You being a Vet. If you too feel you want to help in some way and have the time, check these guys out even if its not about helping with the virus.
I appreciate the link... maybe this summer when things settle down... but between my HOA and little league flag football... I'm pretty much booked. I'm caught in the middle of this too... the guy sitting across from my desk went to RSA Conference and now we are told the virus may have infected two people there... that is known. So, I decided to tell my client I was not going to go into the office for a couple weeks and work from home (I have that luxury, many do not). I came home and told my mom who has severe respiratory problems, she was not allowed in my house or near me until we confirm my coworker is not infected. All I can do is what I can do. It is my choice alone, to try to make the best decisions for me and my family.
1 person infects another, 2 people infect 4, 4 people infect 16, 16 people infect 256, 256 people infect 65,536..... that is how this is going to work in a "macro" way. I do give you credit, this is something you care about. If China would have managed itself better then things might have been different, but when politics and politicians get mixed up with mother nature, that is a recipe for disaster. I can't tell you how pissed off I am at China right now. I am sure Italy and South Korea feel the same.