Finally made enough Auec to buy a Prospector


Mar 28, 2021
RSI Handle
Some friends convinced me after mining with them on their Mole so save up for the Prospector so I busted out the ROC and saved enough to make the buy. I had enough to buy it and outfit it with a new Atlas QD, a few mining heads and modules. So I have been learning the ins and outs of Ship based mining.

To be honest, I was making more on the ROC. It feels that way anyway. I know the learning curve, and I have taken some advice on what to avoid and have been doing better. Quantainium is the money maker but the risks are higher trying to get it to the refinery. I was hitting up Argrisum, Larenite, Quantainium, and Bexalite (somewhat) and trying to avoid the inert. I blew up once, had a 30k, then griefed while landing @ MICL1 with a load of Quant. each time causing me to lose 2 loads, and worst of all the high $$$ modules. Averages out to be ROC mining may be more profitable in the long run.

Chicken days and feather days, as my step-father used to say. 😀


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Knowledge of where to mine with the ROC is far less common, due to this and CIG still trying to get the ROC DC to sell (which sales will be continue to be terrible for until they do a complete redesign of this atrocity), ROC mining has not yet been obliterated by the nerf hammer like everything else that has proven profitable and popular.


Mar 28, 2021
RSI Handle
I think that CIG needs people to test/play in areas that they are focused working/building. Due to this they push people to play parts of the game for a larger or easier return on investment so they can alalyze the data. Currently BH is all the rage, it is super easy to grind up to earn 20k per kill. Kills take seconds and little skill. What happens is now there is a universe filled with pilots with subpar dogfighting skills thinking they are Manfred von Richthofen of SC. Heck I kill the HRT bounties within seconds most times and I know I am a terrible pilot, and I am doing it in Freelancer MAX.

ROC mining isn't popular because one is exposed, the ROC is fragile/glitchy/uncontrollable when driving and has a small load capacity, plus it is a pain to have to fly to an HDMS and pick it up. Fortunately now one can return to the space station and stow the ship with the ROC secured in the cargo area so it is now easier. The ROC still requires frequent repair to prevent it exploding while driving.

Also, ROC mining there is really only 1 mineable worth hunting, Hadinite. Sure one can mine Dolivine or Amphorite, but it doesn't pay but near 1/2 of Hadinite. Dolivine is such a PITA to mine I do not even look at it. Amphorite I will pass by unless I am on a real dry stretch and just feel like filling the cargo bay up so I do not leave skunked. Since there are only a few places work hunting for Hadinite one risks getting griefed, by some bored prepubescent. Add in the risk of losing a load of Hadinite due to a 30k makes ROC mining look pretty terrible to a new player.

A new player presented with all the risks associated with ROC mining or a choice to QD to a beacon and mash the bullet button as they fly full throttle straight at a target for only a seconds worth of risk to earn 4-12k AUEC makes ROC mining pretty much a non starter.

However with all that said ROC mining is pretty easy money. There are tips to follow, places to frequents, and ways to make yourself relatively low-profile target while making 220k for an hour or less, sometimes more.

I see all too often in general chat new players asking the best way to make $$ and someone invariably states they make millions per hour doing bounties. I ask them, what ship are they flying and how long they have been running bounties. Then the claim seems to fall apart a bit. They are using a top ship, fully outfitted and have been running bounties 100% dedicated for a long time. Clearly misleading new player thinking this is the best way.

I met a new player who was asking a bunch of questions about how to get into mining. I met him @ Loreville, took him to T&S to buy his basic gear, then took him to Kudre Ore cave and taught him how to hand mine. In less than 20 minutes hand mining he made 20k on his 1st day in the game. He was excited. He now had a way to make some easy $$ with no flying skill. I was excited for him.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I think that CIG needs people to test/play in areas that they are focused working/building. Due to this they push people to play parts of the game for a larger or easier return on investment so they can alalyze the data. Currently BH is all the rage, it is super easy to grind up to earn 20k per kill. Kills take seconds and little skill. What happens is now there is a universe filled with pilots with subpar dogfighting skills thinking they are Manfred von Richthofen of SC. Heck I kill the HRT bounties within seconds most times and I know I am a terrible pilot, and I am doing it in Freelancer MAX.

