Time to go steal the Javelin! Feb free fly event coming


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Okay so, what you posted was a bunch of sixth grade girls, posing as pre-adolescent males living in mommy' basement, giggling as they crashed 10M credit ships into a Jav for no advantage.

You pissant fuckers owe me for my time. Why did I watch children smashing ships into ships to no avail, and bragging about it afterward like shitting in the street were an accomplishment?
That's not true. Toys showed us days ago that there is indeed a way to board and take the Jav, by moving boxes.

All that aside, it is offensive to any adult to be subject to such childish bullshit. Military ops are not game exploits. You figure out how to do something within the rules of the game, or you act like a child who only cares about fucking with others.

Get your shit in gear. SC is meant for mature gameplay as is TEST. We Joke. We laugh. We have a good time, but we do not act like fucking 11 year-olds.
I think you need to stop with coffee, maybe try something else...
If the whole even was a 7yo childs play your comments are not better, may be worst, if you want a proper "military operation" STFU and organize some event to put YOUR idea onto the line and your skill into the event coordinations.
Spitting shit over others work without any improoving suggestions is a 2 yo behavior, try to recompose yourself...


Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
RSI Handle
That's not true. Toys showed us days ago that there is indeed a way to board and take the Jav, by moving boxes /.../
I've done something you haven't done before commenting our recent achievement -- I've checked what you might be talking about, before responding to your posts.

It looks that you have never hijacked any NPC Javelin in game, and you are only referring to Monty's video on Stealing Jav, showing a player jumping to the pilot seat using boxes. The problem -- your problem -- is, that video shows only the last step of 4-step procedure you have to follow to steal that ship. You have no idea that there are 3 other, equally important steps, that need to be completed before jumping to the empty seat. One of the most important steps is to push the ship out of armistice zone by ramming it with the largest ship available in game -- it is something you didn't see on YouTube video, which is your only source of information -- or at least it was until now. You're welcome.

Although I personally don't give a shit what you say, I think you owe 35 fellow Testies apology, as you called them "sixth grade girls" and "fucking 11-year old child" "who only cares about fucking with others". You've also said that we "suck like dickheads who can't focus past the limits of a newborn".

And by the way, it wasn't a military op. It was a PC gameplay.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Look, smashing ships together in a suicide run is not stealing anything, and the mess was made much worse listening to y'all giggle like little girls. That's the impression you left us with. Congrats.

FYI, suiciding in any part of a game is metagaming, and real gamers don't meta. Y'all suck, and I'm telling you that you suck so you don't have to suck in the future.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
. . .if you want a proper "military operation" STFU and organize some event to put YOUR idea onto the line. . .
This isn't about me. There are many creative leaders here at TEST. I don't have the disposable time available right now, even to hang in discord with the guys the way I want, but I expect to in the future.

In the meantime, it is only fair to tell people, when they advertise an event, and the event sucks, that the event sucks. If you can't take that kind of feedback, you can't lead.

Suicide runs are not "stealing a ship". They are metagaming. Metagaiing rightly pisses off real gamers, so you got the scolding y'all deserve.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
This isn't about me. There are many creative leaders here at TEST. I don't have the disposable time available right now, even to hang in discord with the guys the way I want, but I expect to in the future.

In the meantime, it is only fair to tell people, when they advertise an event, and the event sucks, that the event sucks. If you can't take that kind of feedback, you can't lead.

Suicide runs are not "stealing a ship". They are metagaming. Metagaiing rightly pisses off real gamers, so you got the scolding y'all deserve.
No this IS about you, and in particular your comment toward something that other player have spent time to organize and run.
You may not like it and may find it stupid, none can't say anything about that, everybody have theyr own taste, BUT insulting people becouse YOU find what they have done "suck like dickheads who can't focus past the limits of a newborn " that is NOT either tollareble, educated or even constructive.

