Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
That delay from Jan. 14 to Jan. 20 was neither the first mistake made by Chinese officials at all levels in confronting the outbreak, nor the longest lag, as governments around the world have dragged their feet for weeks and even months in addressing the virus.

“This is tremendous,” said Zuo-Feng Zhang, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “If they took action six days earlier, there would have been much fewer patients and medical facilities would have been sufficient. We might have avoided the collapse of Wuhan’s medical system.”

“The epidemic situation is still severe and complex, the most severe challenge since SARS in 2003, and is likely to develop into a major public health event,” the memo cites Ma as saying.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Negligence is the key word in this disaster or any other disaster for that fact. Looks like what he (Andrew Bolt) said my be spot on. WHO and WTO are going to lose some major funding, and they deserve it. China's economic growth will go into decline because essential assets will be moved back to the respective "friendly" and "trustworthy" countries.
I don't think you're wrong, Negligence might well be the correct word for many things aspects regard to the response to this crisis, including the US and UK response to the contagion in the face of clear warnings:

The above is just an account for the UK. There are several others for several other countries who have had lackadaisical approaches to this outbreak, just singling my own country out my own country as not to offend anyone else. I'm not trying to defend any one country, but I'm also not trying to blame any one country either. China goofed. So did the UK. So did the USA. So did Italy. So did France. So did Sweden. So did, so did, so did. There are other ongoing, and will be future instances, of goofs in some countries too. The first instance of neglect does not excuse the following instances.


I've said it before in this thread, and I'll say it now - The middle of a pandemic is not the time to politicize this. Right now it's the reaction to the current crisis within our own countries that takes precedence. No amount of finger pointing is going to pull asses out of this fire all it is going to do is flat-out kill more people. That is Gross Negligence. That is what the world will look back on in five years time and see, along with the circumstances of the emergence of the issue, it will be one long story. Chinas chapter will be just the beginning, the ending of the tale will be written by those who either fix the issue, or exasperate it.

Again, I don't think you are wrong there are many things many countries should have done differently - but didn't. There will be time to examine that after the threat has passed.

Being neglectful then blaming the first person in the chain who was neglectful doesn't make your own neglect any less negligent, they've gotta change their mindset in the short term or they will be the direct cause of more deaths and it won't matter a jolly rotating lawn sprinkler what the first case of negligence actually was.

For once, for those who think it is, politics really isn't the most important thing in the world right now.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
For once, for those who think it is, politics really isn't the most important thing in the world right now.
True! Sadly it's the politicians who make the decisions, and they obviously politicize everything, so it's kinda hard to ignore.
While the politicians and mms keep pointing fingers at other politicians/parties/nations for politicizing the pandemic, they keep coming out with fear mongering political "news" about who did what wrong, and how everyone else is wrong for doing what they themselves do.
So as usual, it's just fucking disgusting to watch and read.

Now for some news from my little shithole of Hungary:
As you may have heard from the mms, my countrie's leader got himself elected to a position of "Unlimited Poweeerrrr!", democracy is dead, and I now live under an oppressive regime worse than any other ever in the history of the world. According to western media at least.
Even if it was true, he did nothing noteworthy with that power. And he will lose all that power upon a democratic vote by the parliment, whenever they periodically vote on ending the special measures for the pandemic, as set by law, which he has no power over. Its a bi-weekly period or something similarly short.
Its also something that all those "authoritative sources" you all keep relying on fail to mention for some reason...

It was recently decreed by our corona task force (not the "emperor" ) that 60% of hospital beds in every hospital has to be freed up for the incoming wave of corona patients.
Usually hospitals are near capacity or well over it, so this means that a lot of sick ppl are being thrown out of hospitals at the moment. Ofc they try to send home those who are in better shape, but who knows how this will work out... we won't see the death toll caused by these measures in non-corona patients, at least not for a year.

