But what about Quantum fuel?
No one really knows right now.
The original concept was it [EDIT - The Starfarer] would be the only ship to be able to pull it from space in flight but since then fuel mechanics have been announced that you'll need unstable isotope called Quantanium to be able to refine it in to Q fuel inside the Starfarer, but the mechanics are not yet in the game.
As the SF was made before the fuel mechanic was forged I assume there will be another rework on its internals to create a refinery system, or at least contain a small Quantanium Ore mining station because that would be totally lame if you could not run a full setup in the top tier ship of its type.
Added with the 100i ship were more complicated scenarios for harvesting Hfuel too, with the 100i destined to have the AIR "Active Inflight Refinery" or whatever AIR stands for which can suck in different elements from gas clouds which will give you different engine effects, hydrogen will be standard but others may give you more powah or better efficiency.
The Starfarer is apparently the highest tier fuel sucker so will have a Qfuel refinery which you can feed Quantainium and gas into and it will come out as stable Qfuel. No other ships will have this function as far as we are currently aware of. It should have the full capability to refine all types of fuel gasses too.
It is unclear if the Starfarer will be able to mine other types of gas like the ones you can sell to spaceports and industry but if it can't that's another wasted opportunity.
That said, the above is all in flux. If the above turns out to be dull and no one does it, they'll have to change it or it'll be wasted effort left to NPC's to perform.