I hardly suggest you learn to express you suggestion and idea in a better educated way becouse this is not about someone that like the event or the idea, this is about someone INSULTING other player for spending time in a game doing what THEY find interensting and worting THEYR time.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
We'll have to agree to disagree. If you want to defend that as reasonable gameplay, we obviously have a disconnect. I would just note to you, y'all are doing that INSTEAD of the advanced military ops people have been planning and playing here for years.

There are real military here at TEST. They know how real ops go, and they teach others. IMHO, that is worth a player's time. This bullshit suicide and giggling routine was not, especially since you advertised it as "stealing a ship", which had my hopes up, only to be dashed by sure signs of young adolescent morons, gather in mommy's basements to jerk off on mindless destruction.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
only to be dashed by sure signs of young adolescent morons, gather in mommy's basements to jerk off on mindless destruction
You are for sure showing great maturity in this kind of reitereted offensive accusation toward peole that you'll problably have never speak to...

I'll re-propose my suggestion: learn to express your ideas in a proper and unoffensive way.
You don't like that kind of event, ok we all get it, offending other player for doing it is NOT ok and should not be tolerated, you'll probably be better to return to Reddit or Faicebook for those behavior, this is a forum for adult people to discuss SC.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
We'll have to agree to disagree. If you want to defend that as reasonable gameplay, we obviously have a disconnect. I would just note to you, y'all are doing that INSTEAD of the advanced military ops people have been planning and playing here for years.

There are real military here at TEST. They know how real ops go, and they teach others. IMHO, that is worth a player's time. This bullshit suicide and giggling routine was not, especially since you advertised it as "stealing a ship", which had my hopes up, only to be dashed by sure signs of young adolescent morons, gather in mommy's basements to jerk off on mindless destruction.
A lot of people don't let their jobs dictate their identities. I applaud you for being military and I do not deny your right to be proud of your own personal achievements, however the question does remain:

View: https://youtu.be/xzpndHtdl9A

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I'm not military. If the children did not see fit to go back and forth time and again like this, it would have ended a day ago. So long as they continue to defend broken metagaming and childish behavior, it is fair game to point that out. I'd rather chew steel wool than come back to this time and again, but I have to own I do enjoy insulting people who've so earned it.

Look, if your playtime has no rules and you don't expect those around you to act like adults, that's up to you. Just don't whine like this when people point out you're not an adult.

This, is Walmart. Don't do that. It's childish, messy, narcissistic and destructive.

View: https://youtu.be/sFjXdJ1XEfk

Help, help, I'm being repressed!

Go find your safe space and a cuddly teddy.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
If your insulting people is a form to prove yourself "an adult" then I think you've a distored sense of reality, more over if you ennjoy insulting people to do stuff that YOU are not necessary like then you have some educational and probably mental problem.

I don't think you behave to either to this forum or ORG, not becouse of what you like or not, but for your behavoir, maybe you should look to some group like ADI: they'll very like provide the gameplay you'll like... not sure if they'll like your "adult" attitude 'tho...

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Cugi, you're gonna hurt my feelings. Help, help, I'm being repressed! I need to go find my safe space. Anyone got a SAFE SPACE for me? His language is an assault. I'm being assaulted! And Repressed. And Oppressed. People should not be allowed to hurt my feelings! Help! Help!
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Cugi, you're gonna hurt my feelings. Help, help, I'm being repressed! I need to go find my safe space. Anyone got a SAFE SPACE for me? His language is an assault. I'm being assaulted! And Repressed. And Oppressed. People should not be allowed to hurt my feelings! Help! Help!
Shadow you're acting weird af over all of this and its making me angry just reading what you're trying to say. I don't care what your point is, you're being ridiculous.

In the meantime, it is only fair to tell people, when they make comments, and the comments they make suck, that they suck. If you can't take that kind of feedback, you can't lead.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm not military. If the children did not see fit to go back and forth time and again like this, it would have ended a day ago. So long as they continue to defend broken metagaming and childish behavior, it is fair game to point that out. I'd rather chew steel wool than come back to this time and again, but I have to own I do enjoy insulting people who've so earned it.

Look, if your playtime has no rules and you don't expect those around you to act like adults, that's up to you. Just don't whine like this when people point out you're not an adult.