As for numbers: 1652 positive, 142 dead, 199 deemed cured, 12000 officially ordered to home quarantine, 38500 tested of a roughly 9.5million population. Numbers steadily climbing by the day by a small amount but reporting is not reliable enough to make a graph. Too few ppl, too small sample size.
The number of deaths is rather high compared to the infected, but that can be explained by that fact that old ppl here think they are somehow immune to it and don't have to follow any rules and regulations just because they are old. So they end up infected and dead. Its a mindset that was left over from the socialist era, and now they pay the price, and when they overwhelm the hospitals, we will suffer more for it. This issues me off greatly.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
This is interesting (and scary) development: S. Korea says that 141 patients who recovered from COVID-19 have tested positive is going to take a couple of weeks to figure out what is going on, but this could be a real game-changer, and not in a good way.
A total of 141 people who had apparently recovered from Covid-19 have tested positive again, South Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said on Thursday.
KCDC deputy director Kwon Joon-wook said the agency did not know what caused the people to retest positive and was investigating.
Most experts think it's unlikely that somebody will be re-infected for the coronavirus soon after recovering. It's possible that issues with testing – or varying amounts of viral RNA in the body, which the tests look for – could explain why people tested positive after testing negative.
Kwon also said that the government is studying cultivated samples from the patients to determine whether the cases could be contagious. Kwon said the study will take about two weeks from today.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
AFAIK we have no clinical proof that antibodies confer immunity?
Correct. It has been a big assumption that having antibodies would potentially give immunity, but it has been acknowledged we don't really know that. However, people have been making a lot of plans based on that assumption. As you well know, when you "assume" you make the "ass" out of "u" and "me" this point, don't get too excited over 1 or 2 reports, but we had better start thinking about "Plan B" depending on what we find out over the next couple of weeks/months.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
UK numbers for today Thursday 16th April:

103,093 total confirmed with 4,618 new - now over 100k cases. 13,729 deaths with 861 new.


Lockdown extended for at least another 3 weeks in the UK, at no shock to anyone except the most wishful of thinkers. Will have to go shopping for food soon as the cupboards are running empty again.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Ffs I typed out a really nice long reply and when I tried to post it gave me an error and I lost it..
Anyways, here's the tldr.:
- msm is disgusting, acts like they just invented fire, while this was reported on OVER 2 MONTHS AGO! Just not by the "correct" sources
- actual scientists made papers on reinfection from universities of Wuhan, California, and some others, that this will happen, there is no immunity just from getting the virus
- this was proven true by leaks and reports of there being lots of reinfections in China, later in other countries like Italy, S.Korea...
- the reinfected have a much lower chance of recovering

Here's a link to a mainstream-enough site that did dare to mention it, although not in enough detail or with links to sources.
Sorry that I won't give you links to my original sources, I cant be bothered to dig through all the msm trash that search engines throw at me.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Ffs I typed out a really nice long reply and when I tried to post it gave me an error and I lost it..
Anyways, here's the tldr.:
- msm is disgusting, acts like they just invented fire, while this was reported on OVER 2 MONTHS AGO! Just not by the "correct" sources
- actual scientists made papers on reinfection from universities of Wuhan, California, and some others, that this will happen, there is no immunity just from getting the virus
- this was proven true by leaks and reports of there being lots of reinfections in China, later in other countries like Italy, S.Korea...
- the reinfected have a much lower chance of recovering

Here's a link to a mainstream-enough site that did dare to mention it, although not in enough detail or with links to sources.
Sorry that I won't give you links to my original sources, I cant be bothered to dig through all the msm trash that search engines throw at me.
Do you know what the deal is with asymptomatic carriers?

I have heared a lot of noise about people being able to spread it without showing signs of infection, so if they don't show symptoms that means they are not sick while carrying it at that point.

But what has not been made clear is does that just mean they are spreading it while carrying and succumb later on or do they just not show symptoms ever and while not being immune are not made ill by it either?


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Do you know what the deal is with asymptomatic carriers?

