Well hello there...


May 1, 2020
RSI Handle
EH, Hello? I've actually been a member of Test for a few years. Been playing Star Citizen for even more. I have a few accounts (testing purposes). I may or may not have a golden ticket. I have a few ships to meet rolls I want to play (Cargo,Mining, and Fighters) Favorite ship is the Hornet (I own all but the tracker, excited for Star runner). I fly mostly 3 crew or below ships. I do have an Orion, Pioneer, and Endeavor) Once they are in If i know enough people Id like to do more crew oriented stuff. I haven't really been on in the last few months because I'm in Kuwait right now, internet sucks. Also when i try to play I realize that I have no idea what keys do and act new (back home I play with duel Joysticks, I'm currently getting a hotas set up so ill see how that goes when I get back). Outside the game either play/collect NES, SNES, and Sega stuff (my generation, lol). If you cant tell by my Picture Im a huge Delorean Fan. If you have a car problem I more than likely can help you out. I really dont know what else to put. I like long walks on the beach and fingers run through my hair....(Edit: oh, yeah..I alos have this picture here...)


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