This, is Walmart. Don't do that. It's childish, messy, narcissistic and destructive.

View: https://youtu.be/sFjXdJ1XEfk

Help, help, I'm being repressed!

Go find your safe space and a cuddly teddy.
I believe you may find solace from re-reading the TEST manifesto. I would like to draw your attention to the "Play Styles" section. If you have any questions please make sure to highlight the relevant sections of the below:


Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Okay, Okay. I give guys. We are not free to say when something sucks. I'll be careful not to say when someone sucks, or something sucks, or that they deceived their audince with great boasts all to end up sucking terribly. I will not tell you, unless you prove you are an adult who can take it without running for mommy and your safe space, when you suck.

But FYI, my friends and I tell each other when we suck all the time. It’s just this new generation, puffed up with participation trophies and protected by bulldozer parents who don’t get the place in their lives for real feedback.

If you’re that fucking fragile that you really can’t manage being told you suck, even when you obviously suck, you need to learn a little more what life is about.

Go read Jonathan Haight on anti-fragility.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Okay, Okay. I give guys. We are not free to say when something sucks. I'll be careful not to say when someone sucks, or something sucks, or that they deceived their audince with great boasts all to end up sucking terribly. I will not tell you, unless you prove you are an adult who can take it without running for mommy and your safe space, when you suck.
You are free to say it, but you are not free to be a peen to people who are out to have a nice time.

You get your kicks from a milspec mission, good for you. Those guys get their fun from having a bit of a yomp, good for them. I get my kicks from shooting my Wowblast Sponge Dart gun at the XenoThreat Idris, good for me.

We can all play nice, we don't have to cross paths and we don't have to cross words. They haven't said your play style is invalid but you have said theirs is - but why? What's your actual beef, and please try to explain without calling anyone anything that that may take offense to.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I was perfectly clear in my very first post, the thing I objected to was being lied to. The hook was we were told someone was going to steal a Jav when all they did was ram it in a suicide mission. I’m perfectly within my grounds to be annoyed when lied to.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I was perfectly clear in my very first post, the thing I objected to was being lied to. The hook was we were told someone was going to steal a Jav when all they did was ram it in a suicide mission. I’m perfectly within my grounds to be annoyed when lied to.
You are mistaken if you believe the intention was to ram the ship in a suicide mission - but instead of saying "hey I thought this was an attempt to steal an Idris what gives" you said "you pissant fuckers owe me".

Here is an example:

I could now say:
"Do you see where we may have been confused as to your question?"
Or I could now say:
"Grow the fuck up and stop being a self entitled little bitch"

Which one of my above statements is an actual question?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Who the fuck says I need to ask a question?

Look asshole, I’ve been as nice as I need to be. I objected to shit players acting shitty and lying about it, and the entire fucking incident should have ended there. Yet even after I back down you find it necessary to be a douchbag about it. You’re really that invested in this continuing, are you? STFU.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Who the fuck says I need to ask a question?

Look asshole, I’ve been as nice as I need to be. I objected to shit players acting shitty and lying about it, and the entire fucking incident should have ended there. Yet even after I back down you find it necessary to be a douchbag about it. You’re really that invested in this continuing, are you? STFU.
My dear Shadow Reaper, what I see is a fellow human in anguish, and I am attempting to get to the root of the issue to ease your pain and bring comfort to you - this is more than just about players being puerile, isn't it?

I extend my hand in friendship in genuine attempt to understand, all you have to do is grasp it and allow yourself to be helped up instead of slapping it away. Lets talk. What's wrong?
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Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Who the fuck says I need to ask a question?

Look asshole, I’ve been as nice as I need to be. I objected to shit players acting shitty and lying about it, and the entire fucking incident should have ended there. Yet even after I back down you find it necessary to be a douchbag about it. You’re really that invested in this continuing, are you? STFU.
Hey dude, you can't go around attacking members on the forum... well anywhere for that matter 🤔 please refrain from over the top name calling and aggression, we are all friends here.
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