Hi all I'm running into a bit of trouble with a new ghost and build I'm running and was hoping some members here could help. i can't seem to find where erkul.games saves load outs on pc so I'll walk you through my set up. If you go here Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet - Subliminal's Channel (subliminalschannel.tv) and click on dps loadout then swap in all attrition repeaters in place of laser cannons and change out the power plant for a js300 that is the build I'm currently running. Whats happening is the nose turret works upon take off from Cru-L1 and all other repeaters but after I QT to Crusader the nose turrets stop working. 2xS1's attrittion repeaters only leaving me the size 3 wing guns and top turret functioning. Pretty stumped on this any suggestions much appreciated. Also same result whether overclocked power supply or not and did check to make sure all weapons were on and allocated to weapon fire groups.