Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2015
RSI Handle
One thing to take into account with Italy is that it has the second oldest population in the world. 1 in 4 citizens are over 60. That's definitely going to have an effect on the resulting impact. I hope they are able to get a handle on this as soon as possible.
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
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You act like there is something you can do. The only thing you can do is get out of its way and deal with it. Honestly, WTF are you going to do?
I believe that the official WHO and CDC policies fall in line with the ol' shrug and "WTF can you do amirite?" treatment course as first espoused by Hippocrates.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Chill out man. I dont see why things in here are bothering you so much.
LOL... All I see is the world is ending in this thread. I'm not mad, I'm just trolling you trying to make point that does not seem to be obvious enough. Do you know something I don't know? Because if you have a cure you should not be spending your time here. I asked "you" what you were going to do? Are you going to fly to Italy? Are you going to go to a baseball game? Are you going to drink bleach? No, you are going to take care of "yourself" and your family. So I think you will make the best decisions for your life. We are animals on a planet that viruses feed off of. Its always been that way. Watching this thing play by play is only freaking you out. As I have said, the whole globe is going to be infected... again what are you going to do about it?


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I believe that the official WHO and CDC policies fall in line with the ol' shrug and "WTF can you do amirite?" treatment course as first espoused by Hippocrates.
WHO and CDC have a cure? No, they will tell you to wash your hands, don't go to AC/DC concerts, keep 6 feet away... that's it. They are trying to "manage" it right now because that is ALL they can do. Its here, and there is nothing else to say. People act like zombies today, they need to be told what to do and when to do it, they can't think for themselves. You want to avoid the virus... avoid human contact period.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
LOL... All I see is the world is ending in this thread. I'm not mad, I'm just trolling you trying to make point that does not seem to be obvious enough. Do you know something I don't know? Because if you have a cure you should not be spending your time here. I asked "you" what you were going to do? Are you going to fly to Italy? Are you going to go to a baseball game? Are you going to drink bleach? No, you are going to take care of "yourself" and your family. So I think you will make the best decisions for your life. We are animals on a planet that viruses feed off of. Its always been that way. Watching this thing play by play is only freaking you out. As I have said, the whole globe is going to be infected... again what are you going to do about it?
Come on man, youre making assumptions here. Again, we, at least I, am not freaking out. I find all of this really interesting while also being something i need to keep a close eye on. You may see it being full of "the world is ending", but have you considered maybe its just people talking about a major event in the best way they know how? Are you meant to come in here and wake us all up from our fever dream you think were having? Give us all a bit more credit. On top of taking care of my elderly family ive already told you about, Ive been in contact with the head of the Emergency Department at the local hospital (I worked for him for 5 years) and am trying to find out how and when I can volunteer to help with whatever does come our way. The quote I posted ironically enough goes exactly with what you were saying, about just doing whats within your means because there's so much out of your control and only so much you can do. Having been stuck in the shit in an emergency room for years, I know what's headed our way and its not good. Peak flu season is bad enough. I at least know I have some training worth a damn to help out if hospitals get overloaded instead of sitting here doing nothing. I have the ability to help and im just waiting on the where and when. In the meantime, here I am posting my thoughts in this thread as im watching the world like a soap opera.

You being a Vet. If you too feel you want to help in some way and have the time, check these guys out even if its not about helping with the virus.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
You being a Vet. If you too feel you want to help in some way and have the time, check these guys out even if its not about helping with the virus.
I appreciate the link... maybe this summer when things settle down... but between my HOA and little league flag football... I'm pretty much booked. I'm caught in the middle of this too... the guy sitting across from my desk went to RSA Conference and now we are told the virus may have infected two people there... that is known. So, I decided to tell my client I was not going to go into the office for a couple weeks and work from home (I have that luxury, many do not). I came home and told my mom who has severe respiratory problems, she was not allowed in my house or near me until we confirm my coworker is not infected. All I can do is what I can do. It is my choice alone, to try to make the best decisions for me and my family.

1 person infects another, 2 people infect 4, 4 people infect 16, 16 people infect 256, 256 people infect 65,536..... that is how this is going to work in a "macro" way. I do give you credit, this is something you care about. If China would have managed itself better then things might have been different, but when politics and politicians get mixed up with mother nature, that is a recipe for disaster. I can't tell you how pissed off I am at China right now. I am sure Italy and South Korea feel the same.

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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm of the demographic where I theoretically should be alright if I get it.

That said, I'm worried about the social economic impact (That and my parents who are both in their mid 60s) when all this is done. I work in the film industry and well...the entertainment industry isn't exactly one that's crucial is it? Film productions have already been canceled or scaled back due to Covid19. One of the productions in town (Riverdale) have already declared they're not shooting next week as one of the crew members have gone down with a suspected case of the virus. One of my colleagues is working on that Tom Hanks movie shooting in Australia and well...he's definitely not gonna be working for a bit. Now I'm in an industry that's in the grand scheme of things not that important. What about the tourism, hospitality, airline industries, etc? Not to mention all the industries that do business with Asia (Everyone). There's gonna be a lot of people hurting real soon.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle

You act like there is something you can do.
Also Coldog
I'm pretty much booked. I'm caught in the middle of this too... the guy sitting across from my desk went to RSA Conference and now we are told the virus may have infected two people there... that is known. So, I decided to tell my client I was not going to go into the office for a couple weeks and work from home (I have that luxury, many do not). I came home and told my mom who has severe respiratory problems, she was not allowed in my house or near me until we confirm my coworker is not infected. All I can do is what I can do. It is my choice alone, to try to make the best decisions for me and my family.
Truth bomb of the things we should be doing! :o7:

Thank you! 😀
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I'm worried about the social economic impact
Not gonna lie, its going to be bad.

At least after 9/11 people got back to work and life returned to normal pretty fast.

This time we are not getting that V-bottom recovery in the market or economy. There are going to bankruptcies, loan defaults, transport disruptions...

We will get through this, but its going to take a few months.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Good article in the NYTimes about Tom Hanks and his a nutshell, because they were in Australia, they were able to easily get tested and find out they had the virus.

Here in the US? Good luck even getting hold of a test...I've said it before, our numbers wildly underestimate the true number of cases.

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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
How long do you think this will last? Its an annual fly in and an absolutely massive air show. Surprised they're still going ahead with it unless the governor steps in and bans all mass gatherings.

Sun ’n Fun: On wing and prayer
Lakeland is scheduled to host one of the country’s largest aviation shows, Sun ’n Fun Aerospace Expo, from March 31 to April 5. The annual event brings thousands of attendees from around the world to Lakeland Linder International Airport.
The event staff sent out a March 10 email stating the convention will not be canceled. It plans on providing additional disinfectant wipes, more hand sanitizer and training its 3,500 volunteers in the best health care practices.
“Everyone should continue to practice everyday preventative actions and consider an alternative to a handshake greeting,” its email suggested.

And damnit. Another event I was really looking forward to. :(

WEC cancels Sebring race because of COVID-19 travel ban from Europe
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