Hello, friend of mine currently writing parser of RSI website which allow to get information about all current possible purchases / upgrades / CCUs. Some of you might saw it on TEST chat...
Problem is, he and me have servers located in EU, so RSI website gives us EUR prices (which is okay, but we also need US prices).
So if anyone can provide us with US proxy (HTTP/HTTPS), we will be really grateful.
You can safely lock ACL to allow us only access robertsspaceindustries.com, and there will be a little traffic (data is pulled every hour using internal RSI api (json mostly).
Problem is, he and me have servers located in EU, so RSI website gives us EUR prices (which is okay, but we also need US prices).
So if anyone can provide us with US proxy (HTTP/HTTPS), we will be really grateful.
You can safely lock ACL to allow us only access robertsspaceindustries.com, and there will be a little traffic (data is pulled every hour using internal RSI api (json mostly).