ROC mining isn't popular because one is exposed, the ROC is fragile/glitchy/uncontrollable when driving and has a small load capacity, plus it is a pain to have to fly to an HDMS and pick it up. Fortunately now one can return to the space station and stow the ship with the ROC secured in the cargo area so it is now easier. The ROC still requires frequent repair to prevent it exploding while driving.

Also, ROC mining there is really only 1 mineable worth hunting, Hadinite. Sure one can mine Dolivine or Amphorite, but it doesn't pay but near 1/2 of Hadinite. Dolivine is such a PITA to mine I do not even look at it. Amphorite I will pass by unless I am on a real dry stretch and just feel like filling the cargo bay up so I do not leave skunked. Since there are only a few places work hunting for Hadinite one risks getting griefed, by some bored prepubescent. Add in the risk of losing a load of Hadinite due to a 30k makes ROC mining look pretty terrible to a new player.

A new player presented with all the risks associated with ROC mining or a choice to QD to a beacon and mash the bullet button as they fly full throttle straight at a target for only a seconds worth of risk to earn 4-12k AUEC makes ROC mining pretty much a non starter.

However with all that said ROC mining is pretty easy money. There are tips to follow, places to frequents, and ways to make yourself relatively low-profile target while making 220k for an hour or less, sometimes more.

I see all too often in general chat new players asking the best way to make $$ and someone invariably states they make millions per hour doing bounties. I ask them, what ship are they flying and how long they have been running bounties. Then the claim seems to fall apart a bit. They are using a top ship, fully outfitted and have been running bounties 100% dedicated for a long time. Clearly misleading new player thinking this is the best way.

I met a new player who was asking a bunch of questions about how to get into mining. I met him @ Loreville, took him to T&S to buy his basic gear, then took him to Kudre Ore cave and taught him how to hand mine. In less than 20 minutes hand mining he made 20k on his 1st day in the game. He was excited. He now had a way to make some easy $$ with no flying skill. I was excited for him.
Congrats on getting the prospector! Live long and prospector, or whatever that elf guy said!

As for BH, it is the only viable method for starting out on your own. It's fast and cheap. You can fully fit out an aurora in couple of hours even if you start with zero credits. There is a good reason why everybody points newbies to that. ROC mining, or even hand mining is a real bitch with all the bugs and 30k-s. I tried to hand mine countless times and it only worked one time when the mechanic was first introduced... ROC mining is pretty unpredictable as well with unbreakable rocks and mineables missing from planets...

BH as a best means to gain money will all change next minor patch when you won't be able to quantum to your target anymore... I will be doing ROC runs instead, again.

Good on you for helping out that newbie, it's great to start someone out and show em the ropes!


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
To be honest, I was making more on the ROC. It feels that way anyway. I know the learning curve, and I have taken some advice on what to avoid and have been doing better. Quantainium is the money maker but the risks are higher trying to get it to the refinery. I was hitting up Argrisum, Larenite, Quantainium, and Bexalite (somewhat) and trying to avoid the inert. I blew up once, had a 30k, then griefed while landing @ MICL1 with a load of Quant. each time causing me to lose 2 loads, and worst of all the high $$$ modules. Averages out to be ROC mining may be more profitable in the long run.
I've mined a lot with the Prospector in the past, but since the introduction of refinery the incomes feel greatly reduced, especially due to the lack of some mechanics and location: being limited to refine at only L1 location make mining planet side and travel to L1 a PITA, plus refinery cost, the lack of ability to choose to sell pure ore (you need to refine them, even if they need no rifinery), and the lack of integreation with the cargo decks to store the varius refined minable to sell them in consistent batch at more worthy location defenetly cut the fun for ship mining... at least for me.

