Let's focus on that Hangar for a bit there, it can fit a BANU DEFENDER inside of it. Which, I mean, of course because it's a Banu Merchantman, but the thing about Banu Defender is, it's freaking huge as far as small ships go. 33.5x13.2x4, though it folds a bit when landed. However, if the hangar is specifically designed for it, it's not like it'd be scraping the sides of the hangar while landing.
You can probably land like at least 3 Pisces (13x10.3x3.35m) inside the hangar, or maybe like Hull A 22x8x4, when it's empty but still, you'd have a good bit of flexibility there. And a smaller hauler inside of a trading vessel would provide different kind of flexibility as well. Like imagine landing on the sort of capital area of the planet where you got a good amount of population to show your bazaar to, but you kind of also want to visit bunch of these mining sites or factory areas around the planet to buy and sell some cargo. So you unpack the Hull A from the hangar and while the BMM is hosting the bazaar, the Hull A takes on a separate mission to do some smaller scale high-value trading around the planet. Then comes back with all these shiny new objects to add to the bazaar when you land at the next planet.
And that 2800 SCU cargo with the capability to land on planets (and still fits on large pads) ain't too shabby either.
This ship can Trade with a capital T.