TEST Merchant Navy
"A well oiled disciplined money-printing machine!" ~seriousseriouspunch
When: Saturday May 2nd, 2020 at 1800 UTC (2:00PM Eastern)
Event Coordinators: seriusseriuspunch, TBD others
Where: Stanton System → Crusader→ Port Olisar (Start)
What: Strike the iron while it's hot! Join your TEST wingmen on an opportunity of a lifetime. Fly trade routes with dedicated security personnel and secure your way in the latest Star Citizen patch 3.9. Read the event details for more information.
Before the Event
We start the cargo runs and group up in Port Olisar. Grab some food and drink (Casaba & Weapons shop).
Coming & Leaving
Open your party invites in MobiGlass as you arrive. We will form new groups as the event progress. Once you get into a server find a party of three to four people and pledge to follow a captain. Captain should be a person with some existing wealth and have ships to spare so he can provide to his team as much money and cargo space as possible.
At the Event
Aspiring trade fleet Captains please step up if you have money left over from the previous patch. Offer their Carrack and Caterpillar into service and handle buying and selling from multiple ships they own at their own risk. If you want to qualify as a captain you need to put some trust into your friends and bear all the risk from the trade fleet you are running.
Example: A captain can fly a Sabre as the escort and assign the duty of flying the cargo to another party member. A captain makes all the buys into the cargo ships and sells everything once the team gets the cargo into the destination. Work as a team, utilize party jumps, and log the buys and profit for each run to a spreadsheet. When a party member wants to leave he will receive the payment from his captain in the form of an escort beacon which works as an immediate money transfer.
If your captain is unfair and does not pay equal shares contact event management and we will find you a new sugar daddy.
Escort Carrier & Caterpillar destinations
Pick up Astatine at...
Deliver a shipment of Astatine to Port Olisar
2) Set course to Wala
Pick up Diamond and Laranite
Mining Area 045
Mining Area 056
Deliver a shipment of Diamonds and Laranite to Area 18 - TDD (trade division)
3) Set course to Arial
Pick up Titanium and Laranite
Deliver a shipment of Titanium and Laranite to Lorville-CBD (Central Business District)
We look forward to seeing you all in the verse.
TEST Merchants and Yellow Jackets
"A well oiled disciplined money-printing machine!" ~seriousseriouspunch
When: Saturday May 2nd, 2020 at 1800 UTC (2:00PM Eastern)
Event Coordinators: seriusseriuspunch, TBD others
Where: Stanton System → Crusader→ Port Olisar (Start)
What: Strike the iron while it's hot! Join your TEST wingmen on an opportunity of a lifetime. Fly trade routes with dedicated security personnel and secure your way in the latest Star Citizen patch 3.9. Read the event details for more information.
Before the Event
We start the cargo runs and group up in Port Olisar. Grab some food and drink (Casaba & Weapons shop).
Coming & Leaving
Open your party invites in MobiGlass as you arrive. We will form new groups as the event progress. Once you get into a server find a party of three to four people and pledge to follow a captain. Captain should be a person with some existing wealth and have ships to spare so he can provide to his team as much money and cargo space as possible.
At the Event
Aspiring trade fleet Captains please step up if you have money left over from the previous patch. Offer their Carrack and Caterpillar into service and handle buying and selling from multiple ships they own at their own risk. If you want to qualify as a captain you need to put some trust into your friends and bear all the risk from the trade fleet you are running.
Example: A captain can fly a Sabre as the escort and assign the duty of flying the cargo to another party member. A captain makes all the buys into the cargo ships and sells everything once the team gets the cargo into the destination. Work as a team, utilize party jumps, and log the buys and profit for each run to a spreadsheet. When a party member wants to leave he will receive the payment from his captain in the form of an escort beacon which works as an immediate money transfer.
If your captain is unfair and does not pay equal shares contact event management and we will find you a new sugar daddy.
Escort Carrier & Caterpillar destinations
- Carrack owners are recommended to carry an Arrow for rapid response and security
- Set your preferred ICU to the Carrack
Pick up Astatine at...
Deliver a shipment of Astatine to Port Olisar
2) Set course to Wala
Pick up Diamond and Laranite
Mining Area 045
Mining Area 056
Deliver a shipment of Diamonds and Laranite to Area 18 - TDD (trade division)
3) Set course to Arial
Pick up Titanium and Laranite
Deliver a shipment of Titanium and Laranite to Lorville-CBD (Central Business District)
We look forward to seeing you all in the verse.
TEST Merchants and Yellow Jackets