Cutty Blue tour (by BoredGamer)


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
How much more do you make for a live capture than a simpler kill? Seems kike it would need to be a lot to justify the time and expense of live capture. I think if you're not looking to bring them back alive, the Vanguards are all better hunters, especially the Sentinel.
I'd say use the right tool for each job. Those jobs that you can round up a bunch of easy targets, use this. For those where claiming them post mortem is recommeded, use something more deadly.

I really am not a fan tbh.

12 Cells is too many imo, rather have space for jump seats for a boarding party or more cargo room for spare parts/bike. No sense in having room for 12 bounties if you're going to get shot up doing so. 8 would be double the Avenger Stalker and a reasonable amount to bring to the table with a pair of Hawks for a mid-size force.

Missing the upgraded/second shield that was originally sold with, which would make the Blue much tougher and threatening mark.

Important to note the QD is inferior to the Mantis, which can yoink people out of Quantum and then hold them, whereas the Blue can just hold them.

Overall pretty disappointed. Unless things have changed the Cutlass Black/Red are still able to put in cryo-cells whenever modularity is here in 2050, and we've known that interdiction devices are supposed to be equippable on other ships as well.

For a 50% (or more) price increase I absolutely do not think this is a worthy investment.
Simple solution, make friends with a local space bar owner, then have him call you 1st when a bar fight happens so that you can be 1st on the scene to round up those knocked out to collect the easy bounties on them.

12 slaves however... ;)
I'll be keeping my slaves on my BMM, but they'll prefer the term "indentured servants."


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I agree that 12 cells on a ship that small is excessive, a bounty isn't a payout until you turn them in, and flying around in combat with that many credit chits in your hold means you're nothing but a loot pinata.
The only way I could think it was viable was if it was picking up prisoners from a crewed ship. The quantum dampener kind of makes sense if there are other ships to tackle the target, it can hang back and then move in to pick up the baddies.

I suspect it's gonna be the UEE's Black Maria so having that much space to cart consignments of assholes about the place probably makes sense from a 'Verse perspective so they can do their community service doing the jobs you don't want to. Oh, Lorvilles sewage system have backed up again? No worries, we have a bunch of Pad Campers from over Olisar way who have volunteered to unblock it.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I agree that 12 cells on a ship that small is excessive, a bounty isn't a payout until you turn them in, and flying around in combat with that many credit chits in your hold means you're nothing but a loot pinata.
Unless the Blue ends up being the team bus to haul the captures after they've been captured by a team.
The only way I could think it was viable was if it was picking up prisoners from a crewed ship. The quantum dampener kind of makes sense if there are other ships to tackle the target, it can hang back and then move in to pick up the baddies.

I suspect it's gonna be the UEE's Black Maria so having that much space to cart consignments of assholes about the place probably makes sense from a 'Verse perspective so they can do their community service doing the jobs you don't want to. Oh, Lorvilles sewage system have backed up again? No worries, we have a bunch of Pad Campers from over Olisar way who have volunteered to unblock it.
Yeah, this. You said it much more eloquently than I ever could, lol.
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