, then all the Vanguards try to drop boarders at half dozen ingress points.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
My first choice would certainly be some sort of EMP. If the Raven has a burst radius sufficient to knock out the computer, then have at. Maybe take it into the Idris hangar. I don't think I'd waste large numbers of fighters until I had exhausted the possible EMP options.

I certainly would not want to kill it. UEE ships do not have self destruct. You want to BOARD THAT PUPPY AND TAKE HER INTACT!

Make CIG pay for their lack of vision.
Now I'm both wet and my pants are tight. I can wait to attempt these things. Storm an Idris hangar first with a Raven or two, then next with a Valk full of armed TESTies.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
And that's why I don't think we'll actually see the Idris in-game until 3.9 or so. I feel like it would be a little bit of a misstep if they introduced the first Capital ship and the only thing that could take it down was a whole server together or a couple of Tali's teamed up.
what I'm curious about is

if we fill a server with TESTes in Auroras to attack the Idris

and then fill a second server, and a third

would the hit points from all the servers accumulate on the one Idris?

how far along is 'server meshing?'
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Grand Admiral
Apr 8, 2017
RSI Handle
what I'm curious about is

if we fill a server with TESTes in Auroras to attack the Idris

and then fill as second server, and a third

would the hit points from all the servers accumulate on the one Idris?

how far along is 'server meshing?'
Holy shit... that would be insane if it worked. I have no idea how far along they are with server meshing. The last I heard (a ways back) they seemed to think that it was a while off. But they could also dump that on us as a surprise test with the Idris I guess..

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
"If you do not have an Aurora, one will be provided for you."
I've heard a very similar line somewhere else, once or twice.
what I'm curious about is

if we fill a server with TESTes in Auroras to attack the Idris

and then fill as second server, and a third

would the hit points from all the servers accumulate on the one Idris?

how far along is 'server meshing?'
We must TEST this. I am game.
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