I have heared a lot of noise about people being able to spread it without showing signs of infection, so if they don't show symptoms that means they are not sick while carrying it at that point.

But what has not been made clear is does that just mean they are spreading it while carrying and succumb later on or do they just not show symptoms ever and while not being immune are not made ill by it either?
There are numerous cases of people who carry the virus, show little to no symptoms, and are still able to spread it to others. Eventually their bodies will rid itself of the virus. These are the lucky ones who hold the antibodies, antibodies researchers are trying to isolate and perhaps replicate.

What makes this virus so deadly is that there are many people out there who are carriers yet exhibit no symptoms. I made this comment awhile back that these folks may be fine but this immunity doesn't extend to others with less robust immune systems. There are far deadler viruses out there (ie. Ebola) but those viruses tend to kill the host in a very short time, thus hampering its ability to spread. Covid19 has idiot Spring Breakers prancing around on beaches in Florida then returning to Bumfucknowhere City, (insert Random Midwest State) seemingly fine only to pass it on to Opa and Nan.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
There are numerous cases of people who carry the virus, show little to no symptoms, and are still able to spread it to others. Eventually their bodies will rid itself of the virus. These are the lucky ones who hold the antibodies, antibodies researchers are trying to isolate and perhaps replicate.

What makes this virus so deadly is that there are many people out there who are carriers yet exhibit no symptoms. I made this comment awhile back that these folks may be fine but this immunity doesn't extend to others with less robust immune systems. There are far deadly viruses out there (ie. Ebola) but those viruses tend to kill the host in a very short time. Covid19 has idiot Spring Breakers prancing around on beaches in Florida then returning to Bumfucknowhere City, (insert Random Midwest State) seemingly fine only to pass it on to Opa and Nan.
Many thanks for filling me in there.

I think I now know how we get from the present day to when that documentary "Ideocracy" is set. No longer survival of the smartest, just the dumbest who continue to bumble about in the face of social distancing requirements infecting everyone else not lucky enough to be as immune as they are.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Many thanks for filling me in there.

I think I now know how we get from the present day to when that documentary "Ideocracy" is set. No longer survival of the smartest, just the dumbest who continue to bumble about in the face of social distancing requirements infecting everyone else not lucky enough to be as immune as they are.
Lately we're seeing 'Freedom Protest' groups. Guys who deliberately reject social distancing guidelines and come together in groups because...'Mah Freedumms!'

Like this idiot in my city who's made International headlines. You know you're a special kind of dumb when Seth Rogen of all people calls you a 'Fucking Idiot'.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
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We had 21 recorded infections yesterday, there's discussion about relaxing the physical isolation rules in areas which have no active cases but this requires us to be able to massively ramp up testing of entire communities.

We're looking at a minimum of 4 weeks more.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Do you know what the deal is with asymptomatic carriers?

I have heared a lot of noise about people being able to spread it without showing signs of infection, so if they don't show symptoms that means they are not sick while carrying it at that point.

But what has not been made clear is does that just mean they are spreading it while carrying and succumb later on or do they just not show symptoms ever and while not being immune are not made ill by it either?
All asymptomatic carriers mean is they are infected without any outward sign of their infection. It does not mean they will not show signs or even if they are shedding (contagious). While it is still not known is if this strain is contagious prior to the typical manifestation of outward signs of infection. Compared to influenza which typically is contagious at the same time as the outward signs of the infection are shown ie fever, cough and runny nose. It is theorized that this strain of Coronavirus is often contagious prior to the onset of symptoms. Which makes it difficult for those who are infected to know they are infected and thus results in a higher R0 (the rate a virus spreads).

The other mention is that there could already be two strains of Covid19 which would show up on current tests as being positive while allowing individuals to be infected twice. There is still a lot of unknown

One other thing to remember is immunity (learned vs innate) doesn't mean that you cannot get sick. It just means your immune system is far quicker to identify and deal with the virus and thus often times there is zero or very minimal response due to the quickness of the immune response to the invader.
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