Cutty Blue tour (by BoredGamer)


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This was one of the ships that really caught my eye early on and even CCU'd to it for a brief while when the $0 CCUs were about, but changed back to the Taurus just for being able to carry ground vehicles.

Awesome to see it finally flyable :)
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't see it being worth 200$, he thinks the price will go up, I don't think its value is that high compared to the Red 135$ and Black 100$, we will have to wait and see what CIG does. I think 150$ is a fair price considering the other two variants, I find the Red more valuable as it has a med bed(spawn point). Overall it looks good though, I like the cockpit design being a little more open.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I agree, I don't know where this leaves the Mantis, and I think they'll want $195 for it. Its a shame it is not a bit faster, or it would be worth adding to a vanguard fleet just for the quantum interdiction. I still wish they'd given the Cutty more gun and less missiles.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm not sure if I'll pick 1 of these up as for some reason I'm not a fan of the Drake aesthetic all that much, but for bounty hunting, it does have a lot of features that I do find appealing. This being said, CIG definitely needs a team working of the mechanics of the armor value systems for ships like this as well as the other military ships for SQ42 ASAP, which will slow them down due to their weight increasing, but also boost their longevity in a fight.

I don't see it being worth 200$, he thinks the price will go up, I don't think its value is that high compared to the Red 135$ and Black 100$, we will have to wait and see what CIG does. I think 150$ is a fair price considering the other two variants, I find the Red more valuable as it has a med bed(spawn point). Overall it looks good though, I like the cockpit design being a little more open.
Given that it has both the Quantum Interdiction as well as the Prison pods & still has 12 SCU of storage, I can't imagine CIG not boosting the price to at least a range between $175 - $200 if not higher given that they almost always increase the price of ships when they go live in the PU. The Mantis is the starter QI ship in the verse, the Blue is the next step up & has more functionality, so it'll definitely go up.

I agree, I don't know where this leaves the Mantis, and I think they'll want $195 for it. Its a shame it is not a bit faster, or it would be worth adding to a vanguard fleet just for the quantum interdiction. I still wish they'd given the Cutty more gun and less missiles.
I actually think that eventually it'll be a good deal slower than the Black or Red versions if they are all having the same components due to it having some armor added to its hull to help it take down criminals.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The value is not there unless you are a massive bounty hunter. With this, you can carry 12 live bounties in stasis, plus the bodies of non-live bounties on the floor between the stasis racks.

That said, the components don't seem to be a 50 dollar value as compared to the Cutlass Black...


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I'll to be able in the future to swap the standard Cutty Black canopy for this one: man that fell like piloting the Mustang for how much visibility you have!
Oh god don't remind me. I appreciate the Black but I absolutely hate the lack of visibility.

I feel like this young lady whenever I fly one.



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I have a sinking feeling that my GF might be plotting to get me a pair of CCUs to get me into a Blue & another for the Redeemer when possible. She's got a Black herself & I suspect that she might get a CCU for that into a Blue once the majority of the bounty hunting features are in game as she's more interested in that than just hauling cargo.


May 18, 2020
RSI Handle
I've had a Blue for a long time, and I kinda feel a bit disappointed by it now. Maybe that's just my fault for hyping it up too much, but it feels like it's lost a lot of the Drake character. I love the dirty Drake aesthetic, and this just looks too polished. I guess I was just expecting more of a Bluesmobile than a Dubai Cop Cruiser.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I've had a Blue for a long time, and I kinda feel a bit disappointed by it now. Maybe that's just my fault for hyping it up too much, but it feels like it's lost a lot of the Drake character. I love the dirty Drake aesthetic, and this just looks too polished. I guess I was just expecting more of a Bluesmobile than a Dubai Cop Cruiser.
Skip a couple repairs and maintenance on it and you got your Bluesmobile 🤪
Sidenote: Hangars show damage state on most ship cause it's bugged out there it look really scruffy and beaten up ha ha..

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I have a sinking feeling that my GF might be plotting to get me a pair of CCUs to get me into a Blue & another for the Redeemer when possible. She's got a Black herself & I suspect that she might get a CCU for that into a Blue once the majority of the bounty hunting features are in game as she's more interested in that than just hauling cargo.
How much more do you make for a live capture than a simpler kill? Seems kike it would need to be a lot to justify the time and expense of live capture. I think if you're not looking to bring them back alive, the Vanguards are all better hunters, especially the Sentinel.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I really am not a fan tbh.

12 Cells is too many imo, rather have space for jump seats for a boarding party or more cargo room for spare parts/bike. No sense in having room for 12 bounties if you're going to get shot up doing so. 8 would be double the Avenger Stalker and a reasonable amount to bring to the table with a pair of Hawks for a mid-size force.

Missing the upgraded/second shield that was originally sold with, which would make the Blue much tougher and threatening mark.

Important to note the QD is inferior to the Mantis, which can yoink people out of Quantum and then hold them, whereas the Blue can just hold them.

Overall pretty disappointed. Unless things have changed the Cutlass Black/Red are still able to put in cryo-cells whenever modularity is here in 2050, and we've known that interdiction devices are supposed to be equippable on other ships as well.

For a 50% (or more) price increase I absolutely do not think this is a worthy investment.
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