Some friends convinced me after mining with them on their Mole so save up for the Prospector so I busted out the ROC and saved enough to make the buy. I had enough to buy it and outfit it with a new Atlas QD, a few mining heads and modules. So I have been learning the ins and outs of Ship based mining.
To be honest, I was making more on the ROC. It feels that way anyway. I know the learning curve, and I have taken some advice on what to avoid and have been doing better. Quantainium is the money maker but the risks are higher trying to get it to the refinery. I was hitting up Argrisum, Larenite, Quantainium, and Bexalite (somewhat) and trying to avoid the inert. I blew up once, had a 30k, then griefed while landing @ MICL1 with a load of Quant. each time causing me to lose 2 loads, and worst of all the high $$$ modules. Averages out to be ROC mining may be more profitable in the long run.
Chicken days and feather days, as my step-father used to say.
To be honest, I was making more on the ROC. It feels that way anyway. I know the learning curve, and I have taken some advice on what to avoid and have been doing better. Quantainium is the money maker but the risks are higher trying to get it to the refinery. I was hitting up Argrisum, Larenite, Quantainium, and Bexalite (somewhat) and trying to avoid the inert. I blew up once, had a 30k, then griefed while landing @ MICL1 with a load of Quant. each time causing me to lose 2 loads, and worst of all the high $$$ modules. Averages out to be ROC mining may be more profitable in the long run.
Chicken days and feather days, as my step-father used to say.