ROC is more immadiate use and has the bonus to not force you to fly that brick of a ship that is the Prospector you can carry it around with the Cutlass or the MSR both much much more flyable ship-

Also, ROC mining there is really only 1 mineable worth hunting, Hadinite. Sure one can mine Dolivine or Amphorite, but it doesn't pay but near 1/2 of Hadinite. Dolivine is such a PITA to mine I do not even look at it. Amphorite I will pass by unless I am on a real dry stretch and just feel like filling the cargo bay up so I do not leave skunked. Since there are only a few places work hunting for Hadinite one risks getting griefed, by some bored prepubescent. Add in the risk of losing a load of Hadinite due to a 30k makes ROC mining look pretty terrible to a new player.
I disagree with that... yes Hedanite is the most valuable material, but the ability to dump the cargo into a box shouldn't keep you from also mine other items. Ok, maybe I don't raccomand to jump into a single roc of Dolevine, but if you find a good cluster of 3-4 rocks to mine, just take them: is still money and in case you end upp with a full cargo, just dump it into a box and you are good to go.

I met a new player who was asking a bunch of questions about how to get into mining. I met him @ Loreville, took him to T&S to buy his basic gear, then took him to Kudre Ore cave and taught him how to hand mine. In less than 20 minutes hand mining he made 20k on his 1st day in the game. He was excited. He now had a way to make some easy $$ with no flying skill. I was excited for him.
Yes, FPS mining is a good starting grinding activity: it doesn't require expensive tool or ship, doesn't require to be fully confident with all the ships' systems and can provide good income. I'll just wish CIg will fix that annoying bug of deleyed pick-up animation for gems...


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I've mined a lot with the Prospector in the past, but since the introduction of refinery the incomes feel greatly reduced, especially due to the lack of some mechanics and location: being limited to refine at only L1 location make mining planet side and travel to L1 a PITA, plus refinery cost, the lack of ability to choose to sell pure ore (you need to refine them, even if they need no rifinery), and the lack of integreation with the cargo decks to store the varius refined minable to sell them in consistent batch at more worthy location defenetly cut the fun for ship mining... at least for me.

ROC is more immadiate use and has the bonus to not force you to fly that brick of a ship that is the Prospector you can carry it around with the Cutlass or the MSR both much much more flyable ship-

I disagree with that... yes Hedanite is the most valuable material, but the ability to dump the cargo into a box shouldn't keep you from also mine other items. Ok, maybe I don't raccomand to jump into a single roc of Dolevine, but if you find a good cluster of 3-4 rocks to mine, just take them: is still money and in case you end upp with a full cargo, just dump it into a box and you are good to go.

Yes, FPS mining is a good starting grinding activity: it doesn't require expensive tool or ship, doesn't require to be fully confident with all the ships' systems and can provide good income. I'll just wish CIg will fix that annoying bug of deleyed pick-up animation for gems...
Yep, refining is trash (too inefficient, too much of a time and aUEC sink, and the refinery capacity for each type of refining is about one millionth of what it should be), I just sell the raw ore at the terminal to the left of the refining terminals.

I am so bad at finding rocks to hit with the ROC that I consider a 'cluster' to be two rocks within 100~200km of each other.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I think that CIG needs people to test/play in areas that they are focused working/building. Due to this they push people to play parts of the game for a larger or easier return on investment so they can alalyze the data. Currently BH is all the rage, it is super easy to grind up to earn 20k per kill. Kills take seconds and little skill. What happens is now there is a universe filled with pilots with subpar dogfighting skills thinking they are Manfred von Richthofen of SC. Heck I kill the HRT bounties within seconds most times and I know I am a terrible pilot, and I am doing it in Freelancer MAX.

