What is your current in game red headed stepchild fleet ship?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Cool video! Definitely one of the ships that surprised me, it was fun, by far the best of the starter ships for me.
This is a hard ship to pilot well. Note that it rolls much faster than it pitches or yaws, and that it strafes much faster in the Y axis. if you keep these in mind you can fly it in such a way that it is hard to hit. Roll and Y! The Y acceleration is the best of the starter ships. If you fly this poorly, it handles like a Vanguard, which is anything but a dog fighter.

I was told they're raising the hull points. Guess we'll see.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
This is a hard ship to pilot well. Note that it rolls much faster than it pitches or yaws, and that it strafes much faster in the Y axis. if you keep these in mind you can fly it in such a way that it is hard to hit. Roll and Y! The Y acceleration is the best of the starter ships. If you fly this poorly, it handles like a Vanguard, which is anything but a dog fighter.

I was told they're raising the hull points. Guess we'll see.

I don't really do any combat stuff, but I was flying it all over doing cargo and other missions, I liked it. And yes I heard they are getting some love in next patch!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This is a hard ship to pilot well. Note that it rolls much faster than it pitches or yaws, and that it strafes much faster in the Y axis. if you keep these in mind you can fly it in such a way that it is hard to hit. Roll and Y! The Y acceleration is the best of the starter ships. If you fly this poorly, it handles like a Vanguard, which is anything but a dog fighter.

I was told they're raising the hull points. Guess we'll see.
I was pitted against one of these recently around Olisar in my Vanguard.

They were flying it poorly and I did the usual "Vanguard Maneuver" which is fly at thing X and if the guns don't get them before we touch the hull definitely will. It's an interesting little bubbly cockpit they have, you can see the whole pilot sat there just waiting to be smushed - and offers little protection against hull to hull impacts, it turns out.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Funny you mention ramming, that's like 90% of my kills atm lol. I am a horrible combat pilot and the AI seems to just ram the hell out of you, I think I may grab the reclaimer and make that my combat ship and just ram shit!
That's not a bad plan, I tried it with the Starfarer but you need something with a bit of pace or they just dance out your way. I'm hoping the Endeavor with its NINE forward engines and armored explorer cab becomes the Ram Master Supreme.

Only two turrets on the whole thing but who needs guns when you have a foot of armour and are fast as hell?


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
That's not a bad plan, I tried it with the Starfarer but you need something with a bit of pace or they just dance out your way. I'm hoping the Endeavor with its NINE forward engines and armored explorer cab becomes the Ram Master Supreme.

Only two turrets on the whole thing but who needs guns when you have a foot of armour and are fast as hell?
I was watching some guy on youtube fight with the reclaimer it was pretty funny lol, then I watched a few with the 600i they both did pretty well actually, I may grab the 600i with my BBT. I am strictly talking A.I. combat mind you lol.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
As your talking about ramming, the Retaliator seems quite good. A freelancer was hustling my mate around one of the rest stops the other day so I jumped in got it up to 400 and just went straight through him like a knife through butter.

My mate said it looked epic.

Poor freelancer.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I was watching some guy on youtube fight with the reclaimer it was pretty funny
The thing has twin S5 turret on top. Those guns are scary as hell! I'm hoping the twin S6 on the Gemini isn't a misprint because I really want them to have the bigger guns than the stock Starfarer.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Right, the Nautilus has size 7s!
I was amazed when I saw it had S7 guns. But other than that I really have no interest in the ship. I feel like the S2s on the mine are useless. But I might try to get onboard one and check it out sometime when it's released.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I was amazed when I saw it had S7 guns. But other than that I really have no interest in the ship. I feel like the S2s on the mine are useless. But I might try to get onboard one and check it out sometime when it's released.
I know a lot of people are questioning the whole mine gameplay, I personally find it pretty cool and very niche, I am really debating on that ship being my main as few people will do it, I also think the A.I. quests/missions generated for this type of ship could be extremely fun and interesting as well as Org defenses and stuff like that, plus is a very lone wolf type of play you don't really need to operate it in a fleet activity you can do stuff on your own.

Daak Gelrin

Space Marshal
Feb 17, 2020
RSI Handle
I know a lot of people are questioning the whole mine gameplay, I personally find it pretty cool and very niche, I am really debating on that ship being my main as few people will do it, I also think the A.I. quests/missions generated for this type of ship could be extremely fun and interesting as well as Org defenses and stuff like that, plus is a very lone wolf type of play you don't really need to operate it in a fleet activity you can do stuff on your own.

I know exactly what you're saying. I was actually a bit miffed I couldn't ccu my hammerhead into a nautilus due to same price. I will be getting one though.
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