I always address this in every video reaction to the doofuses who slam Star Citizen asking "Its vaporware! Where is the game?"
Due to the open development nature of Star Citizen, what we are seeing here is rarely ever seen by the gaming community.
Typically, all we see in a normal game release is a teaser a few months before the official release, maybe some small gameplay by a dev or industry insider being shown the game so they can get it viral on social media, then the game gets released.
In alpha development, slices of the game are still being made. Progress is slow when the game engine is being developed at the same time, it is not typical to see 10yr development cycles, but nothing about Star Citizen is typical.
As more and more features are introduced and the game engine itself is polished, the rate and speed of new game loops and functions will increase in a non-linear rate. So the stupid argument of taking 8yrs to make one star system, does not mean it will take 8yrs to make the next one.
I want to put this in writing so I can add more to this post as we near the final years of the alpha stage.
So you have hangars to look at your ship, but where is the game?
So you have Arena Commander for practicing dogfights, but where is the game?
So you have Star Marine for practicing FPS, but where is the game?
So you have a space station called Port Olisar where you can spawn and land ships, but where is the game?
So you have Grim Hex, an impressive asteroid base where criminals go to buy devices to hack security consoles to wipe their crime stat, but where is the game?
So you have highly detailed moons, each with their own unique topography, weather systems, atmosphere and gravity, with outposts for trading legal and illicit goods, which are then sold at other outposts and space stations in an extensive and ever developing trading game loop to earn money to buy more impressive ships and equipment in-game, but where is the game?
So you have bounty and mercenary missions, and bunkers which need clearing of hostile NPCs which you can do with your friends, but where is the game?
So you have an entire planet covered by a city, which has no loading screens, but where is the game?
So you have mining of rocks on planets by specialized mining ships, whose cargo of precious ore is sold on space stations or outposts, but where is the game?
So you have hand held mining apparatus and huge intertwining subsurface cave systems, but where is the game?
So you have a massive prison complex where players who get infractions have to serve time by mining, or can attempt to escape, resulting in bounties being placed on them and other players chasing down said bounties, but where is the game?
More and more slices are being added in every patch, I will continue to update this post.
Due to the open development nature of Star Citizen, what we are seeing here is rarely ever seen by the gaming community.
Typically, all we see in a normal game release is a teaser a few months before the official release, maybe some small gameplay by a dev or industry insider being shown the game so they can get it viral on social media, then the game gets released.
In alpha development, slices of the game are still being made. Progress is slow when the game engine is being developed at the same time, it is not typical to see 10yr development cycles, but nothing about Star Citizen is typical.
As more and more features are introduced and the game engine itself is polished, the rate and speed of new game loops and functions will increase in a non-linear rate. So the stupid argument of taking 8yrs to make one star system, does not mean it will take 8yrs to make the next one.
I want to put this in writing so I can add more to this post as we near the final years of the alpha stage.
So you have hangars to look at your ship, but where is the game?
So you have Arena Commander for practicing dogfights, but where is the game?
So you have Star Marine for practicing FPS, but where is the game?
So you have a space station called Port Olisar where you can spawn and land ships, but where is the game?
So you have Grim Hex, an impressive asteroid base where criminals go to buy devices to hack security consoles to wipe their crime stat, but where is the game?
So you have highly detailed moons, each with their own unique topography, weather systems, atmosphere and gravity, with outposts for trading legal and illicit goods, which are then sold at other outposts and space stations in an extensive and ever developing trading game loop to earn money to buy more impressive ships and equipment in-game, but where is the game?
So you have bounty and mercenary missions, and bunkers which need clearing of hostile NPCs which you can do with your friends, but where is the game?
So you have an entire planet covered by a city, which has no loading screens, but where is the game?
So you have mining of rocks on planets by specialized mining ships, whose cargo of precious ore is sold on space stations or outposts, but where is the game?
So you have hand held mining apparatus and huge intertwining subsurface cave systems, but where is the game?
So you have a massive prison complex where players who get infractions have to serve time by mining, or can attempt to escape, resulting in bounties being placed on them and other players chasing down said bounties, but where is the game?
More and more slices are being added in every patch, I will continue to update this post.