Remember guys, there will be warbond CCUs coming for sale again


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
FZD said:
Will there be Warbond CCUs available?
Yes. Check back each day throughout the event to see what's available. Each Warbond CCU will only be available for a 24-hour period.
So what's so great about them?
1) They MAY upgrade your insurance. This is a great way of getting an LTI for referral reward or your original pledge. If the CCU comes with an insurance upgrade, it will clearly state so. And if you already got an LTI and the CCU comes with 24 month insurance for example, then the highest insurance you have is applied, so you won't be losing LTI.
2) If you're planning on getting one of them pricier ships, chaining up Warbond CCUs will provide you with an even greater discount. Though note that these are specifically warbond CCUs, so you got to use new money. Won't help much if you wanted melt something.
For example, I had purchased Warbond LTI Hawk for $90, Upgraded to Freelancer DUR with $10 discount, then to prospector with I believe $15 discount, then to vanguard warden, then to caterpillar, and then finally to Starfarer Gemini, stacking discounts and even though Gemini was priced at $340 at that point, my final price came to $280. Sure, it's still more than the original $240 price, but at that point I was 3 years too late for that. Oh, and I got that $10 Gemini->BMM CCU sitting in my hangar incase I like how BMM looks ;)
(Not all of these were Warbond upgrades, there was some that I just needed to get from the previous warbond upgrade to the next one, but I can't remember which were which and the upgrade history doesn't say. Well, main thing is I saved $60 there, which I then promptly used to buy a whole another ship.)

You may want to sit on some upgrades and see if you can make better discount chains with IAE.
And remember to check daily, as those CCU upgrades change daily.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah not going to lie, I just spent £24 upgrading my RSI Perseus to a Polaris...

But it means TEST now has a Polaris in it's fleet o7
If I'm not mistaken the Polaris will come with a Pool Table so Thursday nights will be spent at your ship :) When they make pool tables playable. And the Polaris.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm really torn about getting this CCU, I've currently no plans for any ship in that price range or beyond, but hey, you never know, I might have some in the future if they release some awesome new capital sized industrial ship or a buildable spaceport or something. Not too interested in the massive combat ships as starters, I kinda want to work towards Kraken as a long-term objective because carriers are cool but I want that as an in-game objective.

Guess I'll skip this and hope tomorrow we'll have some cool discount in the sub-$350 range.

I was thinking with force reaction it would be fun to mess with the pool players by bumping the flight stick.
HA! "Hmm, these balls aren't really in a good position for me... *To radio* Initiate manoeuvre 'pool party'... Alright, there we go."


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Todays war bond CCU was pretty sweet, it's Vanguard Harbinger. This was particularly great for me, as it fits nicely in my Hurricane-Corsair-San'tok.yai-MercuryStarRunner-VanguardHarbinger pipe, that goes from $195 to $290 for the low low price of $25. Neat!
Let's see if the rest of the week brings more great cheapness like this, could really use a $30-$40 discounted Gemini CCU next, or maybe $15 discounted Hurricane CCU.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I am hoping for a chance at the Crucible this Invictus but its a longshot whether it will be up for ccu purchase. It should be 350, get one now before it grows and goes up to 450.
Yeah, I got CCUs from Gemini to Hull D/Endeavor/Crucible/BMM just for that reason. I mean, sure it's not certain whether it will go to $450, could be less, could be more or it could be none. BMM certainly went to $450 even AFTER it had already gone up to $350 from $250. Could be that Hull D, Endeavor or Crucible end up going to like $550, heck, even C2 Hercules that got concepted relatively recently went from $360 to $400 so I'd say it's definitely worth hoarding a few CCUs for these really old concept ships. Though I wouldn't be terribly upset if tomorrow they decided that the prices are what they are currently and nothing ever moves again. Oh, also got an extra for Mole to Gemini, incase Gemini hikes in price after refueling gets implemented, though I figure that's a bit unlikely, but I mean, that's a pivotal point in my CCU chains so better secure it.

Oh, and if you want to speculate with CCUs, I also got CCUs to all the Hull series ships except for Hull E. Kind of expecting that those got some potential, I'm interested in trading gameplay anyhow. I don't have that Hull E CCU because I'd rather have two semi-expensive ships than one real expensive one, though I must say I'm very tempted.
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