Audio nuts, I need you brains


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
Hello Testies

I have an issue, might not be an issue who knows, hopefully, you know.

I'll start by listing my equipment and then what I want to do if it's possible.

Soundblaster ZX
GOXLR mini
Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO

Currently, I have my GOXLR USB -> PC

JDS amp -> GOXLR Headphone Jack

Beyerdynamic -> JDS AMP

What I want to do it still utilize my soundcard if it's possible, I have read many threads online and no one ever really gives an answer although many try.

Does anyone know if it's possible or would I be getting a worse audio experience by trying to use the soundcard too?

IS my current setup plugged in right?

Thanks all, I get this is a bit all over but I'm just plugging shit in and hoping it works.
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Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2018
RSI Handle
I don't know a lot, as I only slightly went down the audiophile rabbit hole. I also use a JDS amp in an Atom stack (which are a solid choice for the price point). My setup goes Headphones (I'm using the HiFiMan HE-4XX's) > Atom Amp > Atom DAC > PC via usb. So your setup seems right.

You should still be able to utilize your soundcard for anything that you have plugged into your PC (like speakers). Though I have my speakers also plugged into the Atom Amp and use the input toggle switch to go between them (or just unplug the headphones). My Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi still shows up in PC's audio choices. So let's see... OK I just tested it out and I plugged my headphones directly into the SB card and they worked when I chose the SB option from the sound panel (by clicking Windows sound icon in taskbar and changing audio option at top).

What are you trying to do with your PC's soundcard? Let me know any other specific questions and I'll see if I can help any.
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Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
What are you trying to do with your PC's soundcard? Let me know any other specific questions and I'll see if I can help any.
The sound quality direct from my sound card is superior to that of the goxlr -> jds amp, so what I wanted to do was route the sound via USB to my go xlr, then lineout to line in / mic of my soundcard to line out again to the amp.

EDIT ( it sounds bad doing it this way )

I get confused with the audio options when I have tried this myself. What I also have is a sky box on my second monitor that I have into the line in on the goxlr so I can watch stuff whilst gaming and have the sound loop through to my headphones, I haven't been able to do this when trying to use the soundcard
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Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
I fixed this issue,

I sent the headphone out the goxlr to the line in / mic in on the sound card, on the headphones out of the sound card I plugged in the rca to the JDS labs amp, I opened line in in the settings on my system and clicked listen on this device in the recording sub menu.

profit and loud


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmm I mean I am a total and utter audio nut but the fact you've got a streaming thing in there and 3 or 4 other things means my experience is probably useless as I like to keep it super simple.

In terms of audio nut best way get good quality - PC VIA USB or Optical or Coax, straight into a High Quality Headphone/DAC/amp straight into your headcans. The more things you put in between ..the harder it gets to work out what's good or bad.

Soundblasters were significantly above average quality back in 1995 but nowadays are just generic garbage.

I'm not a big headphone guy TBH but the same principles apply from the smallest in ear headphone to the biggest room sized speaker.

I can show you what I got on my PC system and my main system if your interested but in general all my systems are Source(s) into a DAC/PRE into either A) Headphone amp into headphones B) HIFI Amp into Speakers or C) Into active studio monitors. Really there should be between 2 and 4 things in your chain. Adding infinite things in between will most likely confuse matters rather than improving.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
I've 4 things total

soundblaster zx

Its noticeably louder since I've managed it this way. I only use the goxlr because I like to mute some channels when playing games, I know this can be done via voice meter and I did use it for a long time bu got pissed off with the windows update messing it up.

I'll stay at this setup with no likeliness for me to change it
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
i have a goxlr hooked up to my pc via usb. I use that as my dac, but then i use the goxlr line out to hook up to my headphone amp. So i have line out from my go xlr into my headphone amp. I also use the DT 1990 pros.

I think your best bet would just be to use your line out on your soundcard to the line in on the goxlr mini and use the software the goxlr comes with to route everything using USB.
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Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
i have a goxlr hooked up to my pc via usb. I use that as my dac, but then i use the goxlr line out to hook up to my headphone amp. So i have line out from my go xlr into my headphone amp. I also use the DT 1990 pros.

I think your best bet would just be to use your line out on your soundcard to the line in on the goxlr mini and use the software the goxlr comes with to route everything using USB.
I did try it this way however the sound was even quiter than not using the soundcard and just the goxlr


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I've been watching this thread, a lifetime ago I did a media production degree and went photography instead of audio so my expertise here is not absolute, however I looked up the impedance of your cans:

250ohms, that needs a lot of juice to get the most out of even from a dedecated amp.

I looked up the output impedence of a JDS amp and saw there were a bunch of different models so looked at a midrange and it was only 0.1...

I'll be honest I didn't know exactly what that meant. So I then looked up what impedence actually meant:

"The output impedance and the inevitable loss of power of headphone amplifiers

Because hi-fi quality is dependent on headphones with low impedances (0.1 to 3.0 ohms), the differences in the output impedance of the amplifier and headphones’ impedance can be significant. 15 dB is lost when the amplifier has 0.1 ohm and headphones have 32 ohms. With headphones of 600 ohms impedance rating, this value is almost 30 dB higher."

I can't be sure, but I think your amp isn't beefy enough for your 'phones. I'd suggest trying it with a lower impedence pair and see if it is still too quiet?

EDIT - Ignore that, i've just reread the quote and it says 0.1 and 250 should be fine.

I knew there was a reason why I was in TEST!

@Mich Angel please come put us out of our misery!
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I believe the way its going is the goxlr is the dac
I've had a little read around and apparently the GOXLR has an amp in it which should be capable of driving 'phones with an impedance of 250ohm.

Strange question here, have you tried just that on its own or just the JDS on its own to see if either of those reaches the volume you are after on their own? It might help whittle down where the issue is?

If one is louder than the other the issue might be with the setup of either of those, and if they are both still quiet it's either the Card or the 'Phones themselves? Maybe? Maybe not if the Go isn't strong enough the it would just be quiet anyway 😅
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Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
I've had a little read around and apparently the GOXLR has an amp in it which should be capable of driving 'phones with an impedance of 250ohm.

Strange question here, have you tried just that on its own or just the JDS on its own to see if either of those reaches the volume you are after on their own? It might help whittle down where the issue is?

If one is louder than the other the issue might be with the setup of either of those, and if they are both still quiet it's either the Card or the 'Phones themselves? Maybe? Maybe not if the Go isn't strong enough the it would just be quiet anyway 😅
Yeah, their "should" be enough was explained as it will power them to a safe volume.

I used the goxlr on its own for a while, it's only when I found my soundcard did I decide to see if it could be used.

Just to clarify I no longer have an issue, I've managed to utilize all 4 bits of equipment and get about the same sound now as I would with just the sound card.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah, their "should" be enough was explained as it will power them to a safe volume.

I used the goxlr on its own for a while, it's only when I found my soundcard did I decide to see if it could be used.

Just to clarify I no longer have an issue, I've managed to utilize all 4 bits of equipment and get about the same sound now as I would with just the sound card.
Very cool to hear it's sorted, next time I'll make sure to take the right options on the course I took 10 years ago :like: All i've got now is an AKG P3 mic and a Marantz 661.
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