Star Citizen Xenothreat feedback vid


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
It would help if people understood that the 30k is one of the main reasons WHY we are being asked to help test this............
If it worked, it would already be LIVE.

The PVP (for this evevt) has already been addressed in the latest patches.
People forget that this is what it's all about they are not playing the game for fun they are playing the game to iron out the bugs alphas have never been fun in any game. most of the SC population has never been part of an alpha before and i think that is where alot of the hate is comming from.


Grand Admiral
Aug 26, 2018
RSI Handle
I like the content, but IMO, this is not what I would have the team working on. Trade broke, mining problematic, delivery broke, BH works...but don't spawn an Idris or the server goes to crap. Squadron 42 in who knows where...and a roadmap to a roadmap in the very recent past. Too me it smells similar to politicians...a lot of show, fanfare, and promises, with no actual results. The game performance and content has come a long way, and I understand that telling people about how you negate packet loss or server lag isn't near as sexy and enticing as footage like this, but I still think it was resources that could have been better utilized elsewhere. With that...can't wait till it hits the PU!!! 😛
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