Those guns make me look forward to the Idris and Polaris.
Most of the Polaris guns are S4. I think it's just the chin mount is S5, but that design goes back to the time where ships weapons only ranged to S6. That's out the window now, so I'm hoping they put twin S7s on the Polaris chin mount.
I was amazed when I saw it had S7 guns. But other than that I really have no interest in the ship. I feel like the S2s on the mine are useless.
I know a lot of people are questioning the whole mine gameplay, I personally find it pretty cool and very niche, I am really debating on that ship being my main as few people will do it. . .
Imagine you drop 8 mines each with a single Suckerpunch for a sustained 5,440 dps distortion damage. Now imagine you drop your prey out of jump with a Mantis,
directly into the minefield. Your prey will be disoriented, so probably won't even target the mines for ten seconds. In that time you have enough juice to knock out most medium class ships, and even the puny guns on the Mantis are now enough to finish them off.
That's just one player. Suppose you have a friend along in a Hoplite filled with NPCs. Now you are in position to board.
Mines are a game changer. I'm looking forward to crushing Vanduul supply lines and bringing the filthy bastards to their knees, and I think the Nautilus is key for that. It literally makes 5 men worth 10, and because you lay mines in advance, it provides huge gameplay flexibility. I don't think players yet appreciate how important they will be. The mere fact you can immobilize an opponent on the battlefield
without even one player there, impacts everything about the way people will play. You can literally go and "check your traps" to see what fortune has brought you while you were hanging in the pub.
Suppose you otherwise know where an engagement is going to happen. Could occur any number of ways. Best is always you choose the battlefield. Suppose you expect an enguagement of many small craft, so decide you want a Lancer MIS in fire support, back about 20 km, raining S3 missiles down on opponents. Thing is, as soon as you do that the MIS will be targeted. So how many ships do you need to leave to defend your artillery?
None, if it's surrounded by mines.
Your Tally's want to get in and hurt an Idris, but you need almost all bomber pilots in your group and anyone flying a skirmisher is one less bomber. You know you need to remove the fighter screen, so you put a single fighter amidst a minefield and let your opponents come to you, across the battlefield and away from your target so the bombers can get in and out. Again, 1 man made like 5.
Anyone who studies battlefield tactics from Ceasar to Patton knows these are an incredible game changer. Anywhere a fleet stops, it should put up mines for defense, just like Roman troops digging fortifications on a daily basis. Every real "fleet" will want several Nautilii to keep it safe. Every system you mine in, every system you harvest gas, every system you're exploring, etc.
Mines are frigging awesome!