I defenetly double all of that above: drop to the i7 and go for 32Gb of RAM, also if you can sqeez in a 2070 Super and a batter PSU for more overclock capability and some headroof for the powersupply (peak efficiency is normally in a 30-80% loand range).I can second (third, fourth, fifth? I dunno how many people I'm agreeing with) with the i7 and the extra RAM, and that 2070 Super is a pretty big upgrade from the 2060 for not that much money. I just built a new rig myself, Ryzen 3800X, RTX2070Super and 32gb of RAM, and it was a huge huge huge improvement over the old i7 3770K and SLI GTX980 i was running before. For what it's worth, I think the rig you're looking at will play SC as well as any other computer out there. Just don't expect a solid 60FPS at all times, since this game isn't optimized at all yet, and you'll be pleased!!
Also for cooliing I'll look for a Noctua Heatsink or a BeQuite!, not a really fan of the CoolerMaster thing and price are preatty the same if not cheeper.
For the RAM look for the g.Skill: they are not so fancy put price is generally better and performance, as long as you stick with the same specs, should be the same.