ROC mining isn't popular because one is exposed, the ROC is fragile/glitchy/uncontrollable when driving and has a small load capacity, plus it is a pain to have to fly to an HDMS and pick it up. Fortunately now one can return to the space station and stow the ship with the ROC secured in the cargo area so it is now easier. The ROC still requires frequent repair to prevent it exploding while driving.

Also, ROC mining there is really only 1 mineable worth hunting, Hadinite. Sure one can mine Dolivine or Amphorite, but it doesn't pay but near 1/2 of Hadinite. Dolivine is such a PITA to mine I do not even look at it. Amphorite I will pass by unless I am on a real dry stretch and just feel like filling the cargo bay up so I do not leave skunked. Since there are only a few places work hunting for Hadinite one risks getting griefed, by some bored prepubescent. Add in the risk of losing a load of Hadinite due to a 30k makes ROC mining look pretty terrible to a new player.

A new player presented with all the risks associated with ROC mining or a choice to QD to a beacon and mash the bullet button as they fly full throttle straight at a target for only a seconds worth of risk to earn 4-12k AUEC makes ROC mining pretty much a non starter.

However with all that said ROC mining is pretty easy money. There are tips to follow, places to frequents, and ways to make yourself relatively low-profile target while making 220k for an hour or less, sometimes more.

I see all too often in general chat new players asking the best way to make $$ and someone invariably states they make millions per hour doing bounties. I ask them, what ship are they flying and how long they have been running bounties. Then the claim seems to fall apart a bit. They are using a top ship, fully outfitted and have been running bounties 100% dedicated for a long time. Clearly misleading new player thinking this is the best way.

I met a new player who was asking a bunch of questions about how to get into mining. I met him @ Loreville, took him to T&S to buy his basic gear, then took him to Kudre Ore cave and taught him how to hand mine. In less than 20 minutes hand mining he made 20k on his 1st day in the game. He was excited. He now had a way to make some easy $$ with no flying skill. I was excited for him.
My experience echo's this, except that it's been so long since I've done any hand mining I think I've forgotten how. It was so buggy that I didn't try ROC mining yet, but I have done a lot of mining with a Prospector and MOLE. I've also done a lot of trading in the MSR. BTW I make about the same money/hour doing both, but mining currently has lower risk.. well I mean 30K's don't cost me as much when mining.
Flying bounty missions used to be fun but it's been problematic for me for the last 3 years because of a disability. I can last 10 or 20 minutes before I have a headache from eyestrain - and I don't play games so that I get headaches.
Meh. Can't win.


Mar 28, 2021
RSI Handle
I agree about the refining system being another hurdle to clear with ship based mining. Also, too the need to fly it to a few places to sell. Today, I was flying 2 Prospector loads of refined Quantainium which cost roughly 10k to refine using the Ferrric method. I transport it and a load of Agrisium and Larninte I refined a few days earlier, since I wanted to replace the 150k worth of mining modules lost due to exploding rocks, 30ks, and being griefed. Right on approach to New Babbage the game is interrupted for a file push. I rez in a HAB and my ship listed as destroyed on NB with all my refined ore gone.

Now I spent hours of grinding for the ore, spending $$$ on mining equipment to mine it more efficiently, pay $$ to refine it, looking at merely breaking even, at the worst, then I end up losing it all due to a file push.

Sorry I am just a little salty after losing yet another load of mined ore due to another 30k.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle

I am so bad at finding rocks to hit with the ROC that I consider a 'cluster' to be two rocks within 100~200km of each other.
Quick tips for ROC mining:
- set the ping to 2x radius
- only scan at 100% charge
- ROC minable usually pop up at 2-3Km distance on ping and at 80-100mt the rock became scannable

Of course there are some exception: big ping contat at distance mean several small contact so they could "contain" ROC worth minable...
Oh, BTW, Daymar "north emisphere" is better for minig then the soouth one (where "north" is intended the one in the direction of